TASCHEN - King Tut. The Journey through the Underworld - 40

Titel: King Tut. The Journey through the Underworld - 40
ISBN: 9783836584234
Taal: Engels
Uitgever: Taschen GmbH, 2020.
Bijzonderheden: Nieuw exemplaar, Gebonden met stofomslag, 512 pp.
Prijs: € 17,95
Verzendkosten: € 4,95 (binnen Nederland)
Meer info:
Since the ’90s, Sandro Vannini has been documenting the archeological heritage of ancient Egypt in super high-resolution photography. This condensed edition combines Vannini’s work with a modern understanding of the ancient Egyptian view of the afterlife to cast an enthralling light on the voyage the pharaoh was thought to make after death.

Buried in the 14th century BC but unearthed by Howard Carter in 1922, the objects entombed with Tutankhamun are an invaluable window into a long-extinct belief system. Seen today, they create an intricate picture of how the ancient Egyptian people viewed the perilous journey to paradise, a utopian Egypt that could only be entered following the final judgment.

When acclaimed photographer Sandro Vannini started his work in Egypt in the late ’90s, a technological revolution was about to unfold. Emerging technologies enabled him to document murals, tombs, and artifacts in unprecedented detail. Using the time-consuming and strenuous multi-shot technique, Vannini produced complete photographic reproductions that revealed colors in their original tones with vivid intensity. Through these extraordinary images, we discover the objects’ quintessential features alongside the sophisticated and cleverly hidden details.

This comprehensive guide marks the centenary of Carter’s first excavations in the Valley of the Kings. These inestimable works endure through Vannini's photographs in their full, timeless splendor. From offerings and rituals to Osiris and eternal life, Vannini’s portfolio covers all facets of ancient Egyptian culture—but it is Tutankhamun’s unique legacy that dominates these images. With texts by the photographer, captions by specialist Mohamed Megahed, and chapter introductions from scholars in the field, King Tut. The Journey through the Underworld puts much-debated mysteries to rest. The learned yet accessible forewords come from distinguished Egyptologists including Salima Ikram and David P. Silverman. Insightful narratives, resplendent images, and a contemporary standpoint make this title a fitting tribute to the Boy King’s odyssey, illuminating an epoch that spanned an unimaginable 4,000 years.
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TASCHEN - King Tut. The Journey through the Underworld - 40

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