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, - The English Version Of The Polyglot Bible --- Containing Th

Titel: The English Version Of The Polyglot Bible --- Containing The Old And New Testaments, With A Copious And Original Selection Of References To Parallel And Illustrative Passages. With The Psalms of David in Metre, Translations and Paraphrases in ...
ISBN: 8710624181642
Uitgever: London, Samuel Bagster and Sons
Bijzonderheden: 586 + 188 + 52 pag. Good condition. With 10 fullcolour maps and plans. Copper frame and lock. 1 corner in paraphrase torned off.
Prijs: € 195,00
Verzendkosten: € 4,95 (binnen Nederland)

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, - The English Version Of The Polyglot Bible --- Containing The Old And New Testaments, With A Copious And Original Selection Of References To Parallel And Illustrative Passages. With The Psalms of David in Metre, Translations and Paraphrases in ...