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Adiga, Aravind - Between the Assassinations

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Afbeelding: Adiga, Aravind - Between the Assassinations
Schrijver: Adiga, Aravind
Titel: Between the Assassinations
ISBN: 9781439153161
Uitgever: Simon & Schuster
Bijzonderheid: 2010, paperback, user wear, failry good copy
Prijs: € 8,85
€ 4,20
Meer info Welcome to Kittur, India. Of its 193,432 residents, only 89 declare themselves to be without religion or caste. And if the characters in Between the Assassinations are any indication, Kittur is an extraordinary crossroads between the brightest minds and the poorest morals, the up-and-coming and the downtrodden, and the poets and the prophets of an India that modern literature has rarely addressed.

A series of sketches that together form a blinding, brilliant, and brave mosaic of Indian life as it is lived in a place called Kittur, Between the Assassinations, with all the humor, sympathy, and unflinching candor of The White Tiger, enlarges our understanding of the world we live in today.
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