Maybaum, Ignaz (prof.dr.) - The Face of God after Auschwitz. Th

Titel: The Face of God after Auschwitz. This book considers what has to change in religion and culture to save mankind in the nuclear age
ISBN: n.v.t.
Taal: Engels
Uitgever: Polak & Van Gennep Amsterdam z.j. (= 1965)
Bijzonderheden: Softcover, paperback. Ingenaaid. Pg's. 265. Condition: good copy
Prijs: € 9,85 (Excl. verzendkosten)
Meer info:
'Ignaz Maybaum is the outstanding theologian of European Jewry. He is the interpreter of its recent disaster and its hopes, both to the Jewish and Christian world. William Temple, Archbishop of Caterburry advised: 'let us go to school and learn from this Rabbi ...'.
To the late Dr. Leon Roth he was 'the only theologian in Anglo Jewry'.
Before the war Dr. Maybaum was communal Rabbi in Berlin, where he suffered in the downfalle of the most intellectual Jewish community in the world. Het was arrested and sent to a concentration camp in 1935. Released after six weeks he carried on with his work in Berlin up till 1939 when he came as a refugee to England. Here he once again combined the roles of Rabbi, teacher and theologian. (...)'.

Een citaat uit dit imponerende werk.
'Since1933, I have asked in my sermons and in my theological writings the only single question: What happened? The events of the years 1933-1945 seemed unparalleled in mankind's history. Many Jewswere stunned into silence, soms into the religious rebellion of Job: God has allowed to happen what has happened; where is God? Slowly, attempts were mae to emege from the grip of the nightmare and to find both a logical and a religious response. (...).
Where did Jews in Hitler's Reich meet Christians?They met only Germans, vey seldom and in exceptional cases Christians. The German nation revealed to the world that the Christian civilisation harboured pagan man in its midst and that the Christian superstructure can be very thin and can disappear. (...).
In the days which followed Hitler's rise to power in 1993, Germany echoed with the Austrian and Bavarian dialect. It is the dialect of the Roman Catholic tribes of the German people.
The Roman Catholic Bavarians and Austrians were the first to show their great zeal as ferocious followers of Hitler. (...).
In this book in which I speak of Jewish-Christian co-existence and cooperation, its possibility, desirability and, indeed, its necessity, I ask the question:
how far are the Christian Churches of the Hitler era involved in the guilt through which sis million Jews perished? (...)'.

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Maybaum, Ignaz (prof.dr.) - The Face of God after Auschwitz. This book considers what has to change in religion and culture to save mankind in the nuclear age Maybaum, Ignaz (prof.dr.) - The Face of God after Auschwitz. This book considers what has to change in religion and culture to save mankind in the nuclear age Maybaum, Ignaz (prof.dr.) - The Face of God after Auschwitz. This book considers what has to change in religion and culture to save mankind in the nuclear age Maybaum, Ignaz (prof.dr.) - The Face of God after Auschwitz. This book considers what has to change in religion and culture to save mankind in the nuclear age Maybaum, Ignaz (prof.dr.) - The Face of God after Auschwitz. This book considers what has to change in religion and culture to save mankind in the nuclear age Maybaum, Ignaz (prof.dr.) - The Face of God after Auschwitz. This book considers what has to change in religion and culture to save mankind in the nuclear age

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