History, Captivating - Julius Caesar - A Captivating Guide to O

Titel: Julius Caesar - A Captivating Guide to One of the Greatest Generals in Ancient Rome and His Role in the Fall of the Roman Republic and Rise of the Roman Empire
ISBN: 9781637168004
Taal: Engels
Uitgever: CH Publications
Bijzonderheden: 2023 90pp Gebonden
Prijs: € 33,10
Verzendkosten: Gratis (binnen Nederland)
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If you've ever been curious about ancient Rome and the time of Caesar but felt overwhelmed by the information available, this handy biography of Julius Caesar's life might just be what you've been looking for.

By taking a broad and narrow focus, this volume is able to simultaneously give the reader a nice overview of the 1st century BCE while also honing in on the specifics of the famous leader as he makes his way up from the downtrodden neighborhood of his youth to eventually being named a god by the Roman people.

This book is told in a straightforward, chronological fashion, so the reader is able to look at Caesar's life in bite-sized chunks that inform without creating confusion. Caesar's life happened in the midst of turbulent military and political intrigues. But he was also surrounded by numerous well-known figures from history. The interweaving of their tales not only makes for page-turning reading; it also gives the reader much to question, critique, and ponder.

This book will satisfy your curiosity and hopefully inspire you to go out and learn even more. With handy comparisons to the modern world, the life of Rome and the ancient world will become more tangible and easier to imagine than ever before.

It's time Caesar walked off the dusty shelves, out of the history books, and into our minds as the living, breathing, brilliant, sneaky, brave, and intriguing man that he was. Take a trip like no other through the streets of ancient Rome, from the butcher shop to the throne, with the famous ruler himself as your guide.

If you've ever wondered about the following, then this book is for you!

Were Caesar and Cleopatra married?
Did Caesar ever have children?
How big was the Roman Republic?
Was politics always so confusing?
Why do we care about Julius Caesar? Wasn't he just one of many?
Was Caesar really kidnapped by pirates?
What was life like at home and at war in ancient Rome?

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History, Captivating - Julius Caesar - A Captivating Guide to One of the Greatest Generals in Ancient Rome and His Role in the Fall of the Roman Republic and Rise of the Roman Empire

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