Ethnography Native-Americans Maya America Mexico Etnog...

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Suggestie: Ethnography Americans May America Mexico Etnografie Indianen Noord-amerika geeft 1 resultaat.

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Los Zinacanrecos. Un Pueblo... Vogt,Evon Z. Los Zinacanrecos. Un Pueblo Tzotzil de Los Altos de Chiapas. México, 1966 496 pp. Illa. Cloth, no d/j. - With some annotations € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
The Zinacantan. A Maya comm... Vogt,Evon Z. The Zinacantan. A Maya community in the highlands of Chiapas. Cambridge, Mass., 1969 XXIX,733 pp. 200 ills, 8 maps 16 tables. Cloth. € 17.50 Antiquariaat Kok
The Zinacantecos of Mexico.... Vogt,Evon Z. The Zinacantecos of Mexico. A modern Maya way of life. N.Y London, 1970. XII,113 pp. 15 ills, 7 figs, 2 tables 1 map. Soft cover. (Case studies Cult. Anthrop... € 8.50 Antiquariaat Kok

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