Charles Fréger 186631 - Charles Fréger

Titel: Charles Fréger
ISBN: 9782919923137
Uitgever: MUDAM
Bijzonderheden: Goed, 2007, Paperback, 152p
Prijs: € 25,00
Verzendkosten: € 4,50 (binnen Nederland)
Meer info:
This straightforward collection of portraits by Charles Fréger continues this brilliant young French photographer's study of European youth and social uniforms. Made over a period of three years in the tiny country of Luxembourg, \"Lux\" contains absolutely riveting, if deadpan, portraits of schoolchildren and adolescents in their various vocational and recreational costumes--including soccer uniforms, ballet leotards, chorale society outfits, military fatigues and work clothes. Fréger closes out this volume with a series of equestrians in formal and western wear, and a knockout study of burgeoning competitive swimmers. It is hard to imagine a set of more touchingly awkward portraits than the ones of the youngest of these girls in their metal nose clips, bathing caps and goggles.
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Charles Fréger 186631 - Charles Fréger