Alle boeken van antiq.Victory uit Alkmaar


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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
79 Park Avenue. (Text in Du... ROBBINS, HAROLD, 79 Park Avenue. (Text in Dutch). Laren, Luitingh, [197x] 319 pp. Softcover. € 6.00 antiq.Victory
80 jaar MG. 1924-2004. BELINFANTE, PETER (E.A.), 80 jaar MG. 1924-2004. Mondial, 2004 252 pp. Softcover. Illustr. € 25.00 antiq.Victory
VERMEER, EVERT, - 90 jaren AJAX. VERMEER, EVERT, 90 jaren AJAX., Luitingh Sijthoff, 1990 216 pp. Or.karton. Illustr. € 25.00 antiq.Victory
900 grootmoeders. LAFFERTY, R.A., 900 grootmoeders. Amsterdam, Meulenhoff, 1979 319 pp. Pb. Owner's stamp endp. € 6.00 antiq.Victory
A Biologist`s Physical Chem... MORRIS, J. GARETH, A Biologist`s Physical Chemistry. London, Edward Arnold, 1980 390 pp. Softcover. Owner's name on endpaper. € 12.00 antiq.Victory
A book of English poetry. C... (ed.), A book of English poetry. Chaucer to Rosetti. Penguin, 1953 415 pp. Pb. no.D5. € 6.00 antiq.Victory
A book of Ireland. CONNOR, FRANK O', A book of Ireland. London, Collins, 1959 1st edition. 284 pp. Hardcover. Illustr. € 20.00 antiq.Victory
A bridge for passing. BUCK, PEARL S., A bridge for passing. London, Methuen, 1963 190 pp. Hardcover. Sl.foxed. Iets roest. € 8.00 antiq.Victory
A brief history of time. A ... HAWKING, STEPHEN, A brief history of time. A reader's companion. Bantam, 1992 194 pp. HB/dustjacket. € 15.00 antiq.Victory
A call to Witness. Letters ... BACKER, ADRIAAN DULLAERT, R., A call to Witness. Letters about Aids in South Africa. Amsterdam, 2002 96 pp. Softcover. Illustr. € 10.00 antiq.Victory
A cara o cruz. Novela. VALDES, ARMANDO PALACIO, A cara o cruz. Novela. El Haya, 1956 80 pp. Softcover. Annotated in Dutch by M. van Dam. € 20.00 antiq.Victory
A change of heart. (Met hee... BENT, CAS LEWIS, BRUNNY EKKERS, BART KENNEDY, JIMMY, A change of heart. (Met heel m`n hart). Blue week-end. (Dit Weekend). Amsterdam, Melodia, [ca.1962] 4 pp. Bladmuziek. Sheet music. Bilingual. € 5.00 antiq.Victory
A colonial southern bookshe... BEALE DAVIS, RICHARD, A colonial southern bookshelf. Reading in the eighteenth century. Athens, University of Georgia Press, 1979 140 pp. HB/dustj. € 24.00 antiq.Victory
A comparative study of the ... MAC DOWELL, MARK, A comparative study of the teachings of Don Juan and Madhyamaka Buddhism. Delhi, 1986 2nd. 116 pp. Hardcover. € 17.00 antiq.Victory
A comparative study of the ... MAC DOWELL, MARK, A comparative study of the teachings of Don Juan and Madhyamaka Buddhism. Delhi, 1981 1st. 116 pp. HB/dustj. Text written on endpaper. € 19.00 antiq.Victory
A concise dictionary of cor... PHYTIAN, B.A. (COMP.), A concise dictionary of correct English. London, Hodder Stoughton, 1981 166 pp. HB/dustj. € 15.00 antiq.Victory
A day with the poet Longfel... LONGFELLOW, A day with the poet Longfellow. London, Hodder Stoughton, [ca.1900] Hardcover. 47 pp. With illustrations in colour by Haslemust. Edge wear. € 22.00 antiq.Victory
A descriptive souvenir of Y... nn A descriptive souvenir of Yorkshire. Sevenoaks, [ca.1950] 16 pp. Softcover. Illustr. € 10.00 antiq.Victory
A dictionary of symptoms. GOMEZ, JOAN, A dictionary of symptoms. Paladin, 1972 490 pp. Pbk. Owner's mark endp. Some folding. € 12.00 antiq.Victory
A forest of eyes. CANNING, VICTOR, A forest of eyes. New York, Award, 1976 251 pp. Pb. € 7.00 antiq.Victory
A Framework for Marketing M... KOTLER, PHILIP, A Framework for Marketing Management. Prentice Hall, 2001 352 pp. Softcover. € 45.00 antiq.Victory
A friend of yours. (Feature... BURKE, JOHNNY HEUSEN, JIMMY VAN, A friend of yours. (Featured in the motion picture A man called Sullivan). Amsterdam, Metro Muziek, copyright 1944 3 pp. Sheet music. Owner's stamp on front cover. € 11.00 antiq.Victory
A guide book of United Stat... YEOMAN, R.S., A guide book of United States Coins. 1971. 1971, 24th revised edition 255 pp. Hardcover. € 10.00 antiq.Victory
DAY, DAVID, - A guide to Tolkien. DAY, DAVID, A guide to Tolkien. London, 2002 271 pp. Soft cover. € 10.00 antiq.Victory
A history of English furnit... (ed.), A history of English furniture. Victoria and Albert Museum. London, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1955 1st. 26 pp 52 B/W plates. SC. € 16.00 antiq.Victory
A history of London. GRAY, ROBERT, A history of London. London, 1978 352 pp. Pbk. € 15.00 antiq.Victory
A history of medicine. GUTHRIE, DOUGLAS, A history of medicine. London, Thomas Nelson, 1945 448 pp. Hardcover. Illustr. € 20.00 antiq.Victory
A history of modern Japan. STORRY, RICHARD, A history of modern Japan. Penguin, 1988 304 pp. Pck. € 6.00 antiq.Victory
A history of Passenger Airc... SWEETMAN, WILLIAM, A history of Passenger Aircraft. London, Hamlyn/W.H Smith, 1979. 251 pp. Geb/stofomslag. Illustr. € 15.00 antiq.Victory
A history of Shakespearian ... RALLI, AUGUSTUS, A history of Shakespearian criticism. New York, The Humanities Press, 1965 566 582 pp. Hardcover. 2 volumes. € 79.00 antiq.Victory
A history of the Jews from ... GRAYZEL, SOLOMON, A history of the Jews from the end of the Babylon exile to the end op world war II. Philadelphia, 1947 1st edition. 835 pp. Hardcover. Spine sl.browned. € 27.00 antiq.Victory
A inteligencia das flores. ... MAETERLINCK, MAURICIO, A inteligencia das flores. (Text in Portuguese). Lisboa, Livraria Classica, 1924 4th edition. 265 pp. Softcover. Lacks paper front cover. € 45.00 antiq.Victory
A kookie little paradise. POCKRISS, LEE HILLIARD, BOB, A kookie little paradise. Amsterdam, Francis Day, copyright 1960 3 pp. Sheet music. Bilingual English/Dutch. € 10.00 antiq.Victory
GOURMET, GASTON, - A la minuut. GOURMET, GASTON, A la minuut. Van Dishoeck kookboekjes € 5.00 antiq.Victory
A: Lonkesarv, Elatine Hydro... antique print (prent) A: Lonkesarv, Elatine Hydropiper L. B: Elatine Triandra Schk. (Klein glaskroos, Drietallig glaskroos). Original chromolithograph ca.15x23 cm. A. Bortzells Tr. A. B. Sthim. € 18.00 antiq.Victory
A manual of practical anato... WALMSLEY, THOMAS, A manual of practical anatomy. A guide to the dissection of the human body. Part III. The head and neck. London, Longmans, 1948 357 pp. HB/dustj. Ill. Some pencil marks. € 25.00 antiq.Victory
A manual of tropical medicine. MACKIE, THOMAS T. (ED.), A manual of tropical medicine. Philadelphia/London, 1945 727 pp. Hardcover. € 20.00 antiq.Victory
A matter of honour. ARCHER, JEFFREY, A matter of honour. Coronet, 1987 439 pp. Mass market paperback. € 4.75 antiq.Victory
A midsummer nigths dream. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM, A midsummer nigths dream. Sitos, 1987 111 pp. Softcover. € 6.00 antiq.Victory
A modern introduction to in... AKEHURST, MICHAEL, A modern introduction to international law. Routledge, 1993 315 pp. Softcover. € 10.00 antiq.Victory
A. Neusester, Bruxelles. Ma... (genealogie). A. Neusester, Bruxelles. Manuscript. Bruxelles, 1916 21x15 cm. Recto verso. Signed. Text in German. € 45.00 antiq.Victory
MALAMUD, BERNARD, - A new life. MALAMUD, BERNARD, A new life. London, New English Library, 1964 336 pp. Pb. 1st four square ed. € 8.00 antiq.Victory
A new selection of Japanese... JONG, JON DE, A new selection of Japanese Paintings. Den Bosch, 1998 44 pp. Softcover. Illustr. Catalogue. € 25.00 antiq.Victory
CARRE, JOHN LE, - A perfect spy. CARRE, JOHN LE, A perfect spy. London, Coronet, 1987 607 pp. Pb. € 8.00 antiq.Victory
A pictorial history of medi... MARTI-IBANEZ, FELIX (ED.), A pictorial history of medicine. London, 1965 294 pp. Hardcover. Illustr. € 12.00 antiq.Victory
A portrait of Lord Nelson. WARNER, OLIVER, A portrait of Lord Nelson. Pelican, 1963 398 pp. Pck. Illustr. € 6.00 antiq.Victory
A prison song in prose. REVE, GERARD KORNELIS VAN HET, A prison song in prose. Amsterdam, 1968 20 pp. Softcover. Illustr. Fragiel papieren omslag iets beschadigd. € 25.00 antiq.Victory
A scene in North Holland. antique print (prent). A scene in North Holland. Wood engraving, [ca.1860] ca.28x19 cm. Houtgravure. € 20.00 antiq.Victory
red. - A Seaman`s pocketbook. red. A Seaman`s pocketbook. London, His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1943 120 pp. HB. Illustr. in colour and B/W. B.R. 827. € 27.00 antiq.Victory
A selection of poems by Rob... BROWNING, ROBERT, A selection of poems by Robert Browning. Sydney, Lion Book, [19xx] 48 pp. HB. Chosen and introduced by Ruth Etchells. € 9.00 antiq.Victory

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