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Amsterdamsche Courant, 8 se... AMSTERDAMSCHE COURANT Amsterdamsche Courant, 8 september 1848 (Derde Uitgifte). (meer info) € 25.00 Fokas Holthuis
An Account of the Construct... Stevens, John. R. An Account of the Construction, and Embellishment of Old Time Ships 1949 Totonto. number 180 of 500 copies. Rare book, 176 pages + plates € 250.00
€ 3,95
Nautiek.nl button
An English-Latin Gradus or ... AINGER, A.C., and H.G. WINTLE, (eds.), An English-Latin Gradus or Verse Dictionary. (meer info) John Murray, London, 1930 12th impr. VI,442p. Cloth. Cover and boards on the edges seriously scratched. Binding tight. Two sig... € 75.00
€ 4,50
Eaton, Pam - An Extraordinary Few Eaton, Pam An Extraordinary Few (meer info) Cooper Ave Press 2017 242pp Paperback / softback € 20.80
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An illustrated catalogue of... An illustrated catalogue of old and rare books for sale with prices affixed. Pickering Catto, London. 1902. Gebonden. Oplage van 2000 exemplaren. 434 pagina's. Rijk geillustreerd. Goed exemplaar. € 47.50 Pharos
An Illustrated Catalogue of... CHATTO CATALOGUE 1902 -/PICKERING An Illustrated Catalogue of Old and Rare Books for sale with prices affixed. London, Pickering & Chatto. 1902 Original publisher's dark-blue cloth hardback, title on paper labl spine, large 4to: coloured fronti... € 25.00
€ 3,50
Antiquariaat Schot button
AN ISRAEL HAGGADAH. For Pas... Meyer Levin (adapted by) AN ISRAEL HAGGADAH. For Passover (meer info) Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Publishers New York (1977 ??) Softcover, paperback. Ingenaaid/ sewed. Omslag met royaal overslaande flappen. Text with photo's (in... € 89.95 jsgoodbook
Anatomy of a Scandal Sarah Vaughan Anatomy of a Scandal (meer info) Simon & Schuster Ltd Conditie: Goed € 12.00
€ 2,95
Boekenbalie button
Anecdotes des Républiques a... (VINCENT. ANECDOTES). LA CROIX de CASTRIES, Jean François de Anecdotes des Républiques auxquelles on a joint la Savoie, la Hongrie, et la Bohême. Première partie, comprenant Gènes & la Corse, Venise & Malthe, & la Suisse. - Seconde partie, comprenant la Flandre & la Hollande, la Savoye, la Hongrie & la ... (meer info) € 200.00 Fokas Holthuis
Anecdotes espagnoles et por... (VINCENT. ANECDOTES). BERTOUX, Guillaume Anecdotes espagnoles et portugaises, depuis l'origine de la nation jusqu'à nos jours. Tome I. Espagne jusqu'à 1493. (meer info) € 80.00 Fokas Holthuis
Anecdotes germaniques, depu... (VINCENT. ANECDOTES). CONTANT D'ORVILLE, André Guillaume Anecdotes germaniques, depuis l'an de la fondation de Rome 648, et avant l'ère Chrétienne 106, jusqu'à nos jours. (meer info) € 100.00 Fokas Holthuis
Anecdotes Italiennes depuis... (VINCENT. ANECDOTES). LA CROIX de CASTRIES, Jean François de Anecdotes Italiennes depuis la destruction de l'Empire Romain en Occident jusqu'à nos jours (= Odoacer - François Sforza, 476-1535). (meer info) € 100.00 Fokas Holthuis
Anecdotes orientales. Tome ... (VINCENT. ANECDOTES). LA CROIX, Jean-François de Anecdotes orientales. Tome II. Rois de Perse, Moguls & Sultans Turcs de la famille Ottomane. (meer info) € 150.00 Fokas Holthuis
Annales Hollandiae Zelandia... VOSSIUS, Matthaeus Annales Hollandiae Zelandiaeque. In quibus sexcentorum fere annorum res gestae continentur, a Theoderico Primo usque ad translatum a` Jacoba in Philippum imperium. (meer info) € 295.00 Fokas Holthuis
Annales Noviomagi, Oppidi o... BETOUW,J. IN DE. Annales Noviomagi, Oppidi olim Batavorum, hodie primariae Gelrorum Civitatis. (meer info) Nijmegen (Noviomagi), (Ex typographia Ahasuëri van Goor filiique), 1790. € 60.00 Fragmenta Selecta
Antiquae Historiae ex XXVII... GOTHOFREDUS, D. Antiquae Historiae ex XXVII. authoribus contextae, libri VI, Totidem solennes temporum epochas continentes. Dionysii Gothofredi JC. opera. Cum indice accuratiss. (Bound with the second part, which is called:) Historiae Antiquae pars altera De ... (meer info) Strasbourg, (Argentorati), Impensis Lazari Zetzneri, 1604. € 280.00 Fragmenta Selecta
Antique print, engraving | ... Andries Jacobsz. Stock (1562/92-after 1648) after Jan Wildens (1584/86-1653) engraved with Hendrick Hondius (1573-ca. 1649) and Jacob Matham (1571-1631) Antique print, engraving | Allegory of the month of June (Allegorie van de maand Juni), published 1614, 1 p. (meer info) Allegory of the month of June. Beautiful landscape with farmers shaving their flock of sheep. Two sh... € 1512.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Antique print, engraving | ... Anonymous 16th century German artist Antique print, engraving | DIE HOFFART (Superbia)/Hooghartigheid, published 1547, 1 p. (meer info) Allegory or personification of Superbia: a half-naked woman with many necklaces and with wings made ... € 363.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Antique print, engraving | ... Jacob Matham (1571-1631), after Taddeo Zuccaro (1529-1566) Antique print, engraving | The adoration of the shepherds (Zuccaro), published ca. 1600, 1 p. (meer info) Monumental composition with the Holy Family in the center, surrounded by shepherds in adoration of t... € 1452.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Antique print, engraving | ... Jacob Matham (1571-1631), after Taddeo Zuccaro (1529-1566), published by Robert de Baudous (1574/5-1659) Antique print, engraving | The Last Supper (het laatste avondmaal), published 1616, 1 p. (meer info) The Last Supper; Christ, sits at a long table with his apostles; a series of steps lead up to the ta... € 484.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Antique print, engraving | ... Cornelis Cort (1533-1578), after Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), published by Giovanni Orlandi (fl.1590-1640). Antique print, engraving | The Pentecost / Pinksteren, published 1574 or 1602, 1 p. (meer info) Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4); above the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove appears through a gap in clouds ... € 544.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Antique print, engraving | ... Hendrick Goltzius (1558-1617), after Dirck Barendsz. (1534-1592) Antique print, engraving | The Venetian marriage (left part) [De Venetiaanse bruiloft], published 1584, 1 p. (meer info) Left plate of a two plates print representing a emVenetian Wedding/em. For a view of the complete co... € 484.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, engraving] ... Hendrick Goltzius (1558-1617) [Antique print, engraving] Holy Family with St. John (Life of the Virgin; set), published 1593, 1 p. (meer info) Sixth plate from the series: The Life of the Virgin.The Holy Family (Joseph, standing in the back, M... € 1089.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Antique print, etching | An... Jan Miele (1599-1664) Antique print, etching | An old woman combing the hair of a girl. (Bamboccianti)/Oude vrouw die haar kamt/luizen zoekt, published ca. 1650, 1 p. (meer info) An old woman combing the hair of a girl.Many elements suggest that the print was executed in Italy: ... € 1452.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Antique print, etching | Th... Ferdinand Bol (1616-1680) Antique print, etching | The family in the room, published 1645, 1 p. (meer info) Interior with man and a woman breastfeeding her child. Very dark room with large window on the right... € 4840.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, etching, 16... Romeyn de Hooghe (1645-1708) [Antique print, etching, 1691/92] Emblems decorating a triumphal arch for the entrance of William III in The Hague, published 1691 or 1692, 1 p. (meer info) Four lines of allegories, statues, emblems, and paintings in grisailles that decorated the triumphal... € 181.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique title page, c. 163... Anonymous, after Jacques Callot (1592-1635) [Antique title page, c. 1633] 'De Droeve Ellendigheden van den Oorloogh'; The Miseries and Misfortunes of War, published ca. 1633, 1 p. (meer info) Copy of the frontispiece to the set of 18 plates by Callot representing the sufferings and the misfo... € 363.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Antvvoorde op dry vragen/ d... [TRIGLAND, Jacobus] Antvvoorde op dry vragen/ dienende tot advijs inde huydendaegsche kerckelijcke swarigheden. (...). De twede [verbeterde] Editie. (meer info) € 80.00 Fokas Holthuis
Aphorismi confessariorum ex... SA, MANUEL DE. Aphorismi confessariorum ex doctorum sententiis collecti, auctore Emanuele Sa Lusitano, doctore Theologo Societatis Iesu. Nunc accurate expurgati a Reverendiss,. P.M. Sacri Palatii Apost. Indicatis Doct. locis, annotationibusque per Andream Vi... (meer info) Köln (Coloniae), Apud Ioannem Crithium, Sub signo Galli, 1612. € 250.00 Fragmenta Selecta
Apicii Coelii De opsoniis e... APICIUS. Apicii Coelii De opsoniis et condimentis, sive Arte Coquinaria, libri decem. Cum annotationibus Martini Lister, è medicis domesticis Serenissimae Majestatis Reginae Annae, et notis selectioribus, variisque lectionibus integris, Humelbergii, Ba... (meer info) Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1709. € 725.00 Fragmenta Selecta
Apollodori Atheniensis Bibl... APOLLODORUS ATHENIENSIS. Apollodori Atheniensis Bibliothecae libri tres, et fragmenta. Curis secundis illustravit Chr.G. Heyne. (Bound with:) Ad Apollodori Bibliothecam observationes auctore Chr.G. Heyne. (meer info) Göttingen, typis Henrici Dieterich, 1803. € 110.00 Fragmenta Selecta
Apollonii Rhodii Argonautic... APOLLONIUS RHODIUS. Apollonii Rhodii Argonauticorum libri quatuor. Edidit, nova fere interpretatione illustravit, priorum editorum notas praecipuas selegit, Sanctamandi nunquam prius editis nonnullas suas adjecit, necnon indices tres addidit, Joannes Shaw, A.M. C... (meer info) Oxford (Oxonii), E Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1777. € 380.00 Fragmenta Selecta
Apollo's kermis-gift. Aan d... POPULAIRE LECTUUR Apollo's kermis-gift. Aan de Haagsche vermaaks-gesinde jeucht. (Deel 1). (meer info) € 60.00 Fokas Holthuis
Apologie pour Hérodote, ou ... ESTIENNE,H. Apologie pour Hérodote, ou traité de la conformité des merveilles anciennes avec les modernes par Henri Estienne. Nouvelle Édition, faite sur la première, augmentée de tout ce que les posterieures ont de curieux, et de remarques par Mr. Le ... (meer info) The Hague (à La Haye), Chez Henri Scheurleer, 1735. € 950.00 Fragmenta Selecta
Apophthegmatum, sive scite ... Erasmus, Desiderius (1466? - 1536). Apophthegmatum, sive scite dictorum libri Sex, ex optimis quibusque utriusque linguae autoribus Plutarcho praesertim excerptorum cum breui commodaque, explicatione, quae tum lucem addit obscuris, tum dicti sensum argutiamque, nonnunquem & usum... (meer info) Antwerp, Apud Michaelem Hillenium [Hillenius] in rapo, 1531 ("Men. Aug.")), (16),616,16 (of 32) pag.... € 1375.00
€ 5,50
Fahrenheit 451
Appendix, ofte naerder kort... ARDES, Pieter/ Diderick van HOOGENDORP Appendix, ofte naerder kort berigt. Om dan den verstandigen leser door een Naerder Kort Berigt te vertoonen, het calumnieus en valsch voorgheven van den Rentmeester Diderick van Hoogendorp, en de verdre Domestijcken van Zijn Hoogheyt, soo by m... (meer info) € 65.00 Fokas Holthuis
Appianus Alexandrinus De be... APPIANUS. Appianus Alexandrinus De bellis civilibus Romanorum. Cum libro perquam eleganti, qui Illyrius, et altero qui Celticus inscribitur. (Translated from the Greek into Latin by Petrus Candidus) (meer info) (Venice), n.d. (Colophon at the end: Venetiis opera magistri Bernardini de Vitalibus, 1526, die quarto mensis Madii) € 625.00 Fragmenta Selecta
Aquaman and the Rapunzel Plot Sutton, Laurie S. Aquaman and the Rapunzel Plot (meer info) Capstone Global Library Ltd 2022 72pp Paperback / softback € 12.35
€ 1,75
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Archaeologiae Atticae libri... ROUS,F. Archaeologiae Atticae libri septem, dat is: Seve boeken van de oudheden van Attika, zijnde een beschrijving van des Stadts heerlijkheyt, stijl van regeering, verdeeling van volk, en van steden, vlekken, en plaatsen, die op den Atheenschen bode... (meer info) Amsterdam, By Hendrik en de weduwe van Dirk Boom, 1688. € 525.00 Fragmenta Selecta
Archaeology through cartoons. DONBAZ, V., Archaeology through cartoons. (meer info) Comertis Matbaacilik Tesisleri, n.p (Istanbul?), n.d.(ca. 1971). 88p. ills.(B&W line drawings and photographs). Card board. Some stains ... € 20.00
€ 4,50
Crary, Justin Hart - Archangel Crary, Justin Hart Archangel (meer info) Lionhart Publications 2022 448pp Gebonden € 43.45
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Arische Urzeit. Forschungen... Brunnhofer, Hermann Arische Urzeit. Forschungen auf dem Gebiete des ältesten Vorder- und Zentralasiens nebst Osteuropa Bern, A. Francke, 1910. xx, 428 pp. Text in German (Roman type font). Old wrappers with handwritten title on spine, front- and backsides mostly preserved. Contents with s... € 45.00 Hortus Conclusus
Aristaeneti Epistolae graec... ARISTAENETUS. Aristaeneti Epistolae graecae cum versione latina et notis Josiae Merceri curante Joan. Cornelio de Pauw, cujus notae accedunt. (meer info) Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Hermannum Besseling, 1737. € 225.00 Fragmenta Selecta
ARISTAINETOU EPISTOLAI. Ari... ARISTAENETUS. ARISTAINETOU EPISTOLAI. Aristaeneti Epistolae graecae. Cum latina interpretatione & notis. Altera editio emendatior & auctior. (meer info) Paris (Parisiis), Apud Marcum Orry, via Iacobaea, sub signo leonis salientis, 1600. € 740.00 Fragmenta Selecta
ARISTOPHANOUS KÔMÔiDIAI iá.... ARISTOPHANES. ARISTOPHANOUS KÔMÔiDIAI iá. Aristophanis comoediae undecim, graece & latine, cum indice paroemiarum selectiorum, et emendationibus virorum doctorum praecipue Josephi Scaligeri. Accesserunt praetera Fragmenta ejusdem ineditarum comoediarum Aris... (meer info) Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Joannis Maire, 1624. € 430.00 Fragmenta Selecta
ARISTOPHANOUS PLOUTOS. Aris... ARISTOPHANES. ARISTOPHANOUS PLOUTOS. Aristophanis comoedia Plutus. Aiecta sunt scholia vetusta. Recognovit ad veteres membranas, variis lectionibus ac notis instruxit, et scholiastas locupletavit Tiberius Hemsterhuis. (meer info) Harlingen (Harlingae), Ex officina Volkeri van der Plaats, 1744. € 160.00 Fragmenta Selecta
Aristotelis Politicorum lib... ARISTOTELES. Aristotelis Politicorum libri octo ex Dion. Lambini & Pet. Victorii interpretationibus puriss. graecolatini, Theod. Zvingeri Argumentis atque Scholiis, Tabulis quinetiam in tres priores libros illustrati, Victorii commentariis perpetuis declar... (meer info) Basle (Basileae), Eusebii Episcopii opera ac impensa, 1582. € 1700.00 Fragmenta Selecta
ARISTOTELOUS PHUSIKÊS AKROA... ARISTOTELES. ARISTOTELOUS PHUSIKÊS AKROASEÔS BIBLIA TH'. Aristotelis Stagiritae, Peripateticorum Principis, Naturalis auscultationis libri VIII. Jul. Pacius a Beriga cum Graecis excusis quam scriptis codicibus accurate contulit, Latina interpretatione auxi... (meer info) Frankfurt (Francofurti), Apud heredes Andreae Wecheli, Claudium Marnium & Iohannem Aubrium, 1596. € 975.00 Fragmenta Selecta
ARISTOTELOUS ÊTHIKÔN NIKOMA... ARISTOTELES. ARISTOTELOUS ÊTHIKÔN NIKOMACHEIÔN biblia deka. Aristotelis De moribus ad Nicomachum libri decem. Ita Graecis interpretatione recenti cum Latinis coniunctis, ut ferme singula singulis respondeant: in eorum gratiam, qui Graeca cum Latinis compar... (meer info) Heidelberg (Heidelbergae), 1560. (Colophon: 'Heidelbergae, Excudebat Lodovicus Lucius, Universitatis typographus, Anno salutis humanae 1560, Mense Septembri) € 1000.00 Fragmenta Selecta
Arnobii Disputationum adver... ARNOBIUS. Arnobii Disputationum adversus gentes libri septem, recogniti & aucti. Ex bibliotheca Theodori Canteri Ultraiectini, cuius etiam notae adiectae sunt. (meer info) Antwerpen (Antverpiae), Ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1582. € 750.00 Fragmenta Selecta

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