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Annabel Carothers - Four Ducks on a Pond

Titel: Four Ducks on a Pond
ISBN: 9781841588766
Taal: Engels
Uitgever: BIRLINN
Bijzonderheden: 2010
Prijs: € 12,00
Verzendkosten: € 3,85 (binnen Nederland)
Meer info:
Being well camouflaged and unobtrusive, Nicholas keenly observed the comings and goings of three generations of his family and their animals in a remote area of the Isle of Mull. In the early 1950s life was basic, without mains water or electricity, as each day followed the next. But sometimes the routine was disrupted. Despite its isolation, the island was affected by Foot and Mouth disease while conflict raging in a foreign land caused separation in the family. Nothing escaped Nicholas' attention. As the family cat, his contact with humans and animals alike gave him a unique opportunity to record the events that concerned them all. This delightful account, written during a year in the life of the family, came to light after more than fifty years of neglect in a drawer. It will appeal to all ages, and to lovers of the simple life, of big open spaces, of country living, of farm animals - and of cats in particular.
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Annabel Carothers - Four Ducks on a Pond