Narkiss, Bezalel - Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts

Titel: Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts
ISBN: 9780814805930
Taal: Engels
Uitgever: Leon Amiel
Bijzonderheden: 1969, hard cover met dust jacket, goede staat, dust jacket gebruikerssporen
Prijs: € 35,00
Verzendkosten: € 6,95 (binnen Nederland)
Meer info:
The present volume of reproductions of Hebrew illuminated manuscripts is the first of a series of publications in various spheres of Judaica which the Publishers are issuing in advance of the Encyclopaedia judaica now in preparation. This volume is both an independent contribution to Art History and an examplc of the production standards of the Encyclopaedia Judaica; illustrations will be a major feature of the Encyclopacdia, and special care is being devoted to the color plates. The book contains sixty Hebrew illuminated manuscripts in full color. Two of the world's experts on Hebrew illumination have been associated with this publication: the idea of publishing such a book was suggested by the Encyclopaedia's Editor-in-Chief, Professor Cecil Roth, who participated in the selection of the manuscripts and wrote the Foreword; the Introduction and the description of each of the manuscripts are the work of Dr. Bezalel Narkiss, Senior Lecturer in History of Medieval Art at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, and lllustrations Consultant to the Encyclopaedia Judaica. It is our pleasant duty to thank the libraries and collectors in many countries who have permitted us to reproduce the manuscripts: a full list appears on the following page. Special mention must be made of the Trustees of the British Museum, who aftorded us generous facilities, and Dr, J. Rosenwasser, of the Department of Oriental Printed Books and Manuscripts, for his guidance. Dr. Luisella Mortara Ottolenghi of Milan helped us with her special competence. Generous assistance was given by: Dr. Manuel dos Santos Estevaes and Miss Isabel Cepeda, Portugal, and by M. Bernard Blumenkranz in Paris; Mrs. T. and Dr. M. Metzger ofStrasbourg for measurements and folio number of plate 6; the Institute of Paleography who permitted us to consult some of the dated manuscripts which they have described. Miss Avalon Krukin deserves special
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Narkiss, Bezalel - Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts

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