Travel travelling British, English colonies, colonial

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In Furthest Ind: The narrat... CARLYON, EDWARD (GRIER, SYDNEY C., ed.), In Furthest Ind: The narrative of Mr Edward Carlyon of the Honourable East India Company's service. (meer info) Edinburgh, William Blackwood, 1894. (1st ed.). X+365+(2) pp. € 45.00 Charbo
Journal of an embassy from ... CRAWFURD, JOHN, Journal of an embassy from the governor general of India to the court of Ava. With an appendix, containing a description of fossil remains, by Professor Buckland and Mr. Clift. (2 vol. set). (meer info) Ldn., R. Bentley (et al), for Henry Colburn, 1834. 2nd ed. 2 vols. X+541;VIII+319+163 pp. With large fold. map, fold. plan & 7 plates (incl. 4 fold.), ... € 975.00 Charbo

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