Latin America South America

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El petróleo en el pensamie... BAPTISTA, ASDRÚBAL BERNARD MOMMER El petróleo en el pensamiento económico venezolano : un ensayo - Con prologo de Arturo Uslar Pietri. First edition (meer info) Caracas : IESA 1987, 116 p., notes, SOFTCOVER, (Orig. paperb.with double flaps. AS NEW) € 39.50 Sigma
Dependent Accumulation and ... FRANK, ANDRE GUNDER Dependent Accumulation and Underdevelopment - First edition (meer info) Macmillan 1978, XX + 226 p., index, bibliogr., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. pictorial wrappers. Name on endpaper. VERY ... € 39.50 Sigma
South America,: An economic... SHANAHAN , EDWARD WILLIAM South America,: An economic and regional geography with an historical chapter;. - 7th revised edition London : Methuen 1949, XIV + 318 p. maps, bibliogr.,, index., HARDCOVER, (Original blue boards with gilt.titling on ... € 39.50 Sigma
PEQUEÑA HISTORIA MAGALLANIC... BRAUN MENENDEZ, ARMANDO PEQUEÑA HISTORIA MAGALLANICA. - as cuatro fundaciones magallánicas, crónicas del antiguo Punta Arenas. El abrazo del estrecho con ilustraciones de Juan Pablo Laverdet, ejecutadas según documentos originales. (meer info) Buenos Aires : Emece 1960, 299p.Ilustrado con láminas en b/n y en el texto. ,, fold. map, SOFTCOVER, ((Orig. decor. wrpp... € 39.50 Sigma
Bolivar: pages choisies : (... SIMÓN BOLÍVAR Bolivar: pages choisies : (choix de lettres, discours et proclamations) - Volume 17 van Université de Paris. Travaux et mémoires de l'Institut des hautes études de l'Amérique latine (meer info) Paris : Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amérique Latine 1966, 239 p., col. fold map, SOFTCOVER, (Orig. wrpprs, bit sunned, VERY GOOD / AS NEW) € 39.50 Sigma
Chile Tourist Guide. - Ores... RAILWAYS / FERROCARILLES CHILE Chile Tourist Guide. - Oreste Plath Eng. tekst (meer info) Santiago : Chilean State Railways 1962, 144 p., (col.) ills., maps, 13x18cm., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. cardb.with col. photogr of Chilean l... € 39.50 Sigma
La guerra de conquista en A... JARAMILLO ALVARADO, PIIO La guerra de conquista en América. - (Trata sobre la agresión peruana al Ecuador el 5 de julio de 1941. ) ADDED a copy of a letter of 22 oct 1960 to foreign affairs ministers (meer info) Guayaquil, Ecuador : Editorial Jouvin 1941, XLII + 467 p., maps, HARDCOVER, (In red leather bound (photo?) copy of first edition, some un... € 39.50 Sigma
Joy  Sorrow - Sorrow  Joy-M... Daly, Peter Sean, Iraheta, Leandra Joy Sorrow - Sorrow Joy-Musings on Mining, Family, Latin America and Society (meer info) FriesenPress 2024 88pp Gebonden € 39.20
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De Buergerkrieg in Chile.  ... KUNZ, HUGO De Buergerkrieg in Chile. - Mit Portraets, Karten und Plaenen Leipzig : Brockhaus 1892, 195 p.,ills.,maps , SOFTCOVER, (paperb. loose,failed attempt to repair) € 39.03 Sigma
Das Maedchen, das mit dem T... VONDERAU, C. Das Maedchen, das mit dem Teufel Lambada Tanzte. - Zur brasilianischen Literatura de Cordel. First ed. (meer info) Berlin : Ed. Dia 1992, 111 p., num. b/w ills. (photogr. and wood engravings), 15 x 20 cm., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. pictoria... € 39.00 Sigma
Compendium and Description ... VAZQUEZ DE ESPINOSA Compendium and Description of the West Indies. - Translated by Charles Upson Clark. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 102. First edition (meer info) Washington: Smithsonian Institution 1942, XII + 862 p.,index, 24x15 cm., SOFTCOVER, ((Orig stiff paper wraps., small ticket. on spine, ... € 39.00 Sigma
Arqueologia de San Agustin:... CUBILLOS, JULIO CESAR Arqueologia de San Agustin: - El Estrecho, El Parador y Mesita C. Bogota : Fond. de Investigaciones Arqueologicas Nacionales 1980, 174 p., (col.), (fold.) ills., maps, index, bibliogr., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. paper wrappers, VERY ... € 39.00 Sigma
Conquete du Mexique d'apres... PRESCOTT, WILLIAM H. Conquete du Mexique d'apres W.H. Prescott. - Biblioth. des Ecoles et des Familles. Paris : Hachette 1880, 192 p. , gravures sur bois / wood engravings, HARDCOVER, ( Orig., b, slightly rubbed... € 39.00 Sigma
Avonturen aan de wilde kust... HELMAN, A. Avonturen aan de wilde kust : - de geschiedenis van Suriname met zijn buurlanden Alphen aan den Rijn: A. Sijthoff 1982, 208 p., ill. (some col.) ; 31x 22 cm., HARDCOVER, (or. green cl., dust jacket, as new) € 38.57 Sigma
Latin America and the Carib... VELIZ, CLAUDIO(ED.) Latin America and the Caribbean. - A handbook (meer info) London : Blond 1968, XXIV+840 p., 16 plates, maps, tables, bibliogr. , HARDCOVER, (cl.) € 38.57 Sigma
Descripción sumaria del tem... PONCE SANGUINES, CARLOS Descripción sumaria del templete semisubterráneo de Tiwanaku. - Tiwanaku : Centro de Investigaciones Arqueológica 1964, 90 p., (fold.) ills., (fold.) diagrams , HARDCOVER, (cardboard b.) € 38.57 Sigma
Religion del pobre y libera... IRARRAZAVAL, DIEGO Religion del pobre y liberacion en Chimbote. - First ed. (meer info) Lima, Peru : Centro de Estudios y Publicaciones 1978, 482 p., ills., [8] leaves of plates, bibliography: p. 463-477., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. pict. wrappe... € 38.50 Sigma
La Grande Aventure de Panam... BUNAU-VARILLA, PHILIPPE La Grande Aventure de Panamá: - son role Essentiel dans la defaite de l'Allemagne. (meer info) París : Librairie Plon 1919, XIV+270 p., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. decor. wrpprs, in protective mylar, pages partly unopened, light... € 38.50 Sigma
The national period in the ... GRIFFIN, CHARLES C. The national period in the history of the New World. - An outline and commentary Mexico : Inst. Panam. de Geogr. y History 1961, XXXI+267 p.,ills.,maps , SOFTCOVER, (paperb.,uncut) € 38.12 Sigma
Societiies of Fear Koonings Kees Kruijt Dirk Societiies of Fear (meer info) Zedbooks London New York Paperback /Als nieuw . € 37.50 Ab antiquarimaat
Sanuma Memories: Yanomami E... RAMOS, ALCIDA RITA Sanuma Memories: Yanomami Ethnography in Times of Crisis. - 1st printing University of Wisconsin 1995, 346 p.,photogr., drawings, maps, index bibliogr., HARDCOVER, (Orig. red cloth. Apart from a fe... € 37.50 Sigma
Aku-Aku. Het Mysterie van h... HEYERDAHL, THOR Aku-Aku. Het Mysterie van het Paaseiland. - geautoriseerde vertaling uit het Noors in team-work door N.G. Visser, H.D. Baars en Greta Baars-Jelgersma ; eindredactie Greta Baars-Jelgersma. First edition in paperback (meer info) Lochem : De Tijdstroom 1950(s), 374 p., kleurenfoto's, landkaarten en een paar getekende kaarten., SOFTCOVER, (Orig karton ... € 37.50 Sigma
Costume  Identity in Highla... ROWE, ANN POLLARD ( ED. ) Costume Identity in Highland Ecuador. - First Edition. (meer info) Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press / Textile Museum (Washington D. C.) 1998, XXII + 305 p., 263 b/w plus 17 full-page color photographs, 5 drawings, 6 maps, bibliogr., ind... € 37.50 Sigma
Yachay-Huasi. - Leyendas, r... MURGUEYTIO, REINALDO Yachay-Huasi. - Leyendas, relatos, fabulas, comentarios, toponimos y vocabulario aborigenes. 4e ampliada edic. Quito 1966, 423 p., extensive quechua - spanish vocabulary, SOFTCOVER, (Orig. decor. wrps. VERY GOOD) € 37.50 Sigma
Elites and Economic Develop... WALTON, JOHN Elites and Economic Development : Comparative Studies on the Political Economy of Latin American Cities - ADDED a card from Institute of Latin American Studies to (colleague) Dr, Jongkind, presenting the very first edition. (meer info) Austin : University of Texas / Institute of Latin American Studies 1977, 257 p. tables, bibliogr,, index, SOFTCOVER, (Orig. wrpprs, VERY GOOD) € 37.50 Sigma
La Femme au temps des Conqu... DELAMARRE,C. SALLARD B. La Femme au temps des Conquistadores. (meer info) Paris : Stock-Pernoud 1992, 413 p., b/w plates, index, HARDCOVER, (Orig. cloth, dust jacket AS NEW) € 37.00 Sigma
Das heutige Brasilien: Hilf... [CARLOS ALBERTO GONÇALVES] Das heutige Brasilien: Hilfsquellen, Möglichkeiten (meer info) Gráfica Vitoria /Brazil. Conselho de Imigração e Colonização 1949, 223 p., col.plates., drawings maps , extensive index, SOFTCOVER, (Orig. stiff double wrpprs w... € 36.50 Sigma
European archaeology abroad... Linde, Sjoerd van der, Dries, Monique van den, Slappendel, Corijanne, Schlanger, Nathan European archaeology abroad / global settings, comparative perspectives (meer info) Sidestone Press 2013, 400pp, paperback € 36.50
€ 6,50
Spit and Co
Trade and dominion.  -  The... PARRY, J.H. Trade and dominion. - The European oversea empires in the eighteenth century (meer info) London : Weidenfeld 1971, 409 p., ills., maps, bibliogr., index , HARDCOVER, (cl., wrpprs) € 36.30 Sigma
América libre : -  exercice... CORTANZE, GÉRARD DE América libre : - exercice de lectures transformationnel(les) de la poésie latino-américaine contemporaine (meer info) Paris : Seghers 1976, 383 p., b/w ills., bibliogr., 20 x 25 cm., SOFTCOVER, (paperback, corner sl. bumped) € 36.30 Sigma
Le Venezuela.  -  Preface d... LAFOND, GEORGES Le Venezuela. - Preface de M.C.Zumeta, ministre de Venezuela en France. 5 planches hors texte et 1 carte Paris : Roger 1928, VIII+122 p., ills., map , SOFTCOVER, (paperb., sl.worn) € 36.30 Sigma
The Aboriginal Population o... WOODROW BORAH SHERBURNE F. COOK. The Aboriginal Population of Central Mexico on the Eve of the Spanish Conquest. - First edition (meer info) Berkeley : University of California Press 1963, 157 p. tables, , maps in text, large-folding map at rear, bibliogr., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. blue wr... € 36.00 Sigma
Zuid-Amerika.  -  Met kaart... BALEN, MR.W.J.VAN Zuid-Amerika. - Met kaart en 22 platen 's-Gravenhage : Nijhoff 1920, XVI+264 p.,ills.,,frontisp. , HARDCOVER, (cl.,gilt.) € 35.85 Sigma
L'Argentine au XXe siecle. ... MARTINEZ, A.B. LEWANDOWSKI, M. L'Argentine au XXe siecle. - Introd. Ch.Pellegrini (ancien Pres. de la Republ.). Ouvrage couronne par L'Academie Francaise. Trois.ed. refondue et mise a jour. Avec 2 cartes h.text Paris : Colin 1911, LXI+434 p.,tables,fold.maps , HARDCOVER, (hlf cl.,lib.stamps) € 35.85 Sigma
The New Southern-Latino Tab... Gutierrez, Sandra A. The New Southern-Latino Table - Recipes That Bring Together the Bold and Beloved Flavors of Latin America and the American South (meer info) The University of North Carolina Press 2011 320pp Gebonden € 35.80
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The new map of South Americ... ADAMS GIBBONS, HERBERT The new map of South America. - London : Cape 1929, XIII+400 p., (col.)(fold.) maps, frontisp., index , HARDCOVER, (cl.) € 35.39 Sigma
Topo.  -  The story of a Sc... RHEINHEIMER, H.P. Topo. - The story of a Scottish colony near Caracas 1825-1827. With 14 water-colours by M.Retemeyer Edinburgh 1988, XVI+168 p., col. plates, facsimiles, photogr, bibliogr., 23x29 cm. , HARDCOVER, (Or. cl. b.,... € 35.39 Sigma
Mobility between Africa, As... Mobility between Africa, Asia and Latin America - Economic Networks and Cultural Interactions (meer info) Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 2019 344pp Paperback / softback € 35.30
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Critique of Latin American ... Castro-Gomez, Santiago Critique of Latin American Reason (meer info) Columbia University Press 2021 352pp Paperback / softback € 35.05
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Oceanic birds of South Amer... Murphy,Robert Cushman. Oceanic birds of South America. A study of species of the related coast and seas, including the American quadrant of Antarctica based upon the Brewser-Sanford collection in the American Museum of Natural History. N.Y., 1936 2 vols. XX,VII,1245 pp. 88 plts (16 col.) 80 text-figs. Uniform hardcovers.Wood: 352. € 35.00 Antiquariaat Kok
The South American Handbook... Davies, Howell The South American Handbook 1933: A year book and guide to the countries and resources of Latin-America, inclusive of South and Central America, Mexico and Cuba Trade and Travel Publications Ltd, London Tenth Annual Edition, 569 pages, folded colour map, good, € 35.00 Swannepolle
The voyage of Captain John ... NARBROUGH,JOHN. Campbell,Richard J., Peter T. Bradley Joyce Lorimer. (eds). The voyage of Captain John Narbrough to the Strait of Magellan and the South Sea in His Majesty's Ship Sweepstakes, 1669 - 1671. [Abingdon], Routledge, 2018 XX,723 pp. Col. frontispiece, 11 b./w. maps, 11 b./w. figs, 14 col. single-page plts 1 fold. col. p... € 35.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Suriname en de Surinamers. SCHOOLMEESTER, ED C. Suriname en de Surinamers. (meer info) Utrecht 1983, 232 p., tabellen, bibliografie, SOFTCOVER, (Or. paperb. ZEER GOED) € 34.50 Sigma
Paraguay and Uruguay - Arou... HANFF, HELENE Paraguay and Uruguay - Around the World Program. First Edition (meer info) U.S.A : Nelson Doubleday 1967, 63 p.,COMPLETE with all of the original separate colour plates stuck in place, SOFTCOVER, (Or... € 34.50 Sigma
Los Indios Guaraunos y su c... BARRAL, P. BASILIO DE Los Indios Guaraunos y su cancionero. - Historia, religion y alma lirica (meer info) Madrid : C.S.I.C Departamento de misionologia Espanola 1964, XX + 594 p. Con las letras bilingües y con las partituras musicales, un plano plegado, numero... € 34.50 Sigma
Dicionario geografico histo... ALCEDO, ANTONIO DE Dicionario geografico historico de las indias occidentales o America. - Desde la formation del lenguaje hasta nuestros dias (Continuacion). Tomo CCV. Madrid : Atlas 1967, Tomo 1. A-C. : XXXIX + 426 p.,. 18 x 27 cm., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. stiff double wrpprs, printed i... € 34.50 Sigma
Dicionario geografico histo... ALCEDO, ANTONIO DE Dicionario geografico historico de las indias occidentales o America. - Desde la formation del lenguaje hasta nuestros dias (Continuacion). Tomo CCVI. Madrid : Atlas 1967, Tomo 2. D-M : 499 p., 18 x 27 cm., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. stiff double wrpprs, printed in two col... € 34.50 Sigma
Dicionario geografico histo... ALCEDO, ANTONIO DE Dicionario geografico historico de las indias occidentales o America. - Desde la formation del lenguaje hasta nuestros dias (Continuacion). Tomo CCVII. Madrid : Atlas 1967, Tomo 3. N-S. : 407 p., 18 x 27 cm., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. stiff double wrpprs, printed in two co... € 34.50 Sigma
Geografia y descripcion uni... LÓPEZ DE VELASCO, JUAN Geografia y descripcion universal de las Indias - Desde la formation del lenguaje hasta nuestros dias (Continuacion). Tomo CCXLVIII. Edicion de Don Marcos Jimenez de la Espada. (meer info) Madrid : Atlas 1971, XLVIII + 371 p., index, bibliogr. 18 x 27 cm., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. stiff double wrpprs, printed ... € 34.50 Sigma
La organizacion de la produ... LABRECQUE, MARIE FRANCE BRETON, YVAN (EDS) La organizacion de la produccion de los mayas de Yucatan. (meer info) Mexico, D.F. : Instituto Nacional Indigenista 1982, 398 p., tables, 1 folding map, 5 maps, bibliogr., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. stiff pictorial wrpprs, na... € 34.50 Sigma

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