Saint-Denis, Alain |
Apogee d'une cite. Laon et le Laonnois aux XIIe et XIIIe siecles. |
€ 150.00
€ 3,90
Gassen, R.W.; Holeczek, B. (ed.) |
Apokalypse. Ein Prinzip Hoffnung? Ernst Bloch zum 100. Geburtstag. |
€ 15.00
€ 3,90
Adelaar, D., Delissen, N., Krupp, W. |
Apollinaire. Woordvoerder van de avantgarde. Avantgardist van het woord. |
€ 15.00
€ 3,90
Athanase d'Alexandrie; Szymusiak, J.M. |
Apologie a l'empereur Constance |
€ 20.00
€ 3,90
Benda, J. |
Appositions. |
€ 15.00
€ 3,90
Kleinhenz, C.; Dini, A. |
Approaches to teaching Petrarch's Canzoniere and the petrarchan tradition. |
€ 45.00
€ 3,90
Youngerman Miller, M.; Chance, J. |
Approaches to teaching. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. (Masterpieces of world literature) |
€ 40.00
€ 3,90
New, M. (ed.) |
Approaches to teaching Sterne's Tristram Shandy. |
€ 20.00
€ 3,90
Buccellati, G. (ed.) |
Approaches to the study of the ancient near East, Studies offered to Ignace Jay Gelb |
€ 30.00
€ 3,90
Salvi, C. |
apres nature. La nature morte en France au XVIIe siecle. |
€ 50.00
€ 3,90
Hutt, M. |
Aquamanilien. Gebrauch und Form.''Quem lavat unda foris". |
€ 15.00
€ 3,90
Loos, W. |
Aquarellen van de Haagse School. De collectie Drucker-Fraser. |
€ 20.00
€ 3,90
Ibn-Munqidh, Usamah; Hitti, P.K. (transl.) |
Arab-Syrian Gentleman and Warrior in the Period of the Crusades. |
€ 40.00
€ 3,90
Welles, M. L. |
Arachne's tapestry. The transformation of myth in seventeenth-century Spain. |
€ 30.00
€ 3,90
Munoz, Juan. |
Arbeiten 1988 bis 1990. |
€ 14.00
€ 3,90
Joubert, F.; Cuénot, J. |
Arbres de pierre. Les arbres de Jessé de l'hospice Saint-Roche a Issoudun. |
€ 25.00
€ 3,90
Reh, W. |
Arcadia en metropolis. Het landschapsexperiment van de verlichting. |
€ 20.00
€ 3,90
Willems, W.J.H.; Kars, H.; Hallewas, D.P. (ed.) |
Archaeological heritage management in The Netherlands. Fifty years state service for archaeological investigations |
€ 14.00
€ 3,90
Jenkins, I. |
Archaeologists and Aesthetes in the Sculpture Galleries of the British Museum 1800-1939 |
€ 40.00
€ 3,90
Wengrow, D. |
Archaeology of Early Egypt. Social Transformations in North-East Africa, 10,000 to 2650 BC. |
€ 25.00
€ 3,90
Brink, E.C.M., van den |
archaeology of the Nile Delta. Problems and priorities. Proceedings Cairo 1986 |
€ 100.00
€ 3,90
Payne, H.; Young, G,Mackworth |
Archaic marble sculpture from the Acropolis |
€ 35.00
€ 3,90
Brock, Th. |
Archaologie des Krieges. Die Schlachtfelder der deutschen Geschichte |
€ 40.00
€ 3,90
Finegan, J. |
Archeological History of Religions of Indian Asia. |
€ 40.00
€ 3,90
Maarleveld, Th.J. |
Archeologie onder water. Het verleden van een varend volk. |
€ 10.00
€ 3,90
Asch van Wijck, A.M.C. van |
Archief voor kerkelijke en wereldlijke geschiedenis van Nederland, meer bepaaldelijk van Utrecht. DRIE DELEN |
€ 70.00
€ 3,90
Lootsma, B. |
Archilab 2004. Orleans. The naked city/La ville nu. |
€ 25.00
€ 3,90
Brayer, M.-A.; Simonot, B. (ed.) |
Archilab's earth buildings. Radical experiments in land architecture. |
€ 15.00
€ 3,90
Hurx, M. |
Architect en aannemer. De opkomst van de bouwmarkt in de Nederlanden. Nieuw exemplaar |
€ 40.00
€ 3,90
Idsinga, T.; Schilt, J. |
Architect W. van Tijen 1894-1974. "Ik ben een rationalist...". |
€ 35.00
€ 3,90
Specklin, D. |
Architectura von Festungen |
€ 25.00
€ 3,90
Wittkower, R. |
Architectural principles in the age of humanism. |
€ 15.00
€ 3,90
Oud, J.J.P. |
Architecturalia voor bouwheren en architecten |
€ 8.00
€ 3,90
Steele, J. |
Architecture and computers. Action and reaction in the digital design revolution. |
€ 15.00
€ 3,90
Steenbergen, C.; Reh, W. |
Architecture and landscape. The design experiment of the great European gardens and landscapes |
€ 25.00
€ 3,90
Rossi, A. |
architecture de la ville. |
€ 20.00
€ 3,90
Lemoine, B.; Rivoirard, P. |
architecture des annees trente. |
€ 30.00
€ 3,90
Girard, C. |
Architecture et concepts nomades. Traite d'indiscipline. (Architecture + Recherches, volume 26) |
€ 25.00
€ 3,90
Morris, W. |
Architecture industry and wealth. Collected papers. |
€ 25.00
€ 3,90
Geluwe, J. van |
Architecture is. (Post Art project) |
€ 30.00
€ 3,90
Hitchcock, H.-R. |
Architecture: nineteenth and twentieth centuries. |
€ 25.00
€ 3,90
Ackermann, J.S. |
architecture of Michelangelo. |
€ 60.00
€ 3,90
Fisher, R.C.; Le Roux, Schalk; Mare, E. |
Architecture of the Transvaal |
€ 150.00
€ 3,90
Freal, J. |
architecture paysanne en France. La maison. |
€ 25.00
€ 3,90
Hays, K.M. (ed.) |
Architecture theory since 1968. |
€ 18.00
€ 3,90
Santen, B. van |
Architectuur en stedebouw in de gemeente Utrecht. 1850-1940. |
€ 10.00
€ 3,90
Blijdenstijn, R. |
Architectuur en stedebouw in de provincie Utrecht 1850-1940 |
€ 10.00
€ 3,90
Knoop, W.H. |
Architectuur en stedebouw in Gelderland 1850-1940. |
€ 10.00
€ 3,90
Jansen, J.C.G.M. |
Architectuur en stedebouw in Limburg 1850-1940. |
€ 10.00
€ 3,90
Brand, J.; Janselijn, H. |
Architectuur en verbeelding/Architecture and imagination. |
€ 10.00
€ 3,90