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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Boekwinkel
Illustrated, Dutch History,... [N.N.] Illustrated, Dutch History, Religious Theater 1607 | Const-thoonende ivweel by de loflijcke stadt Haerlem ten versoecke van Trou moet blijcken in 't licht gebracht [...] in twaelf spelen van sinne. Zwolle, Z. Heyns, 1607. [Gebonden met:] Haerl... 4°. Full contemporary parchment binding, blind stamped. A very rare, complete copy, with all 3 volu... € 6540.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Theatre. Photography]. Par... [Theatre. Photography]. Paris-Theatre, Journal programme hebdomadaire paraissant le Jeudi [continued as:] Paris-Portrait. Year 1-3 and 5-6. No. 1 (22 - 29 Mai 1873) -142 and 209-345 (25 - 31 Decembre 1879). Ed. E. Paz. Rare extensive run of 27... (meer info) Paris, Paris-Theatre, 1873-1879, 276 issues in 5 vols., 4 to 8 pages per issue, ornamented title-pag... € 5500.00
€ 5,50
Fahrenheit 451
Antique print, etching | Ex... Cornelis Dusart (1660-1704) Antique print, etching | Extensive village feast (Uitbundig dorpsfeest), published 1685, 1 p. (meer info) "Born in Haarlem in 1660, Cornelis Dusart became the closest follower of Adriaen van Ostade, the lea... € 3025.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon ... Stanley Kubrick, M/m Paris [Design], Alison Castle [Editor] Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon [Limited collector's edition] The Greatest Movie Never Made (meer info) Taschen Goed, 2009, 1e druk, Hardcover with 10 smaller books inserted, in original publisher's box, 2874p € 2400.00
€ 4,50
De Slegte Algemeen
Gysbrecht [Gijsbrecht] van ... Derkinderen, A.J. (1859-1925), Vondel. Joost van den. Gysbrecht [Gijsbrecht] van Aemstel, d'ondergang van zijn Stad en zyn Ballingschap. Treurspel. Met Inleiding van L. Simons. Tooneel-decoratie ontwerpen van H.P. Berlage, Muziek van Bern. Sweers en A.J. Diepenbrock. Boekversieringen van A.J. Der... (meer info) Haarlem, F. Bohn, 1894-1901, 20 parts in 11 separate instalments as issued, 122 pag., abundantly ill... € 1450.00
€ 5,50
Fahrenheit 451
Oeuvres de théâtre [theatre... Diderot, Denis (1713-1784). Oeuvres de théâtre [theatre], avec un discours sur la poésie dramatique. [True first edition]. (meer info) Amsterdam (= Paris?), no publisher, 1759, 1st ed., 2 vols., (4),258; XXIV,347 pag., contemporary un... € 1275.00
€ 5,50
Fahrenheit 451
? - Toneelgroep Theater ? Toneelgroep Theater Gelderland, Anjer-comité, 1953-1962 € 999.00
€ 3,65
TDR - The Drama Review - 13... Various TDR - The Drama Review - 130 numbers (1967-2000) Theater Production Service / New York University / School of the Arts USA Paperback; 1967; Some issues have traces of use or small damages. Most of them in a good condition -... € 975.00
€ 3,50
Klondyke button
Theatre Peepshow, ca 1730-1... Theatre Peepshow, ca 1730-1756 | Paper Theater or Diorama, made up of several sheets representing different scenes. This scene is a festive scene with people drinking and dancing and in the back a garden with animals. A lady feeds chickens (ho... Paper theater or diorama, made up out of several sheets representing different scenes. Together they... € 872.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Theatre Peepshow, ca 1730-1... Theatre Peepshow, ca 1730-1756 | Paper Theater or Diorama, made up of several sheets representing different scenes. This scene is at sea and shows several (sailing)ships and a rowing boat, 6 sheets. Paper theater or diorama, made up out of several sheets representing different scenes. Together they... € 872.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Theatre Peepshow, ca 1730-1... Theatre Peepshow, ca 1730-1756 | Paper Theater or Diorama, made up of several sheets representing different scenes. This scene is titled 'Het balet (ballet)', the ballet dance and shows a decorative stage with ornaments and dancing people. Paper theater or diorama, made up out of several sheets representing different scenes. Together they... € 872.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Convolute theatre play 1688... Brandt, Gerard, Dullaart, J., Lescailje, Katarine, Haverkamp, J., Bruin, Cl. Convolute theatre play 1688-1717 | Six rare theatre plays: Herkules en Dianira (1688), De dood van Nero (1709), Napelse beroerte (1668), Alexander de Medicis (1713), Dood van Johan en Garcias (1715) and veinsende Torquatus (1692-1717). (meer info) Parchment binding with text on spine: "tragedie", binding in -8 with smudges but firmly bound, 16,5 ... € 872.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Theatre Peepshow, ca 1730-1... Theatre Peepshow, ca 1730-1756 | Paper Theater or Diorama, made up of several sheets representing different scenes. This scene is titled 'De buitenplaats', the country estate and shows a house with garden and fountain. Paper theater or diorama, made up out of several sheets representing different scenes. Together they... € 817.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Theatre Peepshow, ca 1730-1... Theatre Peepshow, ca 1730-1756 | Paper Theater or Diorama, made up of several sheets representing different scenes. This scene is titled 'Christus in den tempel', Christ in the temple and shows the interior of a Roman style temple with christ ... Paper theater or diorama, made up out of several sheets representing different scenes. Together they... € 817.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Praxis Evangeliorum, oder d... Moller, Martin (1547-1606), Spangenberg, Johann (1484-1550). Praxis Evangeliorum, oder deutliche und nützliche Abhandlung aller Sonn- und Festtäglichen Evangelien durchs gantze Jahr; Wie auch heilsame Betrachtung des bittern Leydens und Sterbens Jesu Christi; in diesen letzten Zeiten auff ihre endliche ... (meer info) Frankfurt/ Leipzig, Johann Nicolaus Andrea, 1728, 3 parts in 1 volume, (8),918; 120; 282,(1) pag., e... € 800.00
€ 5,50
Fahrenheit 451
Anvers mondain. Year 1 (190... Josse, Armand (ed.). Anvers mondain. Year 1 (1904) - 3 (1905-06), CONTINUED AS: Le carnet mondain, théâtral, littéraire et sportif. - Anvers, Year 6 (1908-09) -11 (1910-11), 14 (1913-14). (meer info) Anvers, Le Carnet Mondain, 1904-1914, numerous illustrations, programmes, adverts, contemporary unif... € 750.00
€ 5,50
Fahrenheit 451
Scenes From the Chiushingur... Murdoch, James, Ogawa, Kazumasa (collotypes). Scenes From the Chiushingura and the Story of Forty-Seven Ronin, by K. Ogawa, Photographer, Tokyo, Japan, In Collotype, with Descriptive Text by James Murdoch (meer info) Tokyo, K. Ogawa, Meiji 25 (1892), (4),52,(1) pag., 17 coloured collotype plates by K. Ogawa, origina... € 700.00
€ 5,50
Fahrenheit 451
Kumadori Hyakushu 100 kinds... Kuniki Kawakami editor Kumadori Hyakushu 100 kinds of Kumadori 100 Makeup Faces for Kabuki (meer info) 1929 (Showa 4), Kyoto € 699.00 Jimbocho
Bundel treurspelen: Gustavu... Piron, An, Voltaire, De Crebillon, De Brueys, Abt Metastasio Bundel treurspelen: Gustavus, Achilles, Brutus, Pyrrhus,Gabinia, Demophontes (meer info) Izaak Duim, Amsteldam 1742, 1761, 1755,1756, 1761 80p+79p+62p+64p+64p+80p € 650.00 boeksel
Salomé. Drame en un Acte. [... [Beardsley, Aubrey]. Wilde, Oscar. Salomé. Drame en un Acte. [Salomé. A tragedy in one act]. (meer info) Paris, "Édition à petit nombre réservée aux souscripteurs et non mise dans le commerce", 1920, 8... € 650.00
€ 5,50
Fahrenheit 451
Mr Moody and Mr Packer in t... Saunders, Joseph (fl. 1772-1808) after Gucht, Benjamin van der (1753-1794) Mr Moody and Mr Packer in the farce of the Register Office (meer info) Two characters in costume for the play by Joseph Reed: Mr Moody on the left sitting at a table and h... € 605.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
A journey from Aleppo to Je... MAUNDRELL,H. A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, A.D. 1697. The sixth edtion, to which is now added an account of the author's journey to the banks of Euphrates at Beer, and to the country of Mesopotamia. With an index to the whole work, not in a... (meer info) Oxford, Printed at the Theatre, for A. Peisley bookseller in Oxford, and W. Meadows bookseller in Cornhill, 1740. € 550.00 Fragmenta Selecta
[Theatre science, Theater w... Engel, J.J. [Theatre science, Theater wetenschap 1790] De kunst van nabootzing door gebaarden. 2 delen, Haarlem, v. Walre, 1790, (14)+333+(14)+251 pp. 20th century cardboard covers, interior in good condition. Illustrated with 34 engravings of gesture... € 539.55
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Cinema  en Theater .  ( Com... Westerbaan , Pier ( Redacteur . ) [ isbn X ] 1122 Cinema en Theater . ( Complete Jaargang van wekelijkse verschijning uit 1921. ) Administratie Galgewater Ingebonden complete jaargang van 52 weekmagazines uit 1921 in redelijke gelezen staat aangezien de o... € 500.00 DE ESOTERIER
ARLINGTON L. C. The Chinese... L. C. Arlington ARLINGTON L. C. The Chinese Drama, from the earliest times until to-day. A Panoramic Study of the Art in China, tracing its Origin and describing its Actors (meer info) Kelly and Walsh, Limited, Shanghai, 1930 Illustrated Hardcover, 1900 gr, € 499.00 Jimbocho
Dirk Braeckman. z.Z.(t). Vo... Eelbode, Erik; Dirk Braeckman. z.Z.(t). Volume I (meer info) BE - , Ludion, 1998, Original Hardcover, 96 pages, 27.4 20cm, B/w Illustrations, NL/FR *** Very good condition + buikban... € 495.00 Erik Tonen button
[Convolute, ca. 1674-1711, ... [Convolute, ca. 1674-1711, Theatre] Haagsche broedermoord, of Dolle blydschap. Frederikstad, J.E. Smith, n.d. (±1674), (4), 112p. (convolute of 8 plays) (meer info) In "Haagsche Broeder-moord", Oudaan bitterly elaborates the murder of the De Witt brothers which too... € 490.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Frank, Anne - Het achterhuis Frank, Anne Het achterhuis (meer info) Contact, Amsterdam 1947, 2e dr., 253 p., gebonden, gebruikerssporen € 470.00
€ 3,95
De lettervreter
Belegering en ontsetting de... Bontius, Reinerius (Reinier de Bondt (1576-1623)). Belegering en ontsetting der Stad Leyden, Geschied in den Jaare 1574. Beginnende den 27 Mey, en Eindigende den 3 October daar aan volgende. Zeer levendig afgebeeld door Reinerius Bontius. Treur-Bly-Einde-spel. Vercierd met schoone Figuuren en ... (meer info) Rotterdam, Johannes Ruys, n.d. (ca.1750), 52,(4) pag., woodcut title-illustration and 9 woodcut illu... € 450.00
€ 5,50
Fahrenheit 451
Voorzigtige dolheit hof-spe... Joris de Wijze, perifere dichter Voorzigtige dolheit hof-spel van Joris de Wijze naar El cuerdo loco van Félix Lope deVega y Carpio; vertoont op d'Amsterdamsche Schouwburg (meer info) Gedrukt bij Jan van Hilten, boekverkoper in de Beurstraat, in de geborduurde hantschoen. Anno 1650 1e druk Spaans theater geproduceerd voor de Amsterdamse Schouwburg € 385.00 Boek Prent
TheaterPortretten [gelimite... Nijpels, Rob / Vliet, Paul van (voorwoord) TheaterPortretten [gelimiteerde en genummerde editie] (meer info) Stichting Op De Eerste Rij / Rob Nijpels [EXCLUSIEF], 2016, gebonden, in draagkoffer met boekenstandaard + DVD, 220 p. € 379.00
€ 6,90
Historie van den Amsterdams... FOKKE, J., Historie van den Amsterdamschen Schouwburg. (meer info) Amsterdam, Warnars Den Hengst, 1772. Groot 8vo. (VIII)+80+(12) pp. Met gegrav. frontisp,. titelvignet 4 dubbelbladige gravures van de br... € 350.00 Charbo
Poppetgom. Theater Scarabee... (LUCEBERT e.v.a.). BOON, Adri Poppetgom. Theater Scarabee. 224 pagina's. (meer info) € 350.00 Fokas Holthuis
Wajang Kelitik oder Kerutjil. Juynboll,H.H. Wajang Kelitik oder Kerutjil. Leiden, [1900] [37] pp. 10 single-page col. lithograped plts. Modern boards. - TAKEN FROM: Internationales Archiv f... € 350.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Theatergebäude und Denkmäle... Wieseler,Friederich. Theatergebäude und Denkmäler des Bühnenwesens bei den Griechen und Römern. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck, 1851 118 pp. 14 copper-engr. plts of which 3 handcol. Or.h.leather, spine loose and partly present, edges... € 350.00 Antiquariaat Kok
[Japan]. Far East Fanfare. ... [Japan]. Far East Fanfare. Vol.1 (1950), no.2 and 4-7. Ed. Lee Martin. (meer info) Tokyo, Philip Beaufoy, 1950, 5 issues, illustrated, original unif. stapled wrappers, quarto. € 350.00
€ 5,50
Fahrenheit 451
Pinter, Harold - The Caretaker Pinter, Harold The Caretaker (meer info) Methuen Co 1960 Hardover with dustjacket. Dustjacket good, edgewear. stained. Book good, firm binding, no notes/unde... € 341.90 Libereso
[D 774] Auf dem Wasser zu s... Schubert, Franz: [D 774] Auf dem Wasser zu singen. Gedicht von Leopold Grafen zu Stollberg. In Musik gesetzt für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte von Franz Schubert. 72tes Werk Wien : Diabelli Comp., PN D. et C. No. 2487 [1827]. 7 S. Quer-Gr.-4°. Titel gering fleckig. 2 leichte, grössere, durchgehende Wasserränder., Erste Se... € 335.00 Paul van Kuik
Theatre play rare 1757 | Tw... Studio Fovetur Ingenium (=Sybrand Feitema (?)) Theatre play rare 1757 | Two volumes with 6 tragedies by Studio Fovetur Ingenium (=Sybrand Feitema (?), Izaak Duim, Amsteldam 1754-1757. From Van Lier collection. 6 Tragedies in two bindings, some of which are rare:olume 1:1) Gabinia tragedy in French by Mr. De B... € 327.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Satirical book pharmacy 171... Satirical book pharmacy 1716 | Printed theater play ‘De ontmantelde apotheker met gefopte hoorndrager, blijspel’, Gouda, erven L. Kloppenburg, [ca. 1715], 32 p. (meer info) Met titelprent met o.a. de apotheker aan een ziekbed en de initialen H.A. op de kraag van zijn mante... € 327.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[D 770] Drang in die Ferne.... Schubert, Franz: [D 770] Drang in die Ferne. Gedicht von Carl Gottfr. v. Leitner. In Musik gesetzt Für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Piano=Forte . 71tes Werk Wien : Diabelli und Comp., PN D. et C. No. 2486 [1827]. 7 S. Quer-Gr.-4°. Titel fleckig. 2 leichte, grössere, durchgehende Wasserränder., Erste Separatau... € 325.00 Paul van Kuik
Oeuvres de théâtre [theatre... Diderot, Denis (1713-1784). Oeuvres de théâtre [theatre], avec un discours sur la poésie dramatique. (meer info) Amsterdam, no publisher, 1770, 2 vols., XXIV,347; (4),258 pag., 2 different woodcut vignettes on tit... € 325.00
€ 5,50
Fahrenheit 451
Pub. Terentius Comoediae se... Terentius Afer, Publius. Pub. Terentius Comoediae sex: Ex Dan: Heinsii recensione. Amsterdam, Willem Jansz. Blaueu (Blaeu), 1630, 216 + [8] pp. (meer info) Leather binding with ribbed, gold stamped spine and title shield in red morocco. 105 x 55 mm, 24º: ... € 321.55
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Programmbuch] Jushny`s The... Blaue Vogel: [Programmbuch] Jushny`s Theater. Der Blaue Vogel [Ned. vertaling en publiciteit Herbert A. Polak] [Den Haag] : cop. Der Blaue Vogel [ca. 1930]. [16] S. 4°. Geheftet. Kl. Randschaden. Umschlag minimal fleckig., Mit hübscher Umschlagillustratio... € 315.00 Paul van Kuik
[D 745] Die Rose. Gedicht v... Schubert, Franz: [D 745] Die Rose. Gedicht von Fried. Schlegel. In Musik gesetzt für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte. 73tes Werk Wien : Diabelli u Comp., PN D. et C. No. 2490 [1827]. 7 S. Quer-Gr.-4°. 2 leichte durchgehende Wasserränder., Erste Separatausgabe. Die Erstausgabe ersc... € 315.00 Paul van Kuik
Satirical antique print, et... Jan Punt (1711-1779) and Pieter Tanjé (1706-1761) after Cornelis Troost (1697 - 1750) Satirical antique print, etching and engraving, theater | Huwelyks voorstelling / The marriage proposal, published 1754, 1 p. (meer info) The mennonites Tjerk Hendrikxe and Stoffel Thysen, both wearing top hats, ask for the hand of Saartj... € 302.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Tooneel [linnen band] De ma... Herman Teirlinck Tooneel [linnen band] De man zonder lijf / De vertraagde film / De ekster op de galg / Ik dien / Avé (meer info) De Sikkel Goed, 1938, 1e druk, Linnen band € 300.00
€ 4,50
De Slegte Antwerpen-wapper
Manuskript für seine Bühnen... Hefti, Urs. Manuskript für seine Bühnen-Aufführung in deutscher Sprache für die Hauptrolle Ivan Kolomijcev in Maxim Gorki's "Die Letzten" im Landestheater Tübingen. Premiere : 10.02.1976. Regie : Maria Reinhard. Ausstattung : Haitger M. Böken. (meer info) Zeitgenossige leinen Band mit handgeschriebenen Etikett: *Die Letzten* : Maxim Gorki : UHefti (Signatur)*. A4. Mit zahlreichen handschriftliche Eintragungen und 188 Seiten eingeklebten Textstellen auf 93 Blätter, teils mit Streichungen und Korrek... Conditie: goed. € 300.00
€ 5,50
Kloof Antiquariaat
Sixty Sermons Preach'd on S... Smalridge, George Sixty Sermons Preach'd on Several Occasions. Publish'd from the Originals. Oxford, Printed at the Theater 1724 (dedication, portrait, 46) 616 p. Contemporary gold- and blind-stamped Leather with raised band... € 300.00
de Roo Boeken button
De Gedichten van Pieter Lan... Langendyk, Pieter De Gedichten van Pieter Langendyk. (4 delen 1751-1760) (meer info) J. Bosch, Haarlem 1751-1760 Zeldzame uitgave van 4 complete delen jaargang 1751-1760, Hardcover gebonden met lederen rug, fraaie... € 299.75 AntiekBooks

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