Friedlander, Ludwig - Roman Life & Manners Under The Early Empi

Titel: Roman Life & Manners Under The Early Empire - 4 Volumes Complete
Taal: Engels
Uitgever: New York: Barnes & Noble
Bijzonderheden: 1968, Good Condition, Hardcover + Dustjacket, + Plastic Protective Jackets, 4 Volumes, Ex-Library books (Kings College Library New York)
Prijs: € 60,00 (Excl. verzendkosten)
Meer info:
Volume 1 - 428 pp
Volume 2 - 365pp
Volume 3 - 324pp
Volume 4 - 718pp


I The Lotus Tree. (By Prof. Ferdinand Cohn, Breslau)
II Exhibition of natural Curiosities at Rome
III Provincials in Rome
IV Embassies to Roman Emperors from foreign Countries
V The Population of Rome
VI On the Use of Vehicles in Rome
VII Roma aurea, aelerna, sacra
VIII The Officials a rationibus, a libellis, ab epistulis
IX The Order of the Offices held by Imperial Freedmen
X Roman Names assumed by Peregrini and Freedmen
XI The Friends and Companions of the Emperor
XII The Use of Viv Clarissimus as a Senatorial Title
XIII Mandragora
XIV The Sportula of the Clientes
XV The Use of Domine as a Form of Address in ordinary Life
XVI Endearing and complimentary Names for Women and Girls
XVII The Story of Amor and Psyche and other Traces of the Folk-tale in Antiquity
XVIII The usual Age of Girls at Betrothal and Marriage
XIX The Use of Homeric personal Names for Appellatives
XX Roman Finds in the North. (By Dr. Otto Tischler, of Konigsberg)
XXI Tourists' Inscriptions on the Pyramids
XXII The Use of the Word Romantic as applied to natural Scenery
XXIII On the Meaning of the Names Viola (tov), Anemone, Narcissus, Hyacinthus. (By Prof. Ferdinand Cohn, Breslan)
XXTV Three Inscriptions on Charioteers
XXV Diversium
XXVI Representations of Gladiators (and Venatores) in Works of Art
XXVII The gladiatorial Tesserae
XXVIII Summa and Secunda Rudis ; Primus and Secundus Palus
XXIX Costume and Arms of the Gladiators
XXX On the Animals used for the Roman Venationes
XXXI How Animals were caught for the Amphitheatre
XXXII Modern Animal Fights
XXXIII Executions and other Punishments carried out in the Amphitheatre
XXXIV On the Velarium of the Amphitheatre
XXXV Abolition of the Gladiatorial Shows. Gladiatorial Shows in the Middle Ages and more recent Times
XXXVI List of Roman and provincial Amphitheatres
XXXVII The Performance of Comedies under the later Empire
XXXVIII The Performance of Tragedies under the later Empire
XXXIX On the frequent Use of famous Artists' Names
XL The Pyrrhic of Asia Minor .
XLI The Contests in the Actian Agon at Nicopolis
XLII The Contests in the Capitoline Agon
XLIII Continuance of the Capitoline Agon
XLIV The Extension of Gymnastic Contests in the Western Provinces
XLV The Taxes of three Roman Provinces
XLVI Rodbertus on the Comparison of ancient with modem Wealth
XL VII The Dissolution of Pearls in Vinegar
XLVIII A Catalogue of Table Delicacies from a Greek Comedy
XLIX Specification of Silver Plate according to Weight
L Prices of Sepulchral Monuments
LI Latrines in Rome
LII Civitates Mundi
LIII Marble and Bronze as Materials for Statues
LIV Prices of Statues
LV Borrowing from the Controversiae of the Elder Seneca in the Gesta Romanorum
LVI The Chronology of the Epigrams of Martial and Statius
LVII The Patrons and Friends of Statius
LVIII The Chronology of Juvenal's Life and Satires
LIX On the Personal Names in Juvenal
LX Chronological Notes on Gellius
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Friedlander, Ludwig - Roman Life & Manners Under The Early Empire - 4 Volumes Complete

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