Sports Cycle racing Sport Wielrennen
257 titels gevonden met de huidige zoekopdracht
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Afbeelding | Schrijver | Titel | Uitgever | Bijzonderheid | Prijs | Boekwinkel |
Rufo,Simon. | 100 anos de Cisclismo. | Madrid, n.d | 398 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover,d/j. - Dustjacket very slightly worn, exlibris on first free-endpaper. | € 75.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Quiqueré,Henri A.Pauper. | 100 ans du Paris - Roubaix. | Paris, 2002 | 160 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j. | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Sergent,Pascal. | 100 jaar Paris Roubaix 1896 1996. | Eeklo, 1996 | Text col. ills. Hardcover, d/j. Ex libris. | € 22.50 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Eyle,Wim van J.Burremans. | 100 jaar wegrenners. Nederlandse beroepsrenners en hun prestaties. | Rijswijk, 1904 | 587 pp. Ills. Softcover. Frontcover slightly damaged. with ex libris. | € 17.50 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Laitem,Herman. | 100 jaar wielrennen in Limburg. | Antwerpen, 1994 | 2 vols. 198,191 pp. Ills. Softcovers. - Spine volume 1 discoloured. Exlibris in both volumes.1: Van ... | € 30.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Sergent,Pascal. | 1900-1914. Reflets cyclistes d'une époque. | Eeklo, 1999 | 104 pp. Ills. Softcover. | € 45.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Année du Cyclisme. | 1979. | Paris, 1979 | 223 pp. Ills in color bl.wh. Hardcover. - Dustjacket slightly worn, exlibris on first free endpaper... | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Année du Cyclisme. | 1983. | Paris, 1983 | 221 pp. B./w col. ills. Hardcover,d/j. - Dustjacket slightly worn. | € 15.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Année du Cyclisme. | 1984. | Paris, 1984. | 220 pp. Ills in color bl.wh. Hardcover,d/j. -Dustjacket very slightly worn. | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Année du Cyclisme. | 1988. | Paris, 1988 | 221 pp. Ills in color b./w. Hardcover. - Exlibris on first free endpaper. | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Année du Cyclisme. | 1990. | Paris, 1990 | 219 pp. Ills in color bl.wh. Hardcover. | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Année du Cyclisme. | 1991. | Paris, 1991 | 217 pp. Ills in color bl.wh. Hardcover. | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Année du Cyclisme. | 1992. | Paris, 1992 | 218 pp. Ills in color bl.wh. Hardcover. | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Année du Cyclisme. | 1998. | Paris, 1998 | 187 pp. Ills in color bl.wh. Hardcover. | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Année du Cyclisme. | 1999. | Paris, 1999 189 pp | Ills in color bl.wh. Hardcover. | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Gazzetta dello Sport,La. | 20 Giro d'Italia. Corsa ciclista internazionale de La Gazetta dello Sport. | 1932 | 24 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Damaged. | € 45.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
SCHOTTE,BRIEK. Lafosse,Berten. | 20 jaren rennersloopbaan van Briek Schotte. | Kortrijk, 1955 | 79 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Exlibris. | € 30.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Gazzetta dello Sport,La. | 24 Giro d'Italia. Corsa ciclista internazionale de La Gazetta dello Sport. | 1936 | 64 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Cover damaged. | € 45.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Gazzetta dello Sport,La. | 26 Giro ciclistico d'Italia, organizzato da La Gazzetta dello Sport. | 1938 | 31 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Damaged along edges spine. Folded. Folio. (Sport Illustrato, Anno 2 - Num... | € 45.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
29a Milano-San Remo. 22 Marzo 1936 XIX. |, 1936 | 32 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Spine slightly damaged. Folio. | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
31a Milano-San Remo. 19 Marzo XVI. |, 1938 | 23 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Spine worn. Folio. | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Gazzetta dello Sport,La. | 33 Giro d'Italia. Numero speciale de "La Gazette dello Sport". | Novara, 1950 | 12 pp. Ills. Softcover, a bit worn. Folio, folded. | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Cyclisme Magazine. Les Cahiers de l'Équipe. | 59 (Mars 1959). | 192 pp | Ills. Softcover. - Rubbed, top of spine dam. Several additions in ink. | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Cyclisme Magazine. Les Cahiers de l'Équipe. | 60 (Avril 1960). | 192 pp | Ills. Softcover. - Spine damaged. | € 20.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Monti,Piero. | Agenda del Ciclismo 1950. | Milano, 1950 | 107 pp. Ills. Softcover, spine worn. | € 35.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Monti,Piero. | Agenda del Ciclismo 1951. | Milano, 1951 | Text. Softcovers - covers loose, worn soiled. | € 35.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Monti,Piero. | Almanacco del Ciclismo 1949. | Milano, 1949 | 95VIII pp. Ills. Softcover. - Exlibris. Dedication by the author. | € 45.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Raats,Bertus. | Amsterdams wegwielrennen. De volgende meters... Deel 2: 1949-1951. | [Amst.], 2002 | 216 pp.Ills. Ing. | € 12.50 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Raats,Bertus. | Amsterdams wegwielrennen. Het peleton in de roerige zestiger jaren. Deel 5: 1958-1963. | [Amst.], 2005 | 197 pp. Ills. Ing. | € 12.50 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
TCHMIL,ANDREI. Sergent,Pascal. | Andrei Tchmil, itinéraire d'un Seigneur. | Eeclo, n.d | 128 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d/j. - Exlibris. | € 15.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
PAMBIANCO,ARNALDO. Ricci,Maurizio. | Arnoldo Pambianco. Il Campione e l'Uomo. | Bertinoro, 2011 | 236 pp. Ills. Hardcover. | € 20.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
COPPI,FAUSTO. Chany,Pierre. | Arriva Coppi ou les rendez-voux du cyclisme. | Paris, 1960 | 256 pp. Softcover. - Worn. | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
BAHAMONTES,FEDERICO MARTIN. | ...así triunfó Bahamontes. | Bilbao Madrid, 1959 | 14 pp. Softcover. - Corner of front-cover missing. (Collection Famosas). | € 30.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
BALDINI,ERCOLE. Frediani,Antonio a.o. | Baldini il romagnolo volante. | Milano, 1958 | 48 pp. ills. Softcover. (Suppl. Guerin Sportivo 21). | € 35.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
BARTALI,GINO. Mione,Piero. | Bartali. | I Campioni del Giorni, 1951 | 63 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Nouva Serie 3-4). | € 30.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Keuss,Rob. | Beroepsrenners van 1962 tot heden. | Den Helder, [ca | 1999]. 357 pages text (Xerox printing) Ringbinding. - Some pages with offsetting.* Privately publish... | € 22.50 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
BINI,ALDO. Giardini,Guido. | Bini. | Campioni del Giorno XIV, Nov | 1935. 24 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Slightly spotted. | € 30.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
RIIS,BJARNE. Mader,Jorn. | Bjarne Riis. Der Adler von Herning. | Copenhagen, 1995 | 88 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
BOBET,LOUISON. Dumas,Jean. | Bobet fait peur. |, 1955 | 118 pp. Ills. Softcover, slightly damaged & soiled. (Sport Sélection 38 Juillet 1955). | € 20.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
BOVET,ALFREDO. | Bovet fulgida speranza. | Milano, 1933 | 31 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Center page loose. Last page back cover spotted. Cover damaged along spin... | € 35.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
MINIERI,CALZOLARI. Fiori,Stefano C.Fontanelli. | Calzolari Minieri e gli altri. Storie di ciclisti vergatesi. | Empoli, 2001 | 126 pp. Ills. Hardcover. | € 22.50 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
CAMUSSO,FRANCESCO. Maggioli,Umberto. | Camusso. | Milano, 1934 | 24 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Discoloured. (La Gazzetta dello Sport - Campioni del Giorno - 20 Maggio 19... | € 30.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
CAMUSSO,FRANCESCO. | Camusso. Scalatore di Vette. | Milano, 1933 | 31 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Half of pages 13/14 19/20 missing. (Cosmos, Anno VIII, N. 20) | € 17.50 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Lafargue,Francis. | Cent ans de Tour de France en pays Basque 1906-2006. | Bayonne, 2006 | 166 pp. Col. ills. Softcover. - Exlibris. | € 15.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Sergent,Pascal. | Chronique d'une legende: Paris-Roubaix. | Zedelgem, 1989-1991 | 2 vols. 243,314 pp. Ills. Softcovers. - Exlibris in both, annotation in second volume.Volume I: 1896... | € 40.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Poletti,Franco S.Rodella. | Ciclismo Bresciano. Almanacco illustrato 1979. | Brescia, 1979 | Text ills. Softcover. - Cover slightly wrinkled. Bookblock loose from cover. Exlibris writing in i... | € 12.50 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
Brera,Gianni. | Ciclismo. I Campioni del Mondo. | Genova, 1985 | 241 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover. - Covers very slightly soiled. | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
HUOT,VALENTIN. | Clous et vélo percé. Noblesse des pauvres. | Manza-sur-Vern, 1999 | 131 pp. B./w. ills. Softcover. - With exlibris. | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
COPPI,FAUSTO. Kurtschbach,Willy. | Coppi der größte Rennfahrer aller Zeiten. | Berlin, 1954 | 127 pp. Plts. Softcover. - Spine ends edges worn. With exlibris. | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
COPPI,FAUSTO. Negri,Rino. | Coppi. I Campioni del Giorno. |, 1951 | 63 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Gazetta della Sport 20 Settembre 1951) | € 35.00 |
Antiquariaat Kok |
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