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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Northward over the "Great Ice" Peary, Robert E. Northward over the "Great Ice" (meer info) Frederick A. Stokes, New York 1898, first edition, 2 volumes 8vo, original publisher's full blue cloth stamped in silver and gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut. ... € 390.00
Nota betreffende het landsc... Velde, C. van de Nota betreffende het landschap Loeboeq Ramo [West-Sumatra] Leiden, E. J. Brill 1906 Folding map, 7 pages text. Extracted from “Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijksku... € 20.00
Nouveau dictionnaire géogra... Vosgien Nouveau dictionnaire géographique ou Description de toutes les parties du monde Paris/Bruxelles 1828 8to 22x14 cm, full calf worn and bumped. 694 pages with maps on thick paper: 1 small map, 6 folding ... € 90.00
Nouvel atlas illustré Martineau, M.A. Nouvel atlas illustré (meer info) Paris, Direction et administration 1891 About 150 pages of text, 62 double page maps, each with a beautiful steel engraving of a city-view e... € 390.00
Nouvel atlas portatif desti... Vaugondy, Robert de Nouvel atlas portatif destiné principalement pour l'instruction de la jeunesse, et precedé d'un discours sur l'etude de la geographie (meer info) Paris, 1762, first edition 4to 29x25 cm, quarter calf with mediaeval manuscript vellum over boards. Vellum with loss, expertly ... € 3950.00
Nouvelle Geographie Univers... Reclus, Elysee Nouvelle Geographie Universelle : L'Europe du Nord-Ouest (meer info) Paris, Hachette, 1879 4to 27x20 cm, rich decorated boards with gilt edges signed Magnier. This volume includes Belgium, Ne... € 90.00
Nouvelle Zemble (Behouden H... Mallet, Manesson Nouvelle Zemble (Behouden Huys!) 1683 map on sheet 21x13 cm. No fold, uncoloured, verso blank. € 100.00
Novissima Comitatus Zutphan... Visscher, N Novissima Comitatus Zutphaniae totiusque fluminis Isulae descriptio (meer info) Map 52x62 cm, ~1700 by P. Schenk jr. Center fold as issued, old outline colouring, recent frame. € 480.00
Novissima et accuratissima ... Wit, Frederick de Novissima et accuratissima XVII Provinciarum (meer info) Map 50x56 cm, 1680, center fold (misfolding) as issued, old colouring, unobtrusive blind stamp in pl... € 690.00
Nuova carta della contea di... Tirion, Isaak Nuova carta della contea di Olanda Published in "Storia Moderna, ovvero Lo Stato presente di tutti i Popoli del Mondo". Giambatasta Albrizzi. Venezia 1742, based on a map by De l’Isle. (Blonk nr. 85). Map 26x32 cm in frame 37x47 cm, folds as issued, old hand colouring. € 190.00
Nuova carta della contea di... Tirion, Isaak Nuova carta della contea di Olanda Published in "Storia Moderna, ovvero Lo Stato presente di tutti i Popoli del Mondo". Giambatasta Albrizzi. Venezia 1742, based on a map by De l’Isle. (Blonk nr. 85). Map 27x32 cm on sheet 38x49,5 cm. Center fold, uncoloured, verso blank. € 140.00
Nyassa; A Journal of Advent... Young, E. D. Nyassa; A Journal of Adventures (meer info) London, John Murray, 1877 first edition 8vo, with dark green cloth paneled in black to the front board. [xii] + 239 pages, with 32 pages of ... € 430.00
Oblomow. Russische roman Gontscharow, J. A. Oblomow. Russische roman (meer info) Amsterdam, A. Rössing 1887 first Dutch edition 8vo, 2 volumes in 1, contemporary half morocco, traces of use. 348; second title, 224 pages. Very go... € 260.00
Oceanie Meissas, Achile / Michelot, Auguste Oceanie From the Atlas universel de géographie moderne. Paris, Hachette, map dated 1840 in cartouche Large steel engraved map ~32x45 cm on sheet 41x55 cm. Center fold as issued, original outline hand c... € 90.00
On the Threshold of Central... Coillard, Francois On the Threshold of Central Africa. A Record of Twenty Years Pioneering Among the Barotsi of the upper Zambesi (meer info) London, Hodder and Stoughton 1897 first edition 8vo, pictorial cloth. xxxiv, 663 pages, ads. with 44 illustrations, including frontispiece portrait ... € 190.00
On the Threshold of Central... Coillard, Francois On the Threshold of Central Africa. A Record of Twenty Years Pioneering Among the Barotsi of the upper Zambesi (meer info) London, Hodder and Stoughton 1897 first edition 8vo, pictorial cloth, used. xxxiv, 663 pages, ads. with 44 illustrations (1 in photocopy), including... € 30.00
Onderzoek naar de oudste ka... Wieder, Dr. F. C. Onderzoek naar de oudste kaarten van de omgeving van New York Leiden, KNAG E. J. Brill 1918 Folding map (Castiglioni), sketch maps and 26 pages text. Extracted from “Tijdschrift van het Koni... € 20.00
Onderzoek van Centraal-Celebes Abendanon, E.C. Onderzoek van Centraal-Celebes (meer info) Leiden, KNAG E.J. Brill 1909-1910-1911 8vo, modern dark blue wrappers. Complete with 159 pages, 5 folding maps, illustrations etc. + 3 rela... € 160.00
Ongelukkige scheeps-togt va... Brooks, Francis Ongelukkige scheeps-togt van Françoys Brooks, na Barbaryen, gedaan in’t jaar 1681 … (meer info) Leyden, Pieter van der Aa 1708 8vo, handmade marbled wrappers. 61 pages plus index, lacks folding map (Barbaryen tot de ongelukkige... € 90.00
Ontdekkingsreizen in de bin... Livingstone, David Ontdekkingsreizen in de binnenlanden van Afrika (meer info) Rotterdam Bolle [1861] first Dutch edition. 8vo, original wrappers. viii, 386 pages with many wood engravings. Title page and back cover damaged... € 350.00
Ontmoetingen in het Himmala... Kessel, O. van Ontmoetingen in het Himmalaya-gebergte en andere reis- en jagtavonturen voor de jeugd (meer info) Leiden , D. Noothoven van Goor [1863] 8vo, original gilt decorated cloth, 18,5 x 12,5 cm. 112 unnumbered pages with 14 handcoloured lithog... € 130.00
Onze gevangenschap in Abess... Blanc, Henry Onze gevangenschap in Abessinië: met eene schets van koning Theodorus, zijn land en zijn volk (meer info) Van Hoogstraten Gorter, Zwolle 1869 first Dutch edition 8vo, 14x22cm, half cloth with lithographed front cover. Spine with repairs, cover rubbed. Rare. € 140.00
Oorlog en vrede Tolstoï, Graaf Leo (Tolstoj) Oorlog en vrede (meer info) Arnhem, P. Gouda Quint 1887 first Dutch edition 3 volumes 8vo, contemporary half morocco. 403; 341; 358 pages. Very good. Scarce. € 350.00
Oost-Indise voyagien van Jo... Mildenhall, John / Cartwright, John Oost-Indise voyagien van Johan Mildenhal en Johan Cartwright; onder veel avontuuren en opmerkelijke waarnemingen, (in de jaren 1599 en 1606) te water en te lande, gedaan na de landen van Persien en den grooten Mogol (meer info) Leyden, Pieter van der Aa 1706 8vo, handmade marbled wrappers. 54 pages plus index, 1 folding map (De zee en landreyse van loh. Mil... € 330.00
Opmerkelyke reystogten van ... Sherley, Antony Opmerkelyke reystogten van den heer Antony Sherley gedaan in den jare 1599. na Persien; en vandaar als Gesant aan de Kristen Vorsten afgesonden (meer info) Leyden, Pieter van der Aa 1706 8vo, handmade marbled wrappers. 41 pages plus index, 1 folding map (Reys-Togt van A. Sherley te Land... € 330.00
Over wierden en dijken. Sch... Rietema, S. P. Over wierden en dijken. Schets eener geschiedenis van de Noordzeekust tusschen Lauwers en Eems Leiden, KNAG E. J. Brill 1914 8vo, bound in modern dark red wrappers. Complete with 50 pages, large coloured folding map, 4 photos... € 25.00
Overzichtskaart van den ind... Overzichtskaart van den indischen archipel De staatkundige indeeling van Nederlandsch-Indië Leiden, KNAG E.J. Brill 1909 Very large coloured folding map 104x32 cm. Extracted from “Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlan... € 40.00
Overzichtskaart van een dee... Redactie KNAG Overzichtskaart van een deel van het rivieren-gebied van Zuid Nieuw-Guinea Leiden, KNAG E.J. Brill 1913 Large folding map 42x52 cm. Extracted from “Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijksk... € 25.00
Overzichtskaart van het ter... Nouhuys, J.W. van Overzichtskaart van het terrein der expedities naar Centraal Nieuw Guinea 1907 en 1909 o.l.v. mr. H.A. Lorentz. Opgenomen en in kaart gebracht door J.W. van Nouhuys Leiden, KNAG E.J. Brill 1910 Large coloured folding map 49x62 cm. Extracted from “Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch A... € 30.00
Pars II Fresiae Haereditari... Alting, Menso Pars II Fresiae Haereditariae a Mosa in Kinnemum....Hollandia.. ingelijste landkaart42x32 cm, ~1725. Nice newly framed map of Holland in ancient times, beautifully ... € 230.00
Persiaensche Reyse Uyt Hols... Olearius, A. Persiaensche Reyse Uyt Holsteyn, door Lijflandt, Moscovien, Tartarien in Persien (meer info) Amsterdam, by Joost Hartgers, 1651. Bound with: Laet, J. De Voyagien naa en door het Groot en Magtige Koninkrijk van Persia Amsterdam... € 1650.00
Personal Narrative of a Pil... Burton, Sir Richard Francis Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El Medinah and Meccah (meer info) London Longman 1857, second edition 2 volumes 8vo, 2 chromo-lithographed frontispiece, 11 tinted or choromolithographed plates. 3 folding maps. ha... € 1250.00
Philips’ County Atlas of En... Philip, George Philips’ County Atlas of England and Wales London, George Philip [1890] 8vo, soft covers, coloured maps. Good. € 80.00
Philips' Handy General Atla... Philips' Handy General Atlas of the World (meer info) London, George Philip and Son 1879 Large 4to 34x24 cm, rebound using the original embossed boards. With 39 maps (most of which are doub... € 290.00
Trollope, Anthony - Phineas Finn Trollope, Anthony Phineas Finn (meer info) Arnhem, Nijhoff en zoon 1870 first Dutch edition 3 volumes 8vo, plain marbled boards with wear, later labels. [iv], 352; [ii], 355; [ii], 351 pages. Good copy ... € 140.00
Pitcairn's island and the i... Brodie, Walter Pitcairn's island and the islanders in 1850 (meer info) Whittaker co, London, second edition 1851 Very scarce book about the mutineers of the Bounty and their life on Pitcairn's Island. € 490.00
Plan de la Baie de Ternai  ... La Perouse, Jean François de Galaup Plan de la Baie de Ternai “Située sur la Cote de Tartarie par 45°13'00" de Latitude Nord et par 135°09'00" de Longitude Orientale. Cette Baie fut decouverte le 22. Juin 1787, par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe.” From the Atlas Du Voyage De La Pérouse nr. 69. Paris, L'Imprimerie de la Republique 1797 Map on thick paper ~49x33 cm on sheet ~56x41 cm. No fold as issued, uncoloured, verso blank. € 90.00
Plan de la Baie d'Estaing  ... La Perouse, Jean François de Galaup Plan de la Baie d'Estaing “Situee a la cote de l'ouest de Tchoka par 48°59'38" de Latitude Nord, et par 14°00'42" de Longitude Orientale, Prise du Mouillage de l'Astrolabe. Cette Baie fut decouverte le 20 juillet 1787 par les Fregates Francaises From the Atlas Du Voyage De La Pérouse nr. 69. Paris, L'Imprimerie de la Republique 1797 Map on thick paper ~49x33 cm on sheet ~56x41 cm. No fold as issued, uncoloured, verso blank. € 90.00
Plan des Iles Kuriles et de... La Perouse, Jean François de Galaup Plan des Iles Kuriles et des terres peu connues situees a la suite de ces Iles d'apres au manuscrit conserve dans les Archives d'Ochotsk qui a ete communique a M. Lesseps, en 1788 From the Atlas Du Voyage De La Pérouse nr. 69. Paris, L'Imprimerie de la Republique 1797 Map on thick paper, ~70x50 cm on sheet ~78x55 cm. Folds as issued, old colouring, verso blank. (Wate... € 140.00
Plan du Port Clermont-Tonne... Bougainville, Hyacinthe-Yves-Philippe-Potentien, baron de Plan du Port Clermont-Tonnerre Située à la partie Nord-Est des Iles Anambas Levé en 1825 (meer info) Paris 1837 Map no. 49, thick paper ~51x45 cm on sheet ~65x52 cm. Center fold as issued, uncoloured, verso blank... € 80.00
Plan of a bay and harbour o... Anson, George Plan of a bay and harbour on the coast of Chili (meer info) London, Printed for the Author By John and Paul Knapton 1748 first edition Engraving from "A Voyage round the World in the years MDCCXL, I, II, III, IV" € 50.00
Plan of St. Julian's harbou... Anson, George Plan of St. Julian's harbour on the coast of Patagonia (meer info) London, Printed for the Author By John and Paul Knapton 1748 first edition Engraving from "A Voyage round the World in the years MDCCXL, I, II, III, IV" € 70.00
Platte grond van Palembang Clerq, F. S. A. de Platte grond van Palembang Amsterdam, KNAG Stemler 1877 Folding coloured map. Extracted from “Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap”. € 20.00
Polynesian Researches, duri... Ellis, William Polynesian Researches, during a Residence of Nearly Six Years in the South Sea Islands (meer info) London, Fisher, Son Jackson, 1829 first edition 8vo, original cloth rebacked, rubbed. xvi, 536; viii, 576 pages. Engraved frontispieces, 2 maps (1 f... € 470.00
Poulaho, koning der Vriende... Cook, James Poulaho, koning der Vrienden Eilanden / Eene vrouw van Eaoo / Vrouw van het eiland Tanna (meer info) Leyden, Amsterdam 's Haage, Honkoop, Allart Van Cleef 1795-1809 3 engravings on sheet 23x15 cm. No folds, uncoloured, verso blank. € 120.00
Proeve over de kust van Guinea Fennekol, F.W. Proeve over de kust van Guinea (meer info) 's Gravenhage, J. Immerzeel, 1831 first edition 8vo, original boards with wear, 154 (2) pages, partly unopened. € 250.00
Punishment excercise Veer, Gerrit de Punishment excercise (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 100.00
Purchas his Pilgrimage. Or ... Purchas, Samuel Purchas his Pilgrimage. Or Relations Of The World And The Religions (meer info) London, William Stansby for Henry Fetherstone, 1614 second edition 4to, modern cloth gilt. Missing the title-page only. Text starts at the dedication, then To The Read... € 850.00
Quae ratio conditiove portu... Bry, J. Th. de Quae ratio conditiove portuum et navium stationis as civitatem Bantam insulasque (meer info) ~1600 de Bry Copper engraving ~1600, ~13,5x17,5 cm on sheet 31x19,5 cm. Very good. No fold as issued, uncoloured.... € 190.00
Queen Charlotte’s Islands Cook, Captain James Queen Charlotte’s Islands (meer info) Published in Anderson “A New, Authentic, and Complete Collection of Voyages around the World”, London, Alexander Hogg [1784-86]. Map ~22x34 cm on sheet ~24x39 cm. No fold, later colouring, verso blank. € 90.00

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