Haywire, James - Guitar Scales for Beginners Discover How to Cr

Titel: Guitar Scales for Beginners Discover How to Create Your Own Music Even If You've Got No Idea What a Scale Is, Including 50 Tips and Tricks to Help You Finally Make Sense of Scales
ISBN: 9781914108013
Taal: Engels
Uitgever: Donna Lloyd
Bijzonderheden: 2020 70pp Gebonden
Prijs: € 36,05
Verzendkosten: Gratis (binnen Nederland)
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Introducing How You Can Master Your Very First Guitar Scale and Maximize Your Potential as a Guitarist (While Having Lots of Fun)Quite frankly, Scales are the single most quoted technique of ANY successful musician out there, yet so many of us struggle to understand them!We all remember the frustration when we first tried to learn them, ending up getting stuck and just spinning our wheels until we just give up.Without an easy to follow step by step guide to learning Scales it can become the most frustrating thing in the world, learning it alone can make us want to tear our hair out to say the least! That's why we decided to write this book, so people don't get as stuck as we did! We have made this book so you can easily follow it in a step by step manner to help you finally be able to create music and solo your way to complete bliss! And, with the right guidance and system ANYONE can learn scales and maximize their potential! By actually learning Scales, you'll finally be able to take your playing ability to the next level and actually reach your potential as a guitarist...how amazing will that be!With tricks and tools that you can utilize to actually make sense of Scales, you'll have an easy method you can access to finally create the music you desire!And, if that isn't enough reason to purchase this book, then here's a little slither of what else you'll find inside....- An Exact Method to Mastering your Very First Scale and How to Use The Same Formula to Master ALL Scales Going Forward!- How to Create Your Very Own Fretboard Map and Use This to Help You Create Awesome Music!- Essential (and Easy to Read) Theory of Scales and How they Work and Are Formed- 11+ Exercises to Get You Playing (and Having Fun) Immediately- Example Audio Tracks and Backing Track Ideas to Get You In The Zone in No Time!- How to Develop Good Practice Habits That'll Supercharge Your Learning Ability- How to Apply Scales to Actually Improve Your Own Playing Ability ASAP- The 1 Technique You Simply MUST Know!
And that is barely even scratching the surface!Even if you've NEVER understood scales before, even if you've never picked up a guitar before and even if you've never been able to write your own music, this book gives you an easy method to FINALLY learn Guitar Scales and reach your potential as a Guitarist. So, If You Want to Master Learning Scales While Actually Having Fun In The Process Then Scroll up and Click Add to Cart.

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Haywire, James - Guitar Scales for Beginners Discover How to Create Your Own Music Even If You've Got No Idea What a Scale Is, Including 50 Tips and Tricks to Help You Finally Make Sense of Scales

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