Michael Wedel 180355 - 100 Years Studio Babelsberg

Titel: 100 Years Studio Babelsberg
ISBN: 9783832796464
Uitgever: TeNeues Verlag
Bijzonderheden: Goed, 2012, Paperback, 260p
Prijs: € 50,00
Verzendkosten: € 4,50 (binnen Nederland)
Meer info:
Studio Babelsberg is the eldest large area film studio in the world and the birthplace of the German film industry. A vast amount of world-class movie makers have worked at these sets and produced brilliant, renowned movies. Many actors became stars through Babelsberg. In many different ways has the film studio always promoted the international role of cinema movies though out the years and has been a role model in film technical innovation especially in the fields of Camera techniques and Sound.
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