Shree Rajneesh - Words from a man of no words

Titel: Words from a man of no words
ISBN: 9783893380244
Taal: Engels
Bijzonderheden: 1989? / Hardcover, zakformaat / in nette staat, stofomslag lichte sporen van gebruik
Prijs: € 8,50
Verzendkosten: € 3,95 (binnen Nederland)
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When mind knows, we call it knowledge. When heart knows, we call it love. And when being knows, we call it meditation.

Start fresh: a clean slate with no belief, with no dogma, with no faith. Then there is a possibility that you may find what is the truth. And the truth is neither Hindu, nor Mohammedan, nor Christian. And the truth is not in the Bible, nor in the Koran, nor in the Gita. The truth that you will find — you will be surprised — is nowhere written, : cannot be written. : It is impossible to write it. It has never been uttered by anybody and it is not going to be uttered by anybody.

My whole approach is to give you back to yourself, You have been stolen. You have been covered, conditioned in every possible way. . They have closed all the doors of approach to yourself, My whole work is just to make doors and windows in you. And if I can withdraw all the walls and leave you just an open sky, you will know what religion is. “It is a little difficult for me to speak again. It has been difficult always, because I have been trying to speak the unspeakable. Now it is even more so. After 1,315 days of silence, it feels as if Tam coming to you from a totally different world. In fact, it is so. The world of words, language, concepts, and the world of silence are so diametrically opposite to each other, they don’t meet anywhere” In October, 1984, Shree Rajneesh ended a period of almost four years of public silence, stopping on the road during his daily afternoon drive to respond to a reporter’s question by declaring that his was the first, and perhaps the last, religion. A few days later, on October 30, the Master appeared before a group of disciples gathered in the living room of his home and explained what he meant by this statement: My religion is the first religion which takes man in his totality, in his naturalness, accepts man’s whole, as he is. And that's what holy means to me — not something sacred but something accepted in its wholeness. And I have said perhaps it may be the last religion too, for the simple reason that 1 have not given you anything which can be argued against.…. 1 have given you only methods. Methods you can try or not, but you cannot argue against a method. If you try, [ know it is going to succeed. [ know by my own experience that it is going to succeed — there is no question. If you don’t try it, you have no right to say anything about it…. What 1 have given you is not a closed system. It is an open experiment…. (The Rajneesh Bible, Volume 1) In the weeks and months which followed, Shree Rajneesh devoted himself to exposing, brick by brick, the wall of superstitions and beliefs — about God, right and wrong, sin and virtue, and a host of others most of us don’t even realize we have — which prevent each of us from authentic religious experience. Even those of us who had never thought of ourselves as “religious” embarked on a journey of discovery, revealing how deep, how pervasive, how subtle and unconscious is the conditioning imposed by the society in which we live. In the Master's hands, the journey was a delight, each evening a work of art. Brilliant logic, an intimate childhood story…a hilarious anecdote, the surgeon’s scalpel….a devastatingly simple and revolutionary insight — all woven together with the gestures and the eyes and the presence of Silence. For more than thirty-five years, Shree Rajneesh has devoted his life to the art of using words to persuade, cajole, steer, indícate, seduce, and even shock people into a space where they can step over the boundary line that divides the world of silence from the world of words. Perhaps more artfully than any of the other, rare individuals who have made their home in the wordless, this Master manages to bring the hint, the fragrance of that wordless space, into words. The words in this book were selected from the first sixty days of discourses given by Shree Rajneesh in America. They are a taste, a collage of rare moments, distilled from an extraordinary and historic time. Ma Deva Sarito Poona, 1989
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