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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Apogee d'une cite. Laon et ... Saint-Denis, Alain Apogee d'une cite. Laon et le Laonnois aux XIIe et XIIIe siecles. Nancy, Presses Universitaires i.c.w. Centre d'etudes historiques de l'Universite de Bourgogne. 652 p... € 150.00
€ 3,90
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Apokalypse. Ein Prinzip Hof... Gassen, R.W.; Holeczek, B. (ed.) Apokalypse. Ein Prinzip Hoffnung? Ernst Bloch zum 100. Geburtstag. Heidelberg, Edition Braus, 1985. 366 pp. , sumpt. ill. in col. and b/w, large 4to, orig. boards. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Apollinaire. Woordvoerder v... Adelaar, D., Delissen, N., Krupp, W. Apollinaire. Woordvoerder van de avantgarde. Avantgardist van het woord. Weihe, Hannema-de Stuers Fundatie, 1999. 175 pp., talloze ills. in kleur en z/w., 4to, slappe kaft. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Apologie a l'empereur Const... Athanase d'Alexandrie; Szymusiak, J.M. Apologie a l'empereur Constance Oaris, editions du Cerf, 1958. 192 pp., 8vo, cloth. Fine copy € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Benda, J. - Appositions. Benda, J. Appositions. Gallimard, 1930. 88 pp., small 8vo, wrps. Spine sl.dam € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Approaches to teaching Petr... Kleinhenz, C.; Dini, A. Approaches to teaching Petrarch's Canzoniere and the petrarchan tradition. New York, TMLAA, 2014. 300 pp., 8vo, pap. € 45.00
€ 3,90
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Approaches to teaching. Sir... Youngerman Miller, M.; Chance, J. Approaches to teaching. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. (Masterpieces of world literature) New York, The Modern Language Association of America, 1986. 256 pp, 4to, CLOTH. € 40.00
€ 3,90
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Approaches to teaching Ster... New, M. (ed.) Approaches to teaching Sterne's Tristram Shandy. New York, The Modern Language Association of America, 1989. 174 pp, 8vo, softcover. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Approaches to the study of ... Buccellati, G. (ed.) Approaches to the study of the ancient near East, Studies offered to Ignace Jay Gelb Rome, Biblical Institute Press, 1973. 337 pp., + plates, 4to, pap. € 30.00
€ 3,90
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apres nature. La nature mor... Salvi, C. apres nature. La nature morte en France au XVIIe siecle. Tournai, La Renaissance du Livre, 2000. 223 pp., sumpt. ill. in b/w and col., large 4to, boards/d-j. € 50.00
€ 3,90
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Aquamanilien. Gebrauch und ... Hutt, M. Aquamanilien. Gebrauch und Form.''Quem lavat unda foris". Mainz, Philipp von Zabern, 1993. 253 pp., sumpt. ill., 4to, cloth/d-j. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Aquarellen van de Haagse Sc... Loos, W. Aquarellen van de Haagse School. De collectie Drucker-Fraser. Exhib. Cat. Amsterdam. Zwolle, Waanders, 2002. 271 pp., ills, 4to, slappe kaft € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Arab-Syrian Gentleman and W... Ibn-Munqidh, Usamah; Hitti, P.K. (transl.) Arab-Syrian Gentleman and Warrior in the Period of the Crusades. London, I.B. Tauris, 1987. 265 pp., ills in b/w, 4to, cloth. Name in pen € 40.00
€ 3,90
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Arachne's tapestry. The tra... Welles, M. L. Arachne's tapestry. The transformation of myth in seventeenth-century Spain. San Antonio, Trinity University Press, 1986. 185 pp, ills in b/w, 8vo, cloth with d-j. € 30.00
€ 3,90
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Arbeiten 1988 bis 1990. Munoz, Juan. Arbeiten 1988 bis 1990. Krefeld, Museum Haus Lange Krefeld, 1991. 75 pp., ills, 4to, wrps. € 14.00
€ 3,90
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Arbres de pierre. Les arbre... Joubert, F.; Cuénot, J. Arbres de pierre. Les arbres de Jessé de l'hospice Saint-Roche a Issoudun. Issoudun, 1991. 63 pp., sumpt. ill. in b/w, large 4to, cloth/d-j. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Arcadia en metropolis. Het ... Reh, W. Arcadia en metropolis. Het landschapsexperiment van de verlichting. Delft, Technische Universiteit Delft, 1995. 513 pp., ills, 4to, kunstleer/omsl;ag € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Archaeological heritage man... Willems, W.J.H.; Kars, H.; Hallewas, D.P. (ed.) Archaeological heritage management in The Netherlands. Fifty years state service for archaeological investigations Assen (Van Gorcum), 1997. 359 pp., 4to softcover in good condition, b/w ill. € 14.00
€ 3,90
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Archaeologists and Aesthete... Jenkins, I. Archaeologists and Aesthetes in the Sculpture Galleries of the British Museum 1800-1939 London, British Museum Press, 1992. 264 pp., ills in col. and b/w, 4to, cloth/d-j. Name in pencil. € 40.00
€ 3,90
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Archaeology of Early Egypt.... Wengrow, D. Archaeology of Early Egypt. Social Transformations in North-East Africa, 10,000 to 2650 BC. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006. 343 pp., ills. in b/w., 4to, softcover. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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archaeology of the Nile Del... Brink, E.C.M., van den archaeology of the Nile Delta. Problems and priorities. Proceedings Cairo 1986 Amsterdam, 1988. 325 pp., ills/maps, 4to, pap. Front cover small crack, but else excellent € 100.00
€ 3,90
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Archaic marble sculpture fr... Payne, H.; Young, G,Mackworth Archaic marble sculpture from the Acropolis London, The Cresset Press, n.d. 75 pp., + 140 plates, folio, cloth € 35.00
€ 3,90
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Archaologie des Krieges. Di... Brock, Th. Archaologie des Krieges. Die Schlachtfelder der deutschen Geschichte Darmstadt, Philip von Zabern, 2015. 240 pp., ills, 4to, boards/d-j. Mint condition € 40.00
€ 3,90
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Archeological History of Re... Finegan, J. Archeological History of Religions of Indian Asia. New York, Paragon House, 1989. 734 pp., ills in b/w, 4to, h-cloth, no d-j. € 40.00
€ 3,90
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Archeologie onder water. He... Maarleveld, Th.J. Archeologie onder water. Het verleden van een varend volk. Amsterdam, Meulenhoff, 1990. 160 pp., gebonden/omslag € 10.00
€ 3,90
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Archief voor kerkelijke en ... Asch van Wijck, A.M.C. van Archief voor kerkelijke en wereldlijke geschiedenis van Nederland, meer bepaaldelijk van Utrecht. DRIE DELEN Utrecht, Kemink, 1850/1852/1853. 3 delen. Samen 376 + 298 + 311 pp., 4to, originele kartonnen banden... € 70.00
€ 3,90
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Archilab 2004. Orleans. The... Lootsma, B. Archilab 2004. Orleans. The naked city/La ville nu. Orleans, 2004. 300 pp., sumpt. ill., large 4to, wrsp. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Archilab's earth buildings.... Brayer, M.-A.; Simonot, B. (ed.) Archilab's earth buildings. Radical experiments in land architecture. London, Thames and Hudson, 2003. N.p., 0ver 600 ills in col., 4to, wrps. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Architect en aannemer. De o... Hurx, M. Architect en aannemer. De opkomst van de bouwmarkt in de Nederlanden. Nieuw exemplaar Vantilt, 2012. 495 pp., ills, 4to, gebonden. € 40.00
€ 3,90
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Architect W. van Tijen 1894... Idsinga, T.; Schilt, J. Architect W. van Tijen 1894-1974. "Ik ben een rationalist...". THe Hague, Staatsuitgeverij, n.d. 396 pp., ills, 4to, gebonden € 35.00
€ 3,90
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Architectura von Festungen Specklin, D. Architectura von Festungen Unterschneidlin, Walter Uhl, 1971. Reprint of the 1639-edition, ills, 4to, cloth € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Architectural principles in... Wittkower, R. Architectural principles in the age of humanism. London, Alec Tiranti, 1952. 144 pp., + ills, 8vo, cloth. cloth (orig. covers bound in) € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Architecturalia voor bouwhe... Oud, J.J.P. Architecturalia voor bouwheren en architecten 's-Gravenhage (Mouton), 1963. 70 pp., 8vo softcover in goerde staat, toelichting op eigen ontwikkeli... € 8.00
€ 3,90
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Architecture and computers.... Steele, J. Architecture and computers. Action and reaction in the digital design revolution. New York, Watson-Guptill, 2002. 240 pp., sumpt. ill. in col., 4to, boards/d-j. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Architecture and landscape.... Steenbergen, C.; Reh, W. Architecture and landscape. The design experiment of the great European gardens and landscapes Munich (Prestel-Verlag), 1996. 373 pp., 8vo softcover in good condition, b/w and some color ill. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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architecture de la ville. Rossi, A. architecture de la ville. Paris, Editions l'Equerre, 1984. 295 pp, ills in b/w, 8vo, softcover. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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architecture des annees tre... Lemoine, B.; Rivoirard, P. architecture des annees trente. Lyon, La Manufacture, 1987. 251 pp, ills in colour and b/w, 4to, hardcover with d-j. € 30.00
€ 3,90
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Architecture et concepts no... Girard, C. Architecture et concepts nomades. Traite d'indiscipline. (Architecture + Recherches, volume 26) Bruxelles, Pierre Mardaga/C.N.R.S., 1986. 224 pp, 8vo, softcover. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Architecture industry and w... Morris, W. Architecture industry and wealth. Collected papers. London, Longmans, Green and Co, 1902 (new edition). 268 pp., 8vo, orig. cloth. Spine sl. dam. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Architecture is. (Post Art ... Geluwe, J. van Architecture is. (Post Art project) Zedelgem, Kunst en projecten, 1986. 128 pp, ills in b/w, 8vo, softcover. Lim. ed. of 500 copies. Thi... € 30.00
€ 3,90
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Architecture: nineteenth an... Hitchcock, H.-R. Architecture: nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1968. 520 pp., + 196 plates in b/w and nums ills. in text, 4to, orig. ... € 25.00
€ 3,90
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architecture of Michelangelo. Ackermann, J.S. architecture of Michelangelo. London, Zwemmer, 1961. 2 vols. Text and plates/Catalogue. Togeth. 308 pp., + nums. ills. in b/w, 4to... € 60.00
€ 3,90
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Architecture of the Transvaal Fisher, R.C.; Le Roux, Schalk; Mare, E. Architecture of the Transvaal Pretoria, University of South Africa, 1998. 338 pp., ills, 4to, leather/d-j. Spine sl. dam. € 150.00
€ 3,90
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architecture paysanne en Fr... Freal, J. architecture paysanne en France. La maison. Serg, 1977. 375 pp., sumpt. ill. in b/w, large 4to, cloth/d-j. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Architecture theory since 1... Hays, K.M. (ed.) Architecture theory since 1968. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2000. 807 pp., ills, 8vo, wrps. Wrps sl.cracked € 18.00
€ 3,90
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Architectuur en stedebouw i... Santen, B. van Architectuur en stedebouw in de gemeente Utrecht. 1850-1940. Zwolle, Waanders, 1990. 180 pp. , ills, paperback. Rug verkleurd € 10.00
€ 3,90
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Architectuur en stedebouw i... Blijdenstijn, R. Architectuur en stedebouw in de provincie Utrecht 1850-1940 Zwolle, Waanders, 1996. 160 pp., ills, 4to, wrps. € 10.00
€ 3,90
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Architectuur en stedebouw i... Knoop, W.H. Architectuur en stedebouw in Gelderland 1850-1940. Zwolle, Waanders, 1995. 176 pp. , ills, paperback € 10.00
€ 3,90
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Architectuur en stedebouw i... Jansen, J.C.G.M. Architectuur en stedebouw in Limburg 1850-1940. Zwolle, Waanders, 1994. 144 pp. , ills, paperback € 10.00
€ 3,90
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Architectuur en verbeelding... Brand, J.; Janselijn, H. Architectuur en verbeelding/Architecture and imagination. Zwolle, Waanders, 1989. 317 pp., sumpt. ill., 4to, wrps. € 10.00
€ 3,90
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