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Payne - The Holy Bible with Notes --- Paynes Illustrated Family

Titel: The Holy Bible with Notes --- Paynes Illustrated Family-bible Containing The Old And New Testament withNotes And Extracts By Joseph Temple And The Rev. W. Hickman Smith. With Engravings, Maps and Family-register
ISBN: 8710624184440
Uitgever: London, James Hagger
Bijzonderheden: (8) 993 + 284 pag. Bounded in original leather stamped cover. Backside recovered. Klein folio. Good condition. With all coloured Illustrations in Oil. Clean pages.
Prijs: € 250,00
Verzendkosten: € 4,95 (binnen Nederland)

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Afbeeldingen (Klik om te vergroten)

Payne - The Holy Bible with Notes --- Paynes Illustrated Family-bible Containing The Old And New Testament withNotes And Extracts By Joseph Temple And The Rev. W. Hickman Smith. With Engravings, Maps and Family-register