Alle boeken van Antiquariaat Schot uit Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht


Antiquariaat Schot heeft in totaal 83700 boeken

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| Pagina : 1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ... 200 |

Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
75 jaar boekenimport en uit... MELLE, MARIUS VAN 75 jaar boekenimport en uitgeverij Van Ditmar 1924-1999. Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Van Ditmar. 1999 Original publisher's sewn paperback, pictorial frontcover, large 4to: illustrated [with frontcovers ... € 12.00
€ 3,50
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75 Jaar De Gemeenschap. DERKSEN,. PETER [ED. - ET AL.]. 75 Jaar De Gemeenschap. Nijmegen, Woningbouestichting De Gemeenschap. z.j. Original publisher's white paper-covered boards, red title frontcover, pictorial dustjacket, oblong ... € 8.00
€ 3,50
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75 Jaar Ford in Nederland 1... BELINFANTE, DRS PETER/JAN HAAKMAN 75 Jaar Ford in Nederland 1924-1999. Amsterdam, Ford Nederland bv. 1999 Original publisher's paper-covered boards, pictorial dustjacket, large 8vo: 224pp., very richly illu... € 8.00
€ 3,50
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75 Jaar Gereformeerde Gemee... Beek, C.J. van der 75 Jaar Gereformeerde Gemeente Amsterdam - Centrum, 14 juni 1906 - 14 juni 1981 Amsterdam, Gereformeerde Gemeente 1982 133 p. Kunstleer € 8.00
€ 3,50
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75 Jaar Gereformeerde Gemee... Beek, C.J. van der 75 Jaar Gereformeerde Gemeente Amsterdam-Centrum 14 juni 1906-14 juni 1981 Middelburg, Offsetdruk Van Keulen 1982 133 p. Hardcover, een net exemplaar € 12.00
€ 3,50
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75 Jaar Rode Kruis Helmond ... Jacobs, Paul 75 Jaar Rode Kruis Helmond en omstreken. Aarle-Rixtel. Asten. Bakel. Helmond. NMierlo. Helmond, Stiphout BV 1989 Original publisher's gray paperback, pictorial cover, large 8vo: 122pp., illustrated, annex, bibliog... € 8.00
€ 3,50
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75 Jahre Bücher bewegen. Da... DR. MARKUS CONRAD [EDS.]./HEUGER, INGA 75 Jahre Bücher bewegen. Das Buch über Libri. [Hamburg, Libri Verlag. 2003 Original publisher's sewn blue paperback, pictorial frontcover, large 4to: pictorial endpapers, 144p... € 8.00
€ 3,50
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75 Jahre Insel Verlag 1899-... INSEL VERLAG - 75 Jahre Insel Verlag 1899-1974. Eine Geschichte in Daten, Programmen und Dokumenten. Frankfurt am Main, Insel Verlag 1974 Original publisher's white paperback, pictorial frontcover, 8vo: 154pp., richly illustrated, notes ... € 4.75
€ 3,50
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75 Jahre Inselbücherei 1912... KÄSTNER, HERBERT [ED.].DE 75 Jahre Inselbücherei 1912-1987. Eine Bibliographie mit Zahlreichen Abbildungen. Frankfurt am Main, Insel Bücherei. 1987 Original publisher's ornamental paper-covered boards, title on label spine and frontcover, 8vo: xvi,... € 8.00
€ 3,50
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75 Jahre Piper. Bibliograph... PIPER, KLAUS 75 Jahre Piper. Bibliography und Verlagsgeschichte 1904-1079. München-Zürich, Piper Verlag GmbH. 1979 Original publisher's red cloth hardback, lettering on label spine, facsimile signature frontcover, p... € 28.00
€ 3,50
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75 Years of Children's Book... MARCUS, LEONARD S. 75 Years of Children's Book Week Posters. New York, Alfred A. Knopf Inc. z.j. Original publisher's black cloth hardback, gilt lettering spine, blindstamp frontcover, pictorial du... € 9.00
€ 3,50
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750 Aniversari: Entorn a Ja... Generalitat Valenciana 750 Aniversari: Entorn a Jaume I. De l'art romànic a l'art gòtic València, Generalitat Valenciana 1989 218 (2) p. Paperback (In very good condition.) € 10.00
€ 3,50
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750 jaar minderbroeders in ... Verbeet, G.J.B. e.a. 750 jaar minderbroeders in Maastricht, 1234-1984. Een terugblik op een stuk kerkelijke geschiedenis met het accent op de laatste 50 jaren, geschreven ter gelegenheid van het 750-jarig jubileum van de Minderbroeders in Maastricht. (Serie: Binne... Utrecht, Werkgroep K. 750 1984 69 p. Paperback. € 6.00
€ 3,50
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750 jaar minderbroeders in ... Loeffen, H. e.a. 750 jaar minderbroeders in Nederland. Deel II: 19e en 20e eeuw. (Serie: Binnenpandreeks, nummer 7) Utrecht, Werkgroep K. 750 1983 196 p. Paperback. € 6.00
€ 3,50
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754: Bonifatius bij Dokkum ... MOSTERT, MARCO 754: Bonifatius bij Dokkum vermoord. Verloren Verleden 7 Hilversum, Uitgeverij Verloren. 1999 96 p. Paperback, goede staat € 4.50
€ 3,50
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75-jaar fanfare EMOS Borkel... STEEGS, J.W. [WILL] 75-jaar fanfare EMOS Borkel en Schaft 1920-1995. Eindhoven, E.M.O.S. [Eendracht Maakt Ons Sterk]. 1995 Original publisher's yellow paper-covered boards, pictorial front- backcover, large 4to: 152pp., ve... € 16.00
€ 3,50
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77 Geïllustreerde boeken ui... OFFERHAUS, JOHANNES [FOREW.]. 77 Geïllustreerde boeken uit Duitsland. Schenking van Ulrich en Inge von Ritter. s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum meermanno-Westreenianum. z.j. Original publisher's sewn red wrappers, lettering frontcover, 8vo: 54pp., [ij], foreword, CATALOGUE ... € 6.00
€ 3,50
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(8 Bücher). A.Goedeckemeyer... N.N. (Kant, Im.) (8 Bücher). A.Goedeckemeyer: Kants Lebensanschauung in ihren Grundzügen. 1921, 92 S. - W.Haensel: Kants Lehre vom Widerstandsrecht. 1926, 104 S. - O.Schöndorffer: Kants Leben und Lehre. 1924, 172 S. - G.Simmel: Kant und Goethe. O.J., 118 S. - ... € 16.00
€ 3,50
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80 jaar. Begeven noch verla... Kok, R. e.a. 80 jaar. Begeven noch verlaten. Geschiedenis van de Christelijke Gereformeerde kerk 'Eben-Haëzer' te Sliedrecht, 1922-2002 Sliedrecht, Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk 2002 184 p. Paperback € 12.00
€ 3,50
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80 jaar Letterproef. Een af... Reugebrink, Ben e.a. 80 jaar Letterproef. Een afscheid van conventioneel zetten Zaltbommel, Koninklijke van de Garde B.V. z.j. 192 p. Linnen met stofomslag € 16.00
€ 3,50
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80 jaar oorlog Ham, Gijs van der (red.) 80 jaar oorlog Amsterdam, Rijmuseum/NTR 2018 319 p. Paperback (Mooi exemplaar.) € 7.00
€ 3,50
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80 Years of Best Sellers 18... HACKETT, ALICE PAYNE/JAMES HENRY BURKE [EDS.]. 80 Years of Best Sellers 1895-1975. New York-London, R.R. Bowker Company. 1977 Original publisher's black cloth hardback, copper-coloured lettering spine and frontcover, dustjacke... € 12.00
€ 3,50
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800 jaar Onze-Lieve-Vrouweg... Hoflack, Marijke 800 jaar Onze-Lieve-Vrouwegasthuis. Uit het erfgoed van de Mechelse gasthuiszusters en het OCMW Mechelen, Stedelijke Musea 1998 97 p. Paperback, groot formaat (Mooi exemplaar.) € 8.00
€ 3,50
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888 Woonideeën Santos Quartino, Daniel 888 Woonideeën Könemann 2014 Geb., met stofomslag, nette staat, 503 pagina's. € 14.50
€ 3,50
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9 delen: Oranje. Ons vorste... Hoek, K.A. van den (eindred.) 9 delen: Oranje. Ons vorstenhuis door de eeuwen heen, delen 1 t/m 5 en 8 t/m 11 Lekturama 1989-1991 9 delen, harcover, groot formaat, in nette staat € 12.50
€ 3,50
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(9 Schriften über Karl Bart... N.N. (Barth, K.) (9 Schriften über Karl Barth). Busch: Freiheit und Autorität - Casalis: Karl Barth, Person und Werk - Dekker: Homines bonae voluntatis - Kupisch: Karl Barth - Strauch: Die Theologie Karl Barths - und 4 anderen z.n. z.j. Paperback, 8 Tle zusammen, pagina's € 20.00
€ 3,50
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90 Jaar RKSV Udi 19 Voetbal... ASSELMAN, PATRICK [ED. - ET AL.]. 90 Jaar RKSV Udi 19 Voetbalhistorie [Udense Voetbalvereniging Uitspanning door Inspanning]. Uden, De Winter Drukkers Uitgevers. 2009 Original publisher's paper-covered boards, pictorial front- backcover, oblong shaped 4to: 164pp., v... € 16.00
€ 3,50
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90 Jaren in beroep. Geschie... FABER, MR. W. 90 Jaren in beroep. Geschiedenis van de Raden van Beroep en de ambtenarengerechten. Zwolle, WEJ Tjeenk Willink 1992 Original publisher's sewn blue paperback, overlapping covers, large 8vo: xiv, 208pp., abbreviations,... € 8.00
€ 3,50
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900 Jahre Augustiner Chorhe... ENGL, FRANZ/PROF. DR. SIEGFRIED HAIDER [EDS. - ET AL.]. 900 Jahre Augustiner Chorherrenstift Reichersberg. Linz, OLV-Buchverlag [Overösterreichischer Landesverlad Gesellschaft mbH]. 1983 Original publisher's blue cloth hardback, gilt title spine and frontcover, pictorial dustjacket, sma... € 12.00
€ 3,50
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900 Jahre Speyerer Dom. Fes... Stamer, Ludwig 900 Jahre Speyerer Dom. Festschrift zum Jahrestag der Domweihe 1061-1961 Speyer, Verlag des Bischöflichen Ordinariates 1961 387 p. + 92 plates, Bound in the publisher's brown cloth with pictorial dustjacket (Exteriors of the... € 12.00
€ 3,50
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99% Ape. How Evolution Adds... SILVERTOWN, JONATHAN [ED.]. 99% Ape. How Evolution Adds Up. Chicago-London, University of Chicago Press 2009 Original publisher's sewn paperback, pictorial frontcover, 4to: 224pp. Very fine copy. € 16.00
€ 3,50
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A Banker Looks at Book Publ... BOUND, CHARLES F. A Banker Looks at Book Publishing. New York, R.R. Bowker Co. 1950 Original publisher's dark-blue cloth hardback, gilt lettering spine, 8vo: xiv, 130pp., appendices, b... € 12.00
€ 3,50
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A Basic Bibliography for th... Hospers, J.H. A Basic Bibliography for the Study of the Semitic Languages. Vol.I. z.n. 1973 Hardcover, 402 pagina's € 9.00
€ 3,50
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A Better Hope. Resources fo... Hauerwas, Stanley A Better Hope. Resources for a Church Confronting Capitalism, Democracy, and Postmodernity Grand Rapids, Brazos Press 2001 288 p. Paperback (Spine of the bindinh creased and slightly discoloured, otherwise in good condition... € 10.00 Antiquariaat Schot button
A Bibliographical Guide to ... GIPSON, LAWRENCE HENRY A Bibliographical Guide to the History of the British Empire 1748-1776. New York, Alfred A. Knopf. 1969 Original publisher's red cloth hardback, gilt title spine, dustjacket, large 8vo: xxiv, 478pp., lij,... € 28.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of 17th Cent... MITCHELL, P.M. A Bibliography of 17th Century German Imprints in Denmark and the Duchies of Schleswig-Holstein. [3 Vols. Compl.]. Lawrence, University of Kansas Library. 1969 Original publisher's sewn gray paperback, black lettering spine and frontcover, small 4to: Vol. I: x... € 60.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of British M... GROSS, CHARLES A Bibliography of British Municipal History. Including Gilds and Parliamentary Representation. New York, Burt Franklin [CA. 1970]. z.j. Original publisher's green cloth hardback, gilt title spine, large 8vo: xxxiv, 462pp., additions, in... € 20.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of British S... TITLEY, NORAH M. [ED.] A Bibliography of British Sporting Artists. London, British Sporting Art Trust-Sotheby's 1984 Original publisher's sewn green paperback, pictorial frontcover, 4to: 132pp., abbreviations, bibliog... € 12.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of Calvinian... Kempff, D. A Bibliography of Calviniana 1959-1974 E.J. Brill 1975 Geb., met stofomslag,, 249 pagina's. € 12.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of Dancing. ... MAGRIEL, PAUL DAVID A Bibliography of Dancing. A List of Books and Articles on the Dance and Related Subjects. New York, Benjamin Blom. 1966 Original publisher's black cloth hardback, gilt title spine, 2nd printing [1936], large 8vo: frontis... € 28.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of Dentistry... Asbell, Milton B. A Bibliography of Dentistry in America 1790-1840 Sussex House Publications 1973 107 p. Bound in the publisher's red cloth (In good condition, dedicated and signed by the author on ... € 9.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of English M... Cockle, Maurice J.D. A Bibliography of English Military Books up to 1642 and of Contemporary Foreign Works. With an Introductory Note by Charles Oman. Edited by H.D. Cockle London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent Co. Ltd. 1900 (XL, 1) 267 (1) p. Bound in the publisher's red cloth with gilt title spine (Exteriors of the bindin... € 160.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of Internal ... Bloomfield, Arthur L. A Bibliography of Internal Medicine. Selected Diseases Chicago, University Press 1960 (VIII) 312 p. Bound in the publisher's green cloth with gilt title spine (With several library-stamp... € 8.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of Medical a... Moore, Robert J./MORTON, LESLIE T. A Bibliography of Medical and Biomedical Biography Aldershot, Scolar Press. 1992 (IX) 208 p. Bound in the publisher's green cloth with dustjacket (Fine copy.) € 8.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of Menno Sim... Horst, Irvin B. A Bibliography of Menno Simons ca. 1496-1561 Dutch Reformer with census of known copies. Introduction by Prof. Mr. H. de la Fontaine Verwey Nieuwkoop, B. de Graaf 1962 157 p. Bound in the publisher's cloth with gilt lettering (In good condition.) € 16.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of Military ... COCKLE, MAURICE J./SIR CHARLES OMAN [INTROD.]. A Bibliography of Military Books up to 1642. London, The Holland Press Ltd. 1978 Original publisher's red cloth hardback, gilt title spine, pictorial dustjacket, small 4to: frontisp... € 32.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of Military ... COCKLE, MAURICE J. & SIR CHARLES OMAN [INTROD.]. A Bibliography of Military Books up to 1642. London, The Holland Press Ltd. 1978 Original publisher's red cloth hardback, gilt title spine, pictorial dustjacket, reissue 2nd edition... € 8.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of Modern Hi... ROACH, JOHN [ED.]. A Bibliography of Modern History. London, Cambridge University Press 1968 Original publisher'sred cloth hardback, gilt title spine and frontcover, 8vo: xxiv, 388pp., list con... € 16.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of Netherlan... CLAES, FRANS M. [F. DE TOLLENAERE - FOREW.]. A Bibliography of Netherlandic Dictionaries. Dutch - Flemish. Amsterdam, John Benjamins B.V. 1980 Original publisher's red cloth hardback, title spine, large 8vo: xvj, 314pp., bibliographical source... € 9.00
€ 3,50
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A Bibliography of Netherlan... Claes, Frans M. A Bibliography of Netherlandic Dictionaries. Dutch-Flemish. Amsterdam, John Benjamins B.V. 1980 314 p. Cloth. € 20.00
€ 3,50
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