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Titel: Fire Boy. ORIGINAL FIRST DRAFT AUTOGRAPH SONG LYRIC, recorded on the Grinderman 2 album (2010),
Bijzonderheden: black ballpoint and red felt-tip marker, A4 (29,7 x 21,1 cm.), recto only.
Prijs: € 7 500,00
Verzendkosten: € 5,50 (binnen Nederland)
Meer info:
= A rare and unique opportunity to acquire a first draft original handwritten exquisite song lyric, of the 2010 song "Fire Boy", recorded in 2009 for the Grinderman 2 album. Nick cave is more and more regarded as one of the most interesting and gifted songwriters and musicians of this age - constantly renewing his style, collaborating closely with other artists like Warren Ellis and finding his audience in close direct contact through his Red Hand Files. Text includes several textual variants from the recorded version, several words changed, crossed-out, marked and several marginal annotations relating to chords.The song may still be listened to online. The song is not considered as Mr. Cave's masterpiece, but still: it's a first-hand Nick Cave obscurity!Nick Cave is known as a maniacal archivary of his own works and papers and has donated almost all of his personal archive to museums - only 3 sets of other lyrics have been donated by Mr. Cave to charities (being two sets of Where the Wild Roses Grow and one re-written copy of God is in the house). Nick Cave does not usually give away song lyrics, but made an exception for this one occasion when he gave away these lyrics to a long-time personal close friend and professional collaborator. It comes with an autograph signed statement by Nick Cave in which he declares to give away these lyrics and to whom. The lyrics as recorded:Where has my sister gone? Says the fire boy to his motherThey gone down to the moratorium with your crazy little brother Do you think she might mind if I tag along Says the fire boy as he detaches Here take me down some petroleum and a rag and a box of matches You better hide you better hide away The fire boy is purging You better hide you better hide away Yeah, the cops they are surging Oh, we were always running away Said the fireboy to his little sons We were always running away my darling my precious ones I'm gonna go wake up Mary and together we'll get loaded I'm gonna bite deep into her cherry while the government houses exploded Yeah I love the way she jumped the counter in her miniskirt and her leather boots Well I don't know what I ever did without her as we hide in the alleyways and the garbage chutes Yeah we were always running away Said the fireboy to his little sons Yeah we were always running away oh my darling, my precious ones Come on Come onShoot it at the sunCome onShoot it at the sun
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