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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Alexandreis Walter of Chattilon; Pritchard, R.T. Alexandreis Toronto, PIMS, 1986. 255 pp., 8vo, pap. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Making of Medieval Forgerie... Hiatt, A. Making of Medieval Forgeries. False Documents in Fifteenth-Century England. Toronto, 2004, University Press/The British Library. 226 pages, 22 illustrations in black & white, 4... € 55.00
€ 3,90
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Dante Alighieri. La Divina ... Jacomuzzi, S.; Dughera, A.; Loli, G.; Jacomuzzi, V. (ed.) Dante Alighieri. La Divina Commedia. (Part 1: Purgatorio. Part 2: Paradiso. Part 3: Percorsi, Verifiche e Letture critiche su La divina Commedia - Paradiso) Torino, SEI, 1999. 1143 pp in total, ills in b/w, 8vo, softcover. Three volumes. € 75.00
€ 3,90
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Argan, G.C. - Rayograph Argan, G.C. Rayograph Torino, Nadar 4, 1970. N.p., ills, 8vo, wrps. Texts in Italian and English € 30.00
€ 3,90
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De' veri precetti della pit... Armenini, Giovan Battista; Gorreri, M. De' veri precetti della pittura. Torino, Giulio Einaudi, 1988. 292 pp., + 59 ills. in b/w, small 4to, orig. cloth/d-j. in slip-case. € 35.00
€ 3,90
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Vite de pittori scultori e ... Bellori, G.P.; Borea, E. Vite de pittori scultori e architetti moderni Torino, Giulio Einaudi editore, 1976. 743 pp., ills in b/w, 4to, clothbound with dustjacket and slip... € 150.00
€ 3,90
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Origine dei fenomeni psichi... Sergi, G. Origine dei fenomeni psichici e il loro significato biologico. Torino, Fratelli Bocca Editori, 1904. 367 pp., illsin b/w, 4to, half cloth € 35.00
€ 3,90
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Modelli di citta. Strutture... Rossi, P. Modelli di citta. Strutture e funzioni politiche. Torino, Einaudi, 1987. 581 pp., ills, 8vo, cloth/d-j. € 35.00
€ 3,90
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lingue dell'Italia antica o... Pisani, V. lingue dell'Italia antica oltre il Latino. Con due carte geolinguistiche ed una tavola degli alfabeti. (Manuale storico della lingua Latina, volume 4) Torina, Rosenberg & Sellier, 1953. 354 pp, 8vo, orig. cover. With two foldouts. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Kyoichu Tsuzuki - Sperm Palace Kyoichu Tsuzuki Sperm Palace Tokyo, Toba SF Sex Museum, Aspect, 2001. N.p., sumpt. ill. in col., 4to, papervack. Small tear in ba... € 125.00
€ 3,90
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Idea. International graphic... Crouwel, W.; Koga, T. (ed.) Idea. International graphic art and typograhy nr. 323: Wim Crouwels adventures into the experimental worlds Tokyo, Seibundo Shinkosha Publ., 2007. unpag.4to softcover ín good condition with anthology of his ... € 70.00
€ 3,90
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Handworterbuch der deutsche... Sanders, Daniel; Wulfing, J.E. Handworterbuch der deutschen Sprache Tokyo, Sansyusya Verlag, 1969. 887 pp., 4to, h.leather. € 45.00
€ 3,90
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Nobu's Vegetarian Cookbook Matsuhisa, Nobu Nobu's Vegetarian Cookbook Tokyo, PIE Books, 2011. 175 pp., ills. col., large 4to, hardback with d-j. Good condition. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Japanse cooking. A simple art. Tsjuji, Shizuo Japanse cooking. A simple art. Tokyo, Kodansha, 2006. 507 pp, ills in colour and b/w, 4to, hardcover with d-j. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Tohoku Min'yo-shu Iwate-Ken... Tohoku Min-yo-Shu Tohoku Min'yo-shu Iwate-Ken. Folksongs of Northeastern Honshu Iwate Prefecture Tokyo, Japan Broadcasting Corporation, 1967. Book contains 900 traditional folk-songs of Japan. 581 ... € 125.00
€ 3,90
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Generation Sex. Japanese Pi... Tsuzuki, Kyoichi; Hayashida, Yoshiyuki (text) Generation Sex. Japanese Pink movie posters. Street design File 06 Tokyo, Aspect, 2000. 143 pp., ills, 8vo, pap. € 40.00
€ 3,90
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Mukoda, N. - Street furniture Mukoda, N. Street furniture Tokyo, 1992. 143 pp., ills, 4to, pap. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Urushi. Proceedings 1985 Brommelle, N.S.; Smith, P. Urushi. Proceedings 1985 Tokyo, 1985. 258 pp., ills, 4to, pap. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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art of Batman begins. Shado... Vaz, Mark Cotta art of Batman begins. Shadows of the dark knight Titan Books, 2005. n.p., ills, oblong 4to, boards/d-j. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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verhaal van de mens. Ons ve... Roberts, A. verhaal van de mens. Ons verleden in woord en beeld. Tirion, 2011. 256 pp., ills, folio, gebonden/omslag € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Evolutie. Historisch panora... Palmer, Douglas Evolutie. Historisch panorama van leven op aarde Tirion, 2009. 367 pp., ills, uitvouwb.platen, 4to, gebonden/omslag ( omslag licht beschadigd aan zij... € 45.00
€ 3,90
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Ontspoorde historie. Delahaye, A. Ontspoorde historie. Tilburg, Uitgeverij Gianotten, 1992; 326 pp., nums. ills. in b/w., 4to, orig. wrappers. € 8.00
€ 3,90
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Oorlog om Ethiopie. Zischka, A.E.; Marre, J.E. (vert.) Oorlog om Ethiopie. Tilburg, Het Nederlandsche Boekhuis, 1935. 287 pp., 25 photos en 7 kaarten, 4to, linnen. € 30.00
€ 3,90
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Onsterfelijk. In negen stap... Kurzweil, R.; Groddman, T. Onsterfelijk. In negen stappen naar een blijvende gezondheid. Tilburg, De Wereld, 2009. 366 pp., ills in z/w, 4to, softcover. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Conceptual photography Ono, Yoko; Hendricks, J. (ed.) Conceptual photography Tiger stories, 2015. 154 pp., ills, oblong 4to, boards € 45.00
€ 3,90
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Atlas de Wit 1698. Stedenat... Delft, M. van; Krogt, P.van der Atlas de Wit 1698. Stedenatlas van de Lage Landen/Atlas des villages des anciens Pays-Bas/Town atlas of the Low Countries Tielt, Lannoo/KB Den Haag, 2012. 319 pp., ills, in col., large folio. Text in Dutch, French and Engl... € 120.00
€ 3,90
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Atlas van het werelderfgoed Lannoo Atlas van het werelderfgoed Tielt, Lannoo, 2019. 676 pp., ills, folio, gebonden/cassette. Stickertje eigenaar op schutblad, mooi... € 60.00
€ 3,90
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Stijlvol wonen exclusief Verstraelen, L. Stijlvol wonen exclusief Tielt, Lannoo, 2012. 333 pp., ills, folio, gebonden € 50.00
€ 3,90
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Turine, G. - Voodoo Turine, G. Voodoo Tielt, Lannoo, 2010. 219 pp., ills, folio, boards. Text in Dutch and English € 25.00
€ 3,90
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aarde vanuit de hemel. Een ... Arthus-Bertrand, Y. aarde vanuit de hemel. Een portret van onze planeet in vogelperspectief Tielt, Lannoo, 2009. 440 pp., met honderden foto's in kleur. Groot formaat, gebonden met stofomslag... € 45.00
€ 3,90
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Beiaardkunst in de Lage Lan... Lehr, A. Beiaardkunst in de Lage Landen. Tielt, Lannoo, 1991. 319 pp., ills, groot 4to, linnen/omslag € 20.00
€ 3,90
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albums van Anselmus de Bood... Maselis, M.-C. et al. albums van Anselmus de Boodt. Geschilderde natuurobservaties aan het Hof van Rudolf II te Praag Tielt, Lannoo, 1989. 212 pp., ills, folio, cloth/d-j € 45.00
€ 3,90
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Schrijnwerk. Vergeten kunst Geerinckx, R. Schrijnwerk. Vergeten kunst Tielt, Lannoo, 1985. 255 pp., ills, folio, linnen/omslag. Stickertjes eigenaar op schutbladen € 45.00
€ 3,90
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Vlaanderen in oude kaarten.... Bossu, J. Vlaanderen in oude kaarten. Drie eeuwen cartografie. Tielt, Lannoo, 1983. 168 pp., ills, folio, linnen/omslag € 45.00
€ 3,90
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uitgelezen Hume. Martelaere, Patricia de (red.) uitgelezen Hume. Tielt, Lannoo i.s.m. Boom, 2004. 392 pp, 8vo, hardcover. € 30.00
€ 3,90
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Art nouveau in Europa. Een ... Mazaraky, S. Art nouveau in Europa. Een internationale stijl rond de eeuwwisseling Tielt (Lannoo), 2006. 191 pp., ills., 4to. gebonden met stofomslag. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Aru Kuxipa. Ernesto Neto an... Zyman, D.; Neto, Ernesto Aru Kuxipa. Ernesto Neto and the Huni Kuin. Secret sacred Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemprary, (Sternberg Press), 2016. 206 pp., ills, large 4to, paperb. € 45.00
€ 3,90
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Lucie-Smith, E. - Rustin Lucie-Smith, E. Rustin Thomas Heneage, 1991. 311 pp., ills, oblong folio, cloth/d-j. Good copy € 45.00
€ 3,90
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Russian monasteries. Art an... Laks, Anna (ed.) Russian monasteries. Art and tradition The State Russian Museum, 1997. 239 pp., ills, 4to, boards € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Eadwine Psalter. Text, imag... Gibson, M. et al. Eadwine Psalter. Text, image and monastic culture in twelfth-century Canterbury The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992. 228 pp., + 49 plates, folio, cloth/d-j. Mint conditio... € 130.00
€ 3,90
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Five illuminated manuscript... Kirsch, E.W. Five illuminated manuscripts of Giangaleazzo Visconti The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991. 144 pp., + 107 ills, 4to, cloth/d-j. € 30.00
€ 3,90
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journals of Sir Thomas Alli... Anderson, R.C. journals of Sir Thomas Allin 1660-1678. COMPLETE SET The Navy Records Society, 1939-1940. 2 vols. Togeth. 311 + 278 pp., 4to, cloth. Ex-libr. copies ( so... € 60.00
€ 3,90
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Eroticism and the body politic Hunt, L. (ed.) Eroticism and the body politic The John Hopkins University Press, 1991. 242 pp., ills, 8vo, paperback € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Goud- en zilversmeden te Ut... Bergh-Hoogterp, L. van den Goud- en zilversmeden te Utrecht in de late middeleeuwen The Hague/Maarssen, SDU/Gary Schwartz, 1990. 2 vols. Samen 884 pp. ills, 4to, llinnen/omslag € 20.00
€ 3,90
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nieuw model van het heelal. Ouspensky, P.D. nieuw model van het heelal. The Hague/Den Haag, Servire, 1950. 741 pp., 4to, linnen € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Edgar Fernhout. Schilder/Pa... Berk, A. van den et al. Edgar Fernhout. Schilder/Painter. The Hague/Den Haag, SDU, 1990. 152 pp., nums. ills. in b/w and col., 4to, orig. cloth/d-j. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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stille oceaan. Kustenaars i... Beer, E. stille oceaan. Kustenaars in het spoor van Robinson Crusoë. Bas Jan Ader, Waldo Bien.. The Hague/Den Haag, 1987. 43 pp., ills, 8vo, wrps. € 30.00
€ 3,90
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Delineavit et sculpsit. Jou... Coelen, P. v.d.; C. Dumas a.o. (eds.) Delineavit et sculpsit. Journal for Dutch and Flemish prints and drawings. The Hague. Number 46, 47. € 15,- for each number € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Kunst van Indonesië Bodrogi, T. Kunst van Indonesië The Hague, W. Gaade, 1971. 146 pp., + some 200 ills. in b/w and 16 plates in col., 4to, orig. cloth. € 18.00
€ 3,90
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Isaac Israels. The sunny wo... Welling, D. Isaac Israels. The sunny world of a Hague cosmopolitan. The Hague, Van Voorst van Beest Gallery, 1991. 123 pp., sumpt. ill., mostly in col., 4to, orig. clot... € 14.00
€ 3,90
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