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AMAT :  QUATRE PAISATGES DE... Jose Carlos Catano ; Richard-Lewis Rees AMAT : QUATRE PAISATGES DE FONS 1975 - 1992 (meer info) , Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, 1993 Pictorial softcover, SPA.edition, double sided frontispice,305 x 245 x 25 mm., 253pp., profoundly il... € 40.00 Erik Tonen button
André Lhote. 48 reproductio... LHOTE,ANDRÉ. Jakovsky,Anatole. André Lhote. 48 reproductions commentées par le peinte. Paris, 1947 24,48 pp. Frontispiece (portrait) 48 b./w. plates portrait. Softcover.French text. € 9.50 Antiquariaat Kok
Balthus. BALTHUS. Catalogue 1984. Balthus. Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou N.Y Metropolitan Mus. of Art. 391 pp. Col. b./w, ills. Soft cover.French text edition. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Balthus. BALTHUS. Leymarie,Jean. Balthus. [Genève], Skira, 1978 [30] pp. [17] b./w. plts 48 tipped-in col. plts. Orig. hardcover (cream coloured cloth over boards)... € 35.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bengt Lindström. De oorspro... LINDSTRÖM,BENGT. Miler,Richard. Bengt Lindström. De oorsprong en zijn uitdrukking. [Andenne], Magermans, [1989] 105 pp. Col. plates. Hardcover.Dutch text edition. € 10.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Braque. The complete graphi... BRAQUE,GEORGES. Vallier,Dora. Braque. The complete graphics. Catalogue raisonné. New York, Gallery Books, 1988 318 pp. Col. b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket sl. worn along the edges.English text ... € 35.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Catalogue de l'oeuvre graph... BAJ,ENRICO. Petit,Jean. (ed.). Catalogue de l'oeuvre graphique et des multiples d'Enrico Baj. Volume I: 1952 - 1970; Vol. II: 1970 - 1973. / Catalogue of Enrico Baj's graphic work and multiples. Volume I: 1952 - 1970; Vol. II: 1970 - 1973. [Complete two volume set]. Geneve, Editions Rouseau, [1974] 2 vols. [126], [136] pp. Num. col. b./w. ills, incl. full page plts. Orig. hardcover (orange cloth... € 85.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Christian de Portzamparc. G... PORTZAMPARC,CHRISTIAN DE. Wright,Stephen. (transl.). Christian de Portzamparc. Généalogie des formes. / Genealogy of forms. Translated from the French by Stephen Wright. Paris, 1996 128 pp. Col. ills. Hardcover, d./j.Text in French English. € 17.50 Antiquariaat Kok
Christian Rohlfs. Aquarelle... Vogt,Paul. Christian Rohlfs. Aquarellen und Zeichnungen. Recklinghausen, 1958 Text ills. Cloth. € 75.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Christian Rohlfs. Das graph... ROHLFS,CHRISTIAN. Vogt,Paul. Christian Rohlfs. Das graphische Werk. Recklinghausen, 1960 81 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. Dustjacket slightly dam.Oeuvre-catalogue of his graphic works. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Cnacarchives 2: Daniel Spoe... SPOERRI,DANIEL. Catalogue 1972. Cnacarchives 2: Daniel Spoerri. Publié à Paris en 1972 à l'occasion de l'exposition Spoerri 28 janvier 1972 à 6 mars 1972. Paris 94 pp. B/w ills. Soft cover. € 10.00 Antiquariaat Kok Kermadec. 1899-1976. D... KERMADEC,E.DE. Catalogue 1977. Kermadec. 1899-1976. Dernières oeuvres. Galerie Louise Keiris, 1977 6 pp. 37 ills. Orig. lithographed wrappers by Kermadec, foxed. € 20.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Félix Vallotton. Leben und ... VALLOTTON,FÉLIX. Busch,Günther, B.Dorival D.Jakubec, Félix Vallotton. Leben und Werk. Frauenfeld, 1982 239 pp. Num.ills. Cloth,d/j. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Franz Marc. MARC,FRANZ. Schardt,Alois J. Franz Marc. Berlin, 1936 176 pp. 110 ills. Hardcover. - Spine loosening. € 22.50 Antiquariaat Kok
Frits van den Berghe 1883 -... BERGHE,FRITS VAN DEN. Boyens,Piet. Frits van den Berghe 1883 - 1939. Met een volledig geïllustreerde kritische en gedocumenteerde catalogus van de schilderijen, gouaches, tekeningen en illustraties door Patrick Derom en Giles Marquenie. [Antwerpen], Pandora, [1999] 504 pp. Col. & b./w. ills. Orig. publisher's hardcover binding (red cloth), d./j. 4to. Oeuvre catalo... € 80.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Georges Braque. His graphic... BRAQUE,GEORGES. Hofmann,Werner. Georges Braque. His graphic work. N.Y., 1961 86 pp. 35 ills. Cloth,d/j. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
GERCHMAN. - Gerchman. GERCHMAN. Gerchman. Rio de Janeiro, 1989 208 pp. Col. plts. Soft cover. With: Para Ku Sebastian my friend and companion of (gütehol viva Aja... € 45.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Harrie Gerritz. GERRITZ,HARRIE. Walraven,Marie C. (introd.). Harrie Gerritz. Ewijk, De Blauwe Horizon, 1992 40 pp. Col. ils. Softcover.Text in Dutch English. € 10.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Henri Matisse exposition ré... MATISSE,HENRI. Catalogue 1956. Henri Matisse exposition rétrospective. Paris, Musée Nationale d'art moderne 35 pp. 31 plts. Wrappers org.lithography by Matisse. - covers sl. agetoned. € 45.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Jan Moerbeek. 20 jaar schil... MOERBEEK,JAN. Jan Moerbeek. 20 jaar schilder. 50 jaar mens. 's-Hertogenbosch, 1997 104 pp. Col.ills. Soft cover. € 10.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Joan Miró. MIRO,JOAN. Catalogue 1956. Joan Miró. Bruxelles, Palais des beaux-arts One col. b./w. illustr. Soft cover.French text. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Joan Miró. MIRO,JOAN. Catalogue 1962. Joan Miró. Paris, Muséé National 64 pp. Ills. 8 lithogr. (4 fold.). Lithogr. cover. € 90.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Joan Miró. Samlade litograf... MIRO,JOAN. Leiris,Michel F.Mourlot. Joan Miró. Samlade litografier I. Mälmo Paris, 1972 234 pp. 121 col.ills 11 original lithographs by Miro. Cloth, with orig. lithographed d./j. (edges j... € 650.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Joan Miro. Homentage a Gaud... MIRO,JOAN. Catalogue 1979. Joan Miro. Homentage a Gaudí. 100 gravats i 4 escultures recents (1978-1979). Barcelona, Galeria Maeght Text, 1 folding lithogr. and lithogr. cover. € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Joan Miro. Pintura. MIRO,JOAN. Catalogo 1978. Joan Miro. Pintura. Madrid, Museo Espagnol, 114 pp 107 col. ills. Cover lithograph by Miro. € 100.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Joost Baljeu. BALJEU,JOOST. Beeren,Wim. (foreword). Joost Baljeu. Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, [1991 72 pp. Col. b./w. ills. Orig. softcover (pictorial wrappers). 8vo. (Stedelijk Museum Cat. Nr. 746).... € 22.50 Antiquariaat Kok
Joost Baljeu 1954 - 1964. T... BALJEU,JOOST. Luning Prak,Niels. (introd.). Joost Baljeu 1954 - 1964. Tijd - ruimte werken.., [1965] [9] pp. B./w. ills. Orig. softcover (stapled wrappers). Sqaure 8vo. Rather rare catalogue accompanyi... € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. SCHMIDT-ROTTLUFF,KARL. Grohmann,Will. Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. Stuttgart, 1956 324 pp. Ills. Hardcover, no d./j. - Sl. discol. € 19.50 Antiquariaat Kok
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. Aqua... SCHMIDT-ROTTLUFF,KARL. Katalog 1946. Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. Aquarelle aus den Jahren 1943-1946. Chemnitz, Städtische Kunstsamlung 16 pp. 24 plts (partly col.). Cloth. € 7.50 Antiquariaat Kok
Kurt Schwitters. SCHWITTERS,KURT. Catalogue 1978. Kurt Schwitters. Cologne, Galerie Gmurzynska 169 pp. Col. b./w. ills. Hardcover. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Kurt Schwitters. SCHWITTERS,KURT. Schmalenbach,Werner. Kurt Schwitters. London, 1970 401 pp. Ills. Hardcover. € 30.00 Antiquariaat Kok
À la rencontre de Pierre Re... PICASSO. À la rencontre de Pierre Reverdy. Paris, 1970 191 pp. Ills. 1 double-page lithogr. by Picasso Reverdy. Soft cover.Some foxing. € 75.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Le poète assassine. 36 Lith... DUFY,RAOUL. Apollinaire,Guillaume. Le poète assassine. 36 Lithographies de Raoul Dufy. Paris, 1926 147 pp. 36 lithogr. by R.Dufy.Softcover in board portfolio - spine missing. Nr. 263 of 340 numbere... € 1100.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Les céramiques et sculpture... CHAGALL,MARC. Sorlier,Charles. Les céramiques et sculptures de Chagall. Préface de André Malraux. Notes et catalogue de Charles Sorlier. Monaco, 1972 249 pp. 1 orig. col. lithograph frontispiece ("Devant St-Jeannet") by Marc Chagall & 220 col. & b./ ... € 75.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Ludwig Neuhauser. NEUHAUSER,LUDWIG. Gürtler,Eleanore. Ludwig Neuhauser. Kramsach, 1993 129 pp. Plts. With handwritted dedication in ink: Für die Brüder Castendijk den seriösen Kunsth�... € 25.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Lumières allumées. Traducti... CHAGALL,MARC. Chagall,Bella. Lumières allumées. Traduction par Ida Chagall et 45 dessins de Marc Chagall. Genève Paris, Éditiond des Trois Collines, 1948 227,[1] pp. 45 b./w. ills after designes by Marc Chagall. Softcover. 8vo/ - Still uncut. - Bottom of... € 42.50 Antiquariaat Kok
Magnelli. MAGNELLI. Catalogue 1989. Magnelli. Paris, Musée Nationale dárt moderne 290 pp. Ills. Cloth. Fine d/j. € 20.00 Antiquariaat Kok
MAX COUPER: THE PLOT: THREE... N/A; MAX COUPER: THE PLOT: THREE MUSEUMS AND FOUR CITIES, (meer info) , London, Booth-Clibborn, 1998, Pictorial softcover, picture-frontispice, 205 x 295mm., 79pp., profoundly illustrated in colour and ... € 15.00 Erik Tonen button
Max Ernst in Köln. Die rhei... ERNST,MAX. Katalog 1980. Max Ernst in Köln. Die rheinische Kunstzene bis 1922. Köln, Kölnischer Kunstverein 336 pp. Ills. Hardcover. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Miro. MIRO,JOAN. Catalogue 1978. Miro. Barcelona, Galeria Maeght Text, 1 folding lithogr. and lithogr. cover. € 80.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Moholy-Nagy. MOHOLY-NAGY,LÁSZLÓ. Catalogus 1967. Moholy-Nagy. Eindhoven, Stedelijk van Abbemuseum Haags Gemeentemuseum 32 pp. 23 plts. Soft cover. € 10.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Op bezoek bij Lucebert. LUCEBERT. Jensen,Jens C. Op bezoek bij Lucebert. Amst.,De Bezige, 1994 Photographs by K. Székessy. Softcover. € 20.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Paul Wunderlich. Lithograph... WUNDERLICH,PAUL. Raddatz,Fritz J. Paul Wunderlich. Lithographies 1959-1973. Texte von Fritz J. Raddatz. Fribourg Paris, 1974 157,[2] pp. Ills 3 orig. col. lithographs by Paul Wunderlich. Hardcover, d./j. - Endpapers lightly ... € 75.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Picasso. A comprehensive bi... PICASSO. Kibbey,Ray A. Picasso. A comprehensive bibliography. N.Y London, 1977. XII,297 pp. Library-stamp on verso of title. € 10.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Salvador Dali. Literarische... DALI,SALVADOR. Wünsche,Herrman H.G.Tuchel. Salvador Dali. Literarische Zyklen. Königswinter, Schloss Drachenburg, 1982 Text ills (partly col.). Soft cover. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Schilderwerk van Lyonel Fei... FEININGER,LYONEL. Verkruysen,H.C. Schilderwerk van Lyonel Feininger. Amst., 1929 18 pp. Ills. Orig. wrappers (Japanese style binding). (Wendingen vol. 10, no. 7). - Covers sl. stain... € 75.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Seuphor. Avec le concours d... SEUPHOR,MICHEL. Henkels,Herbert. Seuphor. Avec le concours de Rik Sauwen, Germain Viatta [] Michel Seuphor. Antwerpen, Mercatorfonds, 1976 Text ills. Soft cover.French text edition. € 20.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Seuphor. Met medewerking va... SEUPHOR,MICHEL. Henkels,Herbert. Seuphor. Met medewerking van Rik Sauwen, Germain Viatta [] Michel Seuphor. Antwerpen, Mercatorfonds, 1976 Text ills. Boards, d./j. -. Edges sl. bumped.Dutch text edition (preface in Dutch, rest of the text... € 225.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Seuphor. Met medewerking va... SEUPHOR,MICHEL. Henkels,Herbert. (ed.). Seuphor. Met medewerking van Rik Sauwen, Germain Viatta [] Michel Seuphor. Antwerpen, Mercatorfonds, [1976] 364 pp. Col. b./w. ills. Hardcover, d./j.Dutch text edition (preface in Dutch, rest of the text in ... € 20.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Seuphor. Met medewerking va... SEUPHOR,MICHEL. Henkels,Herbert. Seuphor. Met medewerking van Rik Sauwen, Germain Viatta [] Michel Seuphor. Antwerpen, Mercatorfonds, 1976 Text ills. Softcover. Dutch text edition (preface in Dutch, rest of the text in French). € 25.00 Antiquariaat Kok

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