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0788 Inleiding tot de moder... Mora, Jose Ferrater 0788 Inleiding tot de moderne filosofie (meer info) Het Spectrum 1962, 182 pag., Pocket, paperback, Zeer goed, kaft goed € 6.95 BoekenWebsite button
(1) Geschiedenis van de wes... Russell, Bertrand (1) Geschiedenis van de westerse filosofie (meer info) (1) Servire / Kosmos-Z&K, Utrecht, Antwerpen, 1984 - 7e druk (1) 774 pp - geb - so(gaaf) - nieuwstaat € 25.00 Oom Willem
1) Wittgenstein + (2) Poppe... SERIE KOPSTUKKEN VAN DE FILOSOFIE 1) Wittgenstein + (2) Popper + (3) Schopenhauer + (4) James+ (5) Aquino + (6) Spinoza + (7) Kant + (8) Kierkegaard - (1) 1999 - 1e druk + (2) 2005 - 2e druk + (3) 2009 - 2e druk + (4) 2004 - 1e druk + (5) 2004 - 3e druk + (6) 2003 - 2e druk + ... (meer info) Rotterdam : Lemniscaat 2000-04, ca 1150 p., (soms) bibliogr, SOFTCOVER, (Orig. wrpprs. (nr 3 met incidentele potloodstreepj... € 79.50 Sigma
10 things schools get wrong... Horvath, Jared Cooney, Bott, David 10 things schools get wrong (and how we can get them right) (meer info) Hachette Learning 2020 200pp Paperback / softback € 29.25
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100 Amazing Facts about Anc... Dresgui, Marc 100 Amazing Facts about Ancient Greece - Life, Philosophy and Mythology Independently Published 2023 120pp Paperback / softback € 20.70
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100 Habits of Successful Gr... Josh Berger 100 Habits of Successful Graphic Designers (meer info) Rockport Publishers Inc. Conditie: Redelijk € 11.30
€ 2,95
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100 Ideas for Secondary Tea... Taylor, John L. 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Teaching Philosophy and Ethics Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 2014 128pp Paperback / softback € 24.30
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1001 ideas that changed the... Guy Kesteven 1001 ideas that changed the way we think (meer info) Octopus Publishing Goed, Paperback, 960p € 12.50
€ 4,50
De Slegte Algemeen
101 Experiments in the Phil... Roger-Pol Droit 101 Experiments in the Philosophy of Everyday Life (meer info) Faber Goed, 2002, Hardcover, 204p € 10.00
€ 4,50
De Slegte Algemeen
101 Ideas for Piano Group C... Dr Mary Ann Froehlich 101 Ideas for Piano Group Class (meer info) Summy-Birchard Conditie: Goed € 20.10
€ 3,15
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101 Key Terms in Philosophy... Clark, Kelly James, Lints, Richard, Smith, James K. A. 101 Key Terms in Philosophy and Their Importance for Theology (meer info) Westminster/John Knox Press,U.S. 2004 128pp Paperback / softback € 28.30
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101 Philosophy Problems Cohen, Martin 101 Philosophy Problems (meer info) Taylor Francis Ltd 2013 304pp Paperback / softback € 34.35
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101 Philosophy Problems Cohen, Martin 101 Philosophy Problems (meer info) Taylor Francis 2007, 238pp, paperback, 3de editie, net exemplaar € 7.50
€ 3,95
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101 Philosophy problems Cohen, Martin 101 Philosophy problems Routledge, London 2008 238 pp, enkele getekende illustraties; paperback, formaat 13 cm br x 20 cm hg; als nieuw € 7.00 Tweede kans boeken
101 Philosophy Problems Cohen, Martin 101 Philosophy Problems (meer info) Taylor Francis Ltd 2016 304pp Gebonden € 182.60
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101 Philosophy Problems Martin Cohen 101 Philosophy Problems als nieuw € 11.99 The King of Books
112 Mercer Street : Einstei... Feldman, Burton. 112 Mercer Street : Einstein, Russell, Go?del, Pauli, and the end of innocence in science. (meer info) New York : Arcade Pub., 2007. Hardcover. Dustjacket. 243 pp. English text. Condition : as new. Conditie: als nieuw Conditie: als nieuw. PHILOSOPHY € 12.50
€ 5,50
Kloof Antiquariaat
125 jaar vrijdenken Baars, Jan, Anton Constandse,Jo Koster, Charles van Oostrom, Martin Paulissen, Cees Storm, Jan Vis, Henk Visman 125 jaar vrijdenken Rotterdam De Vrije Gedachte 1981 Paperback, 20 cm, 304 pp. Cond.: goed / good. € 7.00 Bij tij en ontij
#128, 129, 130, 131. RADICAL PHILOSOPHY. #128, 129, 130, 131. Londen, Radical Philosophy 2005. 50p., per nummer 6 euro, samen 20 euro € 6.00
€ 4,50
Boekhandel Rosa
(1709/1990). On the study m... Vico, Giambattista (1709/1990). On the study methods of our time. The academies and the relation between philosophy and eloquence (meer info) Cornell University Press 90 pp cloth, no dust jacket (as issued?), very good, not read. € 20.00 Galileo
1836-1936.Ein Meilenstein a... Boesch,J. 1836-1936.Ein Meilenstein am Wege der Gesellschaft Mariens (Maristen). Meppen[Kreuz und Caritas]. 1936. 64 PP (code B-497) € 10.00
€ 4,50
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1984 and Philosophy - Is Re... 1984 and Philosophy - Is Resistance Futile? (meer info) Open Court Publishing Co ,U.S. 2018 256pp Paperback / softback € 35.80
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2 Delen History of Chinese ... Fung, Yu-lan 2 Delen History of Chinese Philosophy, Volume 1 + 2 (meer info) Princeton University Press 2 delen kwaliteit paperback2 496pp, 783pp 1983 € 80.00
€ 5,15
De Inktvis
2 DELEN: Leven met Christus... Winslow, Mary 2 DELEN: Leven met Christus (deel 1) en Leven en Sterven met Christus (deel 2) (meer info) De Groot Goudriaan 1999, gebonden, 24,5 x 17 x 6.1 cm, samen 1250 gr. € 25.00 Leeszaal Vreewijk button
2 Kilo of Kessels Kramer Kramer, Kessels 2 Kilo of Kessels Kramer (meer info) Random House Inc 2005, 880pp € 60.00 tweedehandsboek
2 parts in 1 volume, comple... Limburg Brouwer, Petrus van. 2 parts in 1 volume, complete 1833 I Proeve over de zedelijke schoonheid der poëzij van Euripides. Groningen, W. van Boekeren, 1833. [Together with] Proeve over de zedelijke schoonheid der poëzij van Eschylus (Aeschylus). Amsterdam, Pieter Mei... 8º: [4] 242 [2]; [8] 184 pp. Artificial leather binding in very good condition.First and last pages... € 65.40
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
20 artikelen uit het filoso... Voltaire 20 artikelen uit het filosofisch woordenboek Groningen BoekWerk 1990 Paperback, 21 cm, 175 pp. Cond.: goed / good. ISBN: 9071677222. € 7.00 Bij tij en ontij
20 artikelen uit het filoso... Voltaire, 20 artikelen uit het filosofisch woordenboek - 2 talige uitgave Boekwerk Conditie: goed; Jaar: 1990; Bindwijze: paperback; Voorraad winkel Leiden: 1 € 6.00
€ 2,99
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20. yuzyılda ne oldu? Sloterdijk, Peter 20. yuzyılda ne oldu? (meer info) Tellekt 2023, Paperback, first, 280 € 9.50
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
200 Jahre Hegels Grundlinie... 200 Jahre Hegels Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts. (meer info) Duncker Humblot 2022 260pp Paperback / softback € 92.60
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200 Words to Help You Talk ... Steinbauer, Anja 200 Words to Help You Talk About Philosophy (meer info) Laurence King Publishing 128pp € 15.45
€ 1,75
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21 Lessons for the 21st Cen... Harari, Yuval Noah 21 Lessons for the 21st Century London Jonathan Cape 2018 Paperback, 22 cm, 352 pp. Cond.: goed / good. ISBN: 9781787330870. € 7.50 Bij tij en ontij
21 Lessons for the 21st Cen... Harari, Yuval Noah 21 Lessons for the 21st Century London Vintage 2019 Paperback, 22 cm, 417 pp. Cond.: goed / good. ISBN: 9781784708283. € 7.50 Bij tij en ontij
24 and Philosophy / The Wor... Weed, Jennifer Hart 24 and Philosophy / The World According to Jack Blackwell Publishing softcover - 2008, 1e druk - 223 pagina's (1.220121) € 10.00 De HAND
24 and Philosophy. The Worl... Weed, Jennifer Hart, Richard Brian Davis, Ronald Weed(Editors) 24 and Philosophy. The World According to Jack (meer info) Wiley-Blackwell 2008, Paperback, 224 pp. € 3.65
€ 3,95
25 EEUWEN FILOSOFIE BOR,JAN a.o. 25 EEUWEN FILOSOFIE Amsterdam 1987 358 pp., plates (code D-79) € 10.00
€ 4,50
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25 sept.-4 oct. 1969. Bibli... FIRST INTERNATIONAL HUMANISTIC SYMPOSIUM AT DELPHI. 25 sept.-4 oct. 1969. Bibliography on the topics of the symposium. Athens, 1969. 27 p. Wrs. € 5.00 Fragmenta Selecta
(3) Botero - (info) (3) Paquet, M (3) Botero - (info) (meer info) (3) Cromwell, Editions, London, 1992 (3) 155 pp - 33 x 25 x 2.3 - 116 ill (color b/w) - cloth - so € 25.00 Oom Willem
30 Januarij 1848. Tweede ee... Somon, J. 30 Januarij 1848. Tweede eeuwfeest van Nederlands bevrijding. Den Haag, 1848. (meer info) 4º: [4] p. € 30.52
€ 6,00
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30 Rock and Philosophy - We... Irwin, William (King's College 30 Rock and Philosophy - We Want to Go to There (meer info) John Wiley Sons Inc 2010 240pp Paperback / softback € 30.10
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365 Boeddhistische Wijshede... Kulbarz, Vimalo 365 Boeddhistische Wijsheden - Elke Dag Een Goede Dag (meer info) Bzztoh 1997, Paperback, first, 160 € 5.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
365 Lessons from the Stoics... Kirk Assaf, Andrea 365 Lessons from the Stoics - Transform Your Daily Life Using the Stoics’ Wisdom and Understanding (meer info) HarperCollins Publishers 2024 256pp Gebonden € 21.70
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366 Readings from Hinduism Robert van de Weyer 366 Readings from Hinduism (meer info) Pilgrim Press Goed, 2000, Gekartonneerd met stofomslag, 374p € 12.50
€ 4,50
De Slegte Algemeen
4 april 1849. Treurgalm bij... Somon, J. 4 april 1849. Treurgalm bij de plegtige ter aarde bestelling van [...] Willem II. Amsterdam, M. Westerman Zoon, 1849. (meer info) 8º: 8 pp. Zonder omslag. € 30.52
€ 6,00
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4 PART SERIES: TANTRA, TAO,... Various writers 4 PART SERIES: TANTRA, TAO, ALCHEMIE, DROMEN (meer info) Thames and Hudson / De Haan Bussum 4 paperbacks, 28 x 20,5 x 3,5 cm, numerous color and bw photos, total number of pages: 512, total we... € 29.00 Leeszaal Vreewijk button
50 Big Ideas You Really Nee... Ben Dupre 50 Big Ideas You Really Need to Know Penguin Group, 2009, (1e druk), 208 blz. Hardcover with dustjacket, as new.  50 Big Ideas You Really Need to Know is a concise, accessible a... € 5.00
€ 4,40 button
50 Big Ideas You Really Nee... Dupré, Ben 50 Big Ideas You Really Need to Know (meer info) Quercus Publishing 2009 geb. hardcover met omslag 208pp zeer goed, fraaie lay-0ut € 8.60
€ 3,95
50 Modern European Poets by... Piling, John. 50 Modern European Poets by John Piling, A Reader's Guide, Heineamm - London, Barnes Noble, 479 pp. Hardcover in good condition, some discoloration on the front of the dustjacket, 21 x 14 cm. On Poetr... € 27.25
€ 6,00
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50 Philosophy Classics - Th... Butler Bowdon, Tom 50 Philosophy Classics - Thinking, Being, Acting Seeing - Profound Insights and Powerful Thinking from Fifty Key Books (meer info) John Murray Press 2022 352pp Paperback / softback € 24.50
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50 Philosophy ideas you rea... Dupre, Ben 50 Philosophy ideas you really need to know Quercus Publishing, 2007, (Reprint), 208 blz. Nice copy. Hardback with dust jacket as new. Text in English. € 6.50
€ 4,40 button

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