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[Bond, James]. Fleming, Ian. - 007 The Official Cocktail Book. Shaken. Drinking with James Bond and Ian Fleming. Introduction by Fergus Fleming. With text and recipes by Edmund Wil, Bobby Hiddlestobn & Mia Johansson.

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Schrijver: [Bond, James]. Fleming, Ian.
Titel: 007 The Official Cocktail Book. Shaken. Drinking with James Bond and Ian Fleming. Introduction by Fergus Fleming. With text and recipes by Edmund Wil, Bobby Hiddlestobn & Mia Johansson.
Bijzonderheid: London, Mitchell Beazley, 2018, 1st ed., 224,(1) pag., col. illustrations, original gilt hardback (no jacket).
Prijs: € 20,00
€ 5,50
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