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# 1, 5, 6, 7. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR SOCIALE GESCHIEDENIS. # 1, 5, 6, 7. 1975, 1976. per stuk 3 euro, samen 10 euro € 3.00
€ 4,50
Boekhandel Rosa
100 Greatest African Americ... Asante, Molefi Kete 100 Greatest African Americans - A Biographical Encyclopedia (meer info) Prometheus Books 2003 345pp Gebonden € 41.00
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1001 Beds - Performances, E... Miller, Tim 1001 Beds - Performances, Essays and Travels (meer info) University of Wisconsin Press 2014 328pp Paperback / softback € 26.70
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101 Careers in Social Work Ritter, Jessica A., Obermann, Ann, Danhoff, Kristin Lindsay 101 Careers in Social Work (meer info) Springer Publishing Co Inc 2019 384pp Paperback / softback € 50.90
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101 Secrets of the Freemaso... Karg, Barb, Young, John K 101 Secrets of the Freemasons - The Truth Behind the World's Most Mysterious Society (meer info) Adams Media Corporation 2009 256pp Gebonden € 21.65
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101 Social Work Clinical Te... 101 Social Work Clinical Techniques (meer info) Oxford University Press Inc 2013 624pp Paperback / softback € 112.35
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101 Things You Need to Know... Andrews, Professor Maggie, Lomas, Dr Janis 101 Things You Need to Know About Suffragettes (meer info) The History Press Ltd 2018 160pp Paperback / softback € 15.45
€ 1,75
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12 Million Black Voices - A... Wright, Richard 12 Million Black Voices - A Folk History of the Negro in the United States Echo Point Books Media 2019 154pp Paperback / softback € 30.10
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14 Miles - Building the Bor... Gibson, DW 14 Miles - Building the Border Wall Simon Schuster 2021 352pp Paperback / softback € 21.25
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#178, 181, 183, 185, 186, 1... TIJDSCHRIFT GRONIEK. #178, 181, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 196, 197. Groningen, Groniek 2008-2013. ?p., 3 euro per stuk, samen 20 euro € 3.00
€ 4,50
Boekhandel Rosa
1938#2, 3, 4, 6, 9. TIJDSCHRIFT PERSPECTIEVEN VAN WORDENDE CULTUUR. 1938#2, 3, 4, 6, 9. 1938. ?p. € 30.00
€ 4,50
Boekhandel Rosa
1939#1, 3, 4, 5, prijsvraag... TIJDSCHRIFT PERSPECTIEVEN VAN WORDENDE CULTUUR. 1939#1, 3, 4, 5, prijsvraagnummer juli 1939. ?p. € 30.00
€ 4,50
Boekhandel Rosa
1941#1, 5, 10/11 TIJDSCHRIFT PERSPECTIEVEN VAN WORDENDE CULTUUR. 1941#1, 5, 10/11 1941. ?p. € 18.00
€ 4,50
Boekhandel Rosa
€ 4,50
Boekhandel Rosa
1,999 Facts About Blacks - ... Corbin, Raymond M. 1,999 Facts About Blacks - A Sourcebook of African-American Achievement (meer info) Madison Books 1996 228pp Paperback / softback € 24.90
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2 uitgaven voor 1 geld over... Heinrich, Erich; Kalk, W. 2 uitgaven voor 1 geld over psychologische aspecten in de tandheelkunde en de problemen met gebitsprothesen. (meer info) Lehmanns Verlag; Instituut voor Toegepaste Sociale wetenschappen Uit de periode 1933-1986. Twee eerste drukken. Eén originele papieromslag met rood-zwarte opdruk en... € 10.00 Lilith
28e jaargang#2,3,4; 29e jaa... TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR SOCIALE GESCHIEDENIS. 28e jaargang#2,3,4; 29e jaargang#2,3,4. 2002,2003. per stuk 3 euro, samen 12 euro € 3.00
€ 4,50
Boekhandel Rosa
40 Days and 40 Nights - Dar... Chapman, Matthew 40 Days and 40 Nights - Darwin, Intelligent Design, God, Oxycontin(r), and Other Oddities on Trial in Pennsylvania (meer info) Harper Perennial 2008 288pp Paperback / softback € 23.80
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4000 Years of Migration and... Bellwood, Peter 4000 Years of Migration and Cultural Exchange: The Archaeology of the Batanes Islands, Northern Philippines Anu E Press 2013 274pp Paperback / softback € 49.60
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50 Dark Destinations - Crim... 50 Dark Destinations - Crime and Contemporary Tourism (meer info) Bristol University Press 2023 424pp Paperback / softback € 23.50
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50 Facts Everyone Should Kn... 50 Facts Everyone Should Know About Crime and Punishment in Britain - The Truth Behind the Myths (meer info) Policy Press 2019 176pp Paperback / softback € 22.05
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50 Finds of Roman Coinage -... Brown, Andrew 50 Finds of Roman Coinage - Objects from the Portable Antiquities Scheme (meer info) Amberley Publishing 2021 96pp Paperback / softback € 22.95
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 - 50 Years of Cultural Travel 50 Years of Cultural Travel Association for Cultural Exchange 2008 214pp Gebonden € 11.80
€ 1,75
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72e jg., nr. 2. Volkskunde,... Orgaan van de Vereniging voor Volkskunde en van de Volkskunde-Commissie der Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen 72e jg., nr. 2. Volkskunde, driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor de studie van het volksleven Centrum voor Studie en Documentatie vzw, Antwerpen 1971, Paperback, Goed € 5.00 Button
76e jaargang, nummers 1, 3,... Orgaan van de Vereniging voor Volkskunde en van de Volkskunde-Commissie der Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen 76e jaargang, nummers 1, 3, 4. Volkskunde, driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor de studie van het volksleven Centrum voor Studie en Documentatie vzw, Antwerpen 1975, Paperback, Goed € 14.99 Button
85 jaar Amsterdamse vrouwen... VERSTEEG, H.J. 85 jaar Amsterdamse vrouwenkliniek. Amsterdam. 122p., Ills. € 5.00
€ 4,50
Boekhandel Rosa
A Bigger Picture - My Fight... Nakate, Vanessa A Bigger Picture - My Fight to Bring a New African Voice to the Climate Crisis (meer info) Pan Macmillan 2021 256pp Gebonden € 27.00
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A Blood Condition Chingonyi, Kayo A Blood Condition (meer info) Vintage Publishing 2021 80pp Paperback / softback € 16.45
€ 1,75
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A Book of Feasts and Seasons Bogle, Joanna A Book of Feasts and Seasons (meer info) Gracewing 1986 212pp Gebonden € 40.20
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A Book of the Beginnings, V... Massey, Gerald A Book of the Beginnings, Vol.2 (meer info) Cosimo Classics 2013 700pp Paperback / softback € 46.00
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A Brief History of Atlantis... Kershaw, Dr Stephen P. A Brief History of Atlantis - Plato's Ideal State (meer info) Little, Brown Book Group 2017 432pp Paperback / softback € 22.50
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A Call to Act - Building A ... Charlesworth, Martin, Williams, Natalie A Call to Act - Building A Poverty Busting Lifestyle David C Cook Publishing Company 2020 224pp Paperback / softback € 21.50
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A Century of Repression - T... Engelman, Ralph, Shenkman, Carey A Century of Repression - The Espionage Act and Freedom of the Press University of Illinois Press 2022 336pp Paperback / softback € 33.20
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A Child of Sanitariums - A ... Paris, Gloria A Child of Sanitariums - A Memoir of Tuberculosis Survival and Lifelong Disability (meer info) McFarland Co Inc 2010 212pp Paperback / softback € 31.55
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A City Cannot Be a Work of ... Ikeda, Sanford A City Cannot Be a Work of Art - Learning Economics and Social Theory From Jane Jacobs (meer info) Springer Verlag, Singapore 2023 400pp Paperback / softback € 67.50
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A Country Called Amreeka: U... Malek, Alia A Country Called Amreeka: U.S. History Retold Through Arab-American Lives - Arab Roots, American Lives Free Press 2010 320pp Paperback / softback € 25.90
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A Critique of Postcolonial ... Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty A Critique of Postcolonial Reason - Toward a History of the Vanishing Present (meer info) Harvard University Press 1999 464pp Paperback / softback € 53.75
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A Culture of Fear - An Insi... Dominguez Lmft, Julian J, Murphy Ma, Melinda A Culture of Fear - An Inside Look at Los Angeles County's Department of Children Family Services (meer info) Strategic Book Publishing 2013 156pp Paperback / softback € 20.90
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A Deeper Sickness - Journal... Peacock, Margaret, Peterson, Erik L. A Deeper Sickness - Journal of America in the Pandemic Year Beacon Press 2023 288pp Paperback / softback € 22.95
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A Dictionary of Law Enforce... Gooch, Graham, Williams, Michael A Dictionary of Law Enforcement (meer info) Oxford University Press 2007 428pp Paperback / softback € 21.95
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A Farewell to Justice - Jim... Mellen, Joan A Farewell to Justice - Jim Garrison, JFK's Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History (meer info) Potomac Books Inc 2007 468pp Paperback / softback € 34.40
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A Feast of Flowers - Race, ... Krupa, Christopher A Feast of Flowers - Race, Labor, and Postcolonial Capitalism in Ecuador (meer info) University of Pennsylvania Press 2022 328pp Paperback / softback € 53.90
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A Fractured North - Facing ... A Fractured North - Facing Dilemmas (meer info) Verlag der Kulturstiftung Sibirien 2024 256pp Paperback / softback € 49.60
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A Gay History of Britain - ... Cook, Dr Matt (Birkbeck, Mills, Robert, Trumbach, Randolph, Cocks, H.G. A Gay History of Britain - Love and Sex Between Men Since the Middle Ages (meer info) Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2007 256pp Gebonden € 85.20
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A General History of the Li... Johnson, Captain Charles A General History of the Lives, Murders and Adventures of the Most Notorious Highwaymen (meer info) British Library Publishing 2019 400pp Gebonden € 29.35
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A Good Book, In Theory - Ma... Sears, Alan, Cairns, James A Good Book, In Theory - Making Sense Through Inquiry, Third Edition (meer info) University of Toronto Press 2015 240pp Paperback / softback € 36.00
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A Guide to Careers in Physi... Ryan, Alan S. A Guide to Careers in Physical Anthropology (meer info) Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2001 328pp Gebonden € 88.55
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A Guy's Guide to Being a Ma... Vincent, Frank, Prigge, Steven A Guy's Guide to Being a Man's Man (meer info) Penguin Putnam Inc 2007 288pp Paperback / softback € 28.80
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A Handbook of Food Crime - ... A Handbook of Food Crime - Immoral and Illegal Practices in the Food Industry and What to Do About Them (meer info) Policy Press 2019 458pp Paperback / softback € 41.50
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A Historical Ethnography of... Wiessner, Polly (Arizona State University), Tumu, Akii (Enga Taake Anda Tradition and Tradition Centre), Pupu, Nitze (Enga Taake Anda Tradition and Tradition Centre) A Historical Ethnography of the Enga Economy of Papua New Guinea (meer info) Cambridge University Press 2024 96pp Paperback / softback € 30.45
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