Tom Franklin 39526 - Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter

Titel: Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter
ISBN: 9780330533560
Bijzonderheden: Goed, 2011, 318p
Prijs: € 7,50
Verzendkosten: € 4,50 (binnen Nederland)
Meer info:
In the 1970s, Larry Ott and Silas \"32\" Jones were boyhood pals in a small town in rural Mississippi. Their worlds were as different as night and day: Larry was the child of lower-middle-class white parents, and Silas, the son of a poor, black single mother. But then Larry took a girl to a drive-in movie and she was never seen or heard from again. He never confessed . . . and was never charged. More than twenty years have passed. Larry lives a solitary, shunned existence, never able to rise above the whispers of suspicion. Silas has become the town constable. And now another girl has disappeared, forcing two men who once called each other \"friend\" to confront a past they've buried for decades.
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Tom Franklin 39526 - Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter Tom Franklin 39526 - Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter Tom Franklin 39526 - Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter