filosofie modern 49
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Afbeelding | Schrijver | Titel | Uitgever | Bijzonderheid | Prijs | Boekwinkel |
GREENBERG, A. | A chemical history tour. Picturing chemistry from alchemy to modern molecular science. | New York Wiley Sons | 2000. (XVIII) 312 pp. Hardcover. Illustrations. *a few small dog-ears, small whole in page XI, other... | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
MONRO, D.H., (ED.) | A guide to the British moralists. | London Fontana | 1972. 382 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. (FPC) *good condition* | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
WEDBERG, A. | A history of philosophy. Volume 2. The modern age to romanticism. | Oxford UP | 1982. (X) 227 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. Illustrations. *library sticker on dustjacket and endpaper, li... | € 12.50 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
COPLESTON, F.C. | A history of philosophy. Volume IV. Descartes to Leibniz. | Westminster Newman | 1960. (2nd). (XI) 370 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. Bibliography. (The Bellarmine series, 15) *dustjacket ... | € 15.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
BURKE, E. | A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful. Edited with an introduction and notes by Adam Philips. | Oxford OUP | 1998. (XXVIII) 173 pp. Paperback. Bibliografie. (OWC) *good condition* | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
PITHOYS, C. | A seventeenth-century exposure of superstition: select texts of Claude Pithoys (1587-1676). Introduction and notes by P.J.S. Whitmore. | The Hague Nijhoff | 1972. (XLIV) 263 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. Bibliography. (IAHI, 49) *dustjacket spotted and discoloure... | € 12.50 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
MILL, J.S. | A system of logic. Ratiocinative and inductive being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation. | London Longmans | 1970. (3rd). (XVI) 622 pp. Cloth. *back board slightly spotted, good condition* | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
HUME, D. | Abriß eines neuen Buches, betitelt: Ein Traktat über die menschliche Natur, etc. Brief eines Edelmannes an seinen Freund in Edinburgh. Übersetzt und mit einer Einleitung herausgegeben von J. Kulenkampff. | Hamburg Meiner | 1980. (XXVIII) 147 pp. ing. (PB, 320) *cover a bit rubbed, spot on cover, otherwise in a good condit... | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
TOCQUEVILLE, A. DE, BUIKS, P.J. | Alexis de Tocqueville en de democratische revolutie. Een cultuursociologische interpretatie. | Assen Van Gorcum | 1979. (VIII) 206 pp. Paperback. Bibliografie. Dissertatie + stellingen. *goede staat* | € 15.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
SPINOZA, B. DE, MÉCHOULAN, H. | Amsterdam au temps de Spinoza. Argent en liberté. | Paris Berg | 2014. 277 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. *good condition* | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
COMTE, A., THOMPSON, K | August Comte. The foundation of sociology. | London Nelson | 1976. (XIV) 220 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. (The makers of sociology) *cover rubbed, good condition... | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
VOLTAIRE, FREDERIK II DE GROTE | Aus dem Briefwechsel Voltaire - Friedrich der Grosse. Herausgegeben, vorgestellt und übersetzt von Hans Pleschinski. | Zürich Haffman | 1992. 579 pp. Hardcover + dustjacket. Illustrations. *good condition* | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
HEGEL, G.W.F., BRÖCKER, W. | Auseinandersetzungen mit Hegel. | Frankfurt a. M. Klostermann | 1965. 57 pp. Sewn. (Wissenschaft und Gegenwart, 30) *name on endpaper, small fold in cover, otherwis... | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
MILL, J.S. | Autobiography of John Stuart Mill. Published from the original manuscript in the Columbia University Library wit a preface of John Jacob Coss. | New York CUP | 1969. (6th). (VI) 240 pp. Paperback. *cover partly discoloured, top text block slightly foxed, other... | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
SPINOZA, B. DE, ZWEIG, A. | Baruch Spinoza. Porträt eines freien Geistes 1632-1677. | Darmstadt Melzer | 1968. 62 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. *annotations in pen and pencil, dustjacket slightly discoloured and... | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
HEGEL, G.W.F. | Begriff der Religion. Herausgegeben von Georg Lasson. Mit einem bibliographischen Anhang. | Hamburg Meiner | 1966 (Nachdruck der 1. Auflage von 1925). (XIII) 340 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. (PB, 59) *cover a ... | € 12.50 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
SPINOZA, B. DE, HALLETT, H.F. | Benedict de Spinoza. The elements of his philosophy. | London Athlone | 1957. (XVI) 171 pp. Cloth. *text block slightly foxed, otherwise in good condition* | € 30.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
BENTHAM, J., HARRISON, R. | Bentham. | London Routledge | 1983. (XXV) 286 pp. Hardcover + dustjacket. (The arguments of the philosophers) *library sticker on ... | € 20.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
BAADER, F. VON. | Über den Begriff der Zeit. Über den Zwiespalt des religiösen Glaubens und Wissens als die geistige Wurzel des Verfalls der relgiösen und politischen Societät in unserer wie in jeder Zeit. | Darmstadt WB | 1984 (Reprint). 65 pp. Hardcover. *top text block foxed, otherwise in good condition* | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
SCHLEIERMACHER, F. | Über die Philosophie Platons. Geschichte der Philosophie. Vorlesungen über Sokrates und Platon (zwischen 1819 und 1823). Die Einleitungen zu Übersetzung des Platon (1804 - 1828). Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Peter M. Steiner mit Beitrágen... | Hamburg Meiner | 1996. (LXXI) 397 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. Bibliography. (PB, 486) *dustjacket a bit rubbed, good cond... | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
BRENTANO, F. | Über die Zukunt der Philosophie nebst den Vorträgen. Über die Gründe der Ermutigung auf philosophischem Gebiet, Über Schellings System sowie den 25 Habilitationsthesen. Mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben. von O. Kraus. Neu eigneleitet von P. Weing... | Hamburg Meiner | 1968. (Reprint 1929). (XIV) 189 pp. Paperback. (PB, 209) *text block slightly foxed, otherwise in go... | € 12.50 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
KANT, I. | Beweisgrund zu einer Demonstration des Daseins Gottes. Auf Grund des Textes der Berliner Akademie-Ausgabe mit einer Einleitung und Registern neu herausgegeben von Klaus Reich. | Hamburg Meiner | 1963. (XXIX) 118 pp. Paperback. (PB, 47-II) *cover slightly damaged, otherwise in good condition* | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
PASCAL, B., HOEVEN, P. VAN DER | Blaise Pascal. | Baarn WV | 1964. 112 pp. Linnen + omslag. Bibliografie. (WM) *omslag licht beschadigd, verder in goede staat* | € 7.50 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
BOERHAAVE, H., LINDEBOOM, G.A., (ED.) | Boerhaave and his time. Papers read at the international symposium im commemoration of the tercentenary of Boerhaave's birth Leiden, 15-16 november 1968. With 11 figures and 18 illustrations. (meer info) | Leiden Brill | 1970. 174 pp. Cloth. (Analecta Boerhaaviana) *library sticker on spine and endpaper, library stamp v... | € 20.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
BOERHAAVE, H. | Boerhaave's orations. Translated with introductions and notes by E. Kegel-Brinkgreve and A.M. Luyendijk-Elshout. | Leiden Brill | 1983. (VIII) 374 pp. Cloth. (Publications of the Sir Thomas Browne Institute, 4 )*traces of library ... | € 35.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
VOSS, JOHANN HEINRICH | Briefe an Goeckingk 1775 - 1786. Mit 4 Abbildungen auf Tafeln. Herausgegeben von Gerhard Hay. | München Beck | 1976. 207 pp. Cloth. Illustrations. *library sticker on spine and verso frontboard, library stamp ve... | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
BERNSTEIN, E., ENGELS, F. | Briefwechsel mit Friedrich Engels. Herausgegeben von Helmut Hirsch. | Assen Van Gorcum | 1970. (XXVI) 412 pp. Cloth. Portrait. Illustrations. (Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der ... | € 20.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
VOLTAIRE | Briefwisseling met Frederik de Grote 1736-1778. Vertaling: J.M. Vermeer-Pardoen. | Amsterdam Van Gennep | 2007. 1021 pp. Linnen + omslag. *goede staat* | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
SPINOZA, B. DE | Brieven over het kwaad. De correspondentie tussen Spinoza en Van Blijenbergh. Hertaald en ingeleid door Miriam van Reijen. (meer info) | Amsterdam WB | 2012. 175 pp. Linnen + omslag. *stofomslag licht beschadigd, verder in goede staat* | € 20.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
BECKER, C.L., ROCKWOOD, R.O. (ED.) | Carl Becker's Heavenly city revisited. Studies resulting from a Symposium held at Colgate University Hamilton, New York, october 13, 1956 (meer info) | N.p. Archon | 1968. (XXXII) 227 pp. Cloth. *top text block slightly foxed, ex libris, good condition* | € 12.50 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
CARUS, C.G., WÄSCHE, E. | Carl Gustav Carus und die romantische Weltanschauung. (meer info) | Düsseldorf Nolte | 1933. (X) 129 pp. Sewn. Thesis. *name on end paper, frontcover and spine damaged, otherwise in good ... | € 15.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
SPINOZA, B. DE, CATALOGUS | Catalogus van de bibliotheek der vereniging Het Spinozahuis te Rijnsburg. | Leiden Nijhoff | 1965. 61 pp pp. Ingenaaid. Illustraties. *omslag aan randen gebruind, verder in goede staat* | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
BUNGE, M. | Causality. The place of the causal principle in modern science. | Cleveland WPC | 1963. (XX) 394 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. (Meridian, 49) *cover a bit rubbed, good condition* | € 15.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
DARWIN, C., RUSE, M. | Charles Darwin. Vertaald uit het Engels door P. van Huizen. | Kampen Ten Have | 2009. 384 pp. Paperback. Illustraties. *potloodstrepen t/m pp. 72, naam op schutblad, verder in goed... | € 12.50 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
LIEBIG, JUSTUS VON | Chemische Briefe von Justus von Liebig. Ausgewählt von Adolf Gerlach. Mit 8 BIldern. (meer info) | Hamburg Janssen | 1913. 164 pp. Hardcover. Illustrations. (Wissenschaftlicher Volksbücher) *name on endpaper, text bl... | € 15.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
SPINOZA, B. DE, WERTHEIM, D.J. | Cherising a heretic. The jews of Weimar Germany and their celebration of Spinoza. | Utrecht N.p. | 2005. 185 pp. Paperback. Thesis + propositions. *backcover a bit bumped, otherwise Iin good conditio... | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
CASAUBON, MERIC, SPILLER, M.R.G. | Concerning natural experimental philosophie. Meric Casaubon and the Royal Society. | The Hague Nijhoff | 1980. (VIII) 232 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. Bibliography. (IAHI, 94) *dustjacket slightly damaged and p... | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
LEIBNIZ, G.W. | Confessi philosophi. Ein Dialog. Kritische Ausgabe mit Einleitung, Übersetzung, Kommentar von Otto Saame. | Frankfurt a. M. Klostermann | 1967. 225 pp. Paperback. (Quellen der Philosophie, 4) *cover a bit spotted, otherwise in good condit... | € 15.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
FICHTE, J.G. | Darstellung der Wissenschaftslehre (1801 / 1802). Herausgegeben sowie mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von Reinhard Lauth unter Mitarbeit von Peter K. Schneider. | Hamburg Meiner | 1997. (2nd). (XLI) 256 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. Bibliography. (PB, 302) *good condition* | € 30.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
DARWIN, C., ROMANES, G.J. | Darwin, and after Darwin. An exposition of the Darwinian theory and a discussion of post-Darwinian questions. 1. The Darwinian theory. (meer info) | Chicago Open Court | 1896 (2nd). (XIV) 459 pp. Cloth. Portrait. *top and bottom spine slightly damaged, previous owner's ... | € 95.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
DARWIN, C., BANTON, M., (ED.) | Darwinism and the study of society. A centenary symposium. With contributions by S.A. Barnett, Tom Burns, B. Farrington, Morris Ginsberg, Lancelot Hogben a.o. With an introduction by J. Bronowski. | London Tavistock | 1961. (XX) 191 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. *library sticker on endpaper, library stamp verso title page,... | € 12.50 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
DARWIN, C., BULHOF, I.N. | Darwins Origin of species: betoverende wetenschap. Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen literatuur en wetenschap. | Baarn Ambo | 1988. 166 pp. Paperback. Bibliografie. *omslag deels verkleurd, markeerstrepen op pagina's 9,10 en 1... | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
FECHNER, G.T. | Das Büchlein vom Leben nach dem Tode. (meer info) | Hamburg Voss | 1911. (7th). (VIII) 86 pp. Cloth. *good condition* | € 10.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
MARX, K. | Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Complete in 3 volumes. (meer info) | Berlin Dietz | 1977 - 1981. 955, 559, 1007 pp. Cloth. Portrait. (Werke 23. 24, 25) *cloth volume 3 discoloured and ... | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
MARX, K. | Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Erster Band. Buch I: Der Produktionsprozess des Kapitals. Neue Textausgabe. Bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Thomas Kuczynski. | Hamburg VSA | 2017. 798 pp. Hardcover. *good condition* | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
MARX, K. | Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Volksausgabe. Complete in 3 volumes. (meer info) | Berlin Dietz | 1956-1957. 963, 636, 1069 pp. Imitation leather. *binding volume 2 slightly spotted, previous owner'... | € 25.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
SCHELLING, F.W.J. | Das Tagebuch 1848. Rationale Philosophie und demokratische Revolution. Mit Alexander v. Pechmann und Martin Schraven aus dem Berliner Nachlass herausgegeben von Hans Jörg Sandkühler. | Hamburg Meiner | 1990. (LXIV) 341 pp. Paperback. (PB, 367) *front cover a bit spotted and slightly damaged, otherwise... | € 12.50 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
LAEVEN, A.H. | De Acta eruditorum onder redactie van Otto Mencke (1644-1707). De geschiedenis van een internationaal geleerdenperiodiek tussen 1682 en 1707. | Amsterdam APA | 1986. (XX) 398 pp. Ingenaaid. Dissertatie + stellingen. Portret. Illustraties. (SIB, 13) *omslag lic... | € 12.50 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
NADLER, S. | De best mogelijke wereld. Een verhaal over filosofen, God en het kwaad. Vertaald door F. van Zetten. | Amsterdam Atlas | 2008. 352 pp. Paperback. *goede staat* | € 12.50 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
SCHOPENHAUER, A., VANDENABEELE, B. | De bloesem van het leven. Esthetiek en ethiek in Arthur Schopenhauers filosofie. | Leuven UP | 2001. 312 pp. Paperback. (WV, 22) *stempel op de Franse titelpagina, goede staat* | € 15.00 |
Antiquariaat Isis |
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