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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
The Antiquaries Journal Vol... CALVET, Yves ROBIN, Christian The Antiquaries Journal Volume 101 . 2021 (meer info) Cambridge University Press 2021. (4), 464 pp. Original paperback. ISSN: 0003-5815. Published for the Society of Antiquaries of ... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Pro en Contra betreffende v... KENGEN, J. CORVER, J. Pro en Contra betreffende vraagstukken van algemeen belang; Astrologie (meer info) Hollandia Drukkerij 1916. Original paper wrappers. Serie X. No. 1. Very good copy. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Muff the Circus Monkey MCGUINESS, Lurline Muff the Circus Monkey (meer info) Lothian Publishing Co. 1964. Original boards with dustjacket. With dustjacket (torn along the extremities) not price-clippe... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Die Armenische Frage und di... OHANDJANIAN, Artem Die Armenische Frage und die Rolle Österreich-Ungarns und Deutschlands (meer info) Akademie der Wissenschaften Institut-Museum der Armenischen Genozid 2001. Original paper wrappers, stapled. Very good copy. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Ripa's Iconologia; Quellen-... WERNER, Gerlind Ripa's Iconologia; Quellen-Methode-Ziele (meer info) Haentjens Dekker Gumbert 1977. Original paper wrappers. Slightly discoloured but else fine. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Off the Beam - the memoirs ... CHANDLER, Robert Off the Beam - the memoirs of an aircraft radio operator (meer info) David Rendel 1970. vi, 183 pp. Original cloth with unclipped dustjacket. Edges a bit foxed, content somewhat disc... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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LONGLEY, Michael - Snow Water LONGLEY, Michael Snow Water (meer info) Jonathan Cape 2004. (10), 67 pp. Original paperback. Inscribed/signed by author. As new. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Transcendent Unity of Relig... SCHUON, Frithjof Transcendent Unity of Religions (meer info) The Theosophical Publishing House / Quest Books 1984. xxxiv, 173, (2) pp. Original paperback. Introduction by Huston Smith. Fine copy, pictures on r... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Malen und Zeichnen mit Pelikan SCHORER, G.F. (Vorwort) Malen und Zeichnen mit Pelikan (meer info) Günther Wagner Verlag - Pelikan-Werke [ca. 1963]. Original paper wrappers, stapled. Slightly discoloured but else a fine copy. With colour... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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The P-40 Kittyhawk in service PENTLAND, Geoffrey The P-40 Kittyhawk in service (meer info) Kookaburra Technical Publications 1974. Original boards with dustjacket. A bit discoloured but a fine copy. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Wissen aus der Tiefe - über... FRANZ, Marie-Louise von Wissen aus der Tiefe - über Orakel und Synchronizität (meer info) Kösel 1987. Original boards with dustjacket. Fine copy. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Silk Road on Land and Sea SUN, Yifu Silk Road on Land and Sea (meer info) China Pictorial Publishing House,China 1989. Original boards with translucent wrapper and slipcase. Fine copy Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Die Entschlüsselung des Uni... HARAMEIN, Nassim Die Entschlüsselung des Universums: Der Schlüssel kam zur rechten Zeit (meer info) Hesper Verlag 2011. Original paperback. Mit einem Vorwort von Dieter Broers. Illustrated in colour. As new. Pictur... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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DAMMER, Dr. Udo - Nadelhölzer DAMMER, Dr. Udo Nadelhölzer (meer info) Karl Siegismund 1900. (6), 100 pp. Original cloth. Gartenbau-Bibliothek Band XXVIII. Fine copy. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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History and Handbook of the... PARKER, Willis D. History and Handbook of the Chinchilla Industry (meer info) Allied Distributors 1950. 6th printing. 126, (1) pp. Original paper wrappers. Price written on frontwrapper, a bit disco... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Wanban Wideya - a Javanese ... ROBSON, Stuart Owen Wanban Wideya - a Javanese Panji Romance (meer info) v/h H.L. Smits 1971. (6), 323 pp. Original paperback. Thesis. Some shelfwear/traces of use. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Mission Failure and Survival MCBRIDE, Charles C. Mission Failure and Survival (meer info) Sunflower University Press 1989. (6), 191 pp. Original paperback. Some traces of use but a very good copy. Dedicated to the mem... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Dr. Karl Russ' Vogelzuchtbu... NEUNZIG, Karl Dr. Karl Russ' Vogelzuchtbuch - ein Handbuch für Züchter von Stubenvögeln (meer info) Creutz'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1931. 4th edition. viii, 271 pp., Original hardcover. Inevitable discolouring but a fine copy. Pictu... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Les Coqs de Montres de la c... TARDY Les Coqs de Montres de la collection de M.E. Coinon et modèles de Daniel Marot (meer info) Tardy 1969. (4), 32 pp. Original softcover. Cover a bit soiled, else fine. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Les contes du chien jaune RABIER, Benjamin Les contes du chien jaune (meer info) Jules Tallandier 1931. Original boards. Typical soiling and discolouring for a book with this purpose and of this age... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Tattoo Advocate Issue 3 Vol... GORMAN, Shotsie (ed.) Tattoo Advocate Issue 3 Volume 1 [Journal of International Tattoo Arts] (meer info) Tattoo Advocacy Inc. 1990. Original paperback. A bit shelfwear. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Die schweizerischen Protomy... BÜREN, Günther von Die schweizerischen Protomycetaceen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Entwicklungsgeschichte und Biologie (meer info) K.J. Wyss 1915. (4), 95 + 7 (folding) plates. Original paper wrappers. Traces of use. With handwritten dedicat... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Der Suggestions-Atem - ein ... BRANDLER-PRACHT, Karl Der Suggestions-Atem - ein Weg zur Erhaltung der körperlichenund geistigen Vollkraft bis in das hohe Alter (meer info) Astrologischer Verlag Wilhelm Becker 1936. 16. bis 18. Tausend 62, (2) pp. Original paper wrappers. Mit einem Bildnis des Verfassers. A v... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Astrologische Kollektion zu... BRANDLER-PRACHT, Karl Astrologische Kollektion zum Selbststudium Band 1 Die astrologische Technik (meer info) Linser Verlag 1929. IX. Auflage. 252, (4) pp. Original blue cloth. Spine discoloured else a fine copy. Pictures on... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Geopark Ries - Europas größ... DETTWEILER, Herbert STEINMEIER, Fritz Geopark Ries - Europas größten Meteoritenkrater entdecken und erforschen (meer info) Heimatverlag F. Steinmeier [ca. 2015]. 223, (3) pp. Original boards. As new. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Die Charakter-Analyse - auf... HABLITZ, J.J. Die Charakter-Analyse - auf psychologischer und kosmobiologischer Grundlage (meer info) Carl Posen Verlag 1949. Original cloth (!). A bit discoloured but else an excellent copy. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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POWELL, E. Alexander - Free-lance POWELL, E. Alexander Free-lance (meer info) George G. Harrap Co. 1938. Original blue cloth. A bit discoloured but a very good copy. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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KIWITT, Stephanie - Dialogues KIWITT, Stephanie Dialogues (meer info) Edition Camera Austria 2016. Original paperback. Fine copy. Also contains contributions by Eveline Vanfraussen. Bart Versch... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke ... GAUSS, Carl Friedrich GALLE, A. Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke - Elften Bandes Zweite Abteilung Abhandlung 1 - Über die Geodätischen Arbeiten von Gauss (meer info) Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen / Julius Springer 1924. 222, 18 pp. Original paper wrappers. Wrappers damaged, and (heavily) discoloured, content with... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Communications in Number Th... DIJKGRAAF, Robbert Kazhdan, David KONTSEVICH, Maxim YAU, Shing-Tung (eds.) Communications in Number Theory and Physics Volume 8, Number 3 (meer info) International Press 2014. 369-588 pp. Original wrappers. Fine copy with contributions by Sheldon T. Joyner, B. Eynard a.... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Unordnung und frühes Leid MANN, Thomas Unordnung und frühes Leid (meer info) J.M. Meulenhoff [1931]. 83, (1) pp. Original boards. Meulenhoffs Sammlung deutscher Schriftsteller herausgegeben von... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Das Apothekenwesen Basels HÄFLIGER, Dr. J.A. Das Apothekenwesen Basels (meer info) Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Pharmazie 1937. 205, 146 pp. Original paper wrappers. A bit discoloured. Sonderdruck aus der Basler Zeitschrif... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Once the Mullah KELSEY, Alice Geer Once the Mullah (meer info) Brockhampton Press 1957. Boards with dustjacket. Corner clipped from inside dustjacket but price still present! Dustjac... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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The Constructions at Work: ... GOLDBERG, Adele E. The Constructions at Work: The Nature of Generalization in Language (meer info) Oxford University Press 2006. viii, 280 pp. Original paperback, as new. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Biological clocks in medici... RICHTER, Curt Paul Biological clocks in medicine and psychiatry (meer info) Charles C. Thomas Publisher 1965. viii, 109 pp. Original cloth with dustjacket. Book in fine condition, dustjacket partly skimme... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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L'Emozione del Colore KANE, Art MANDERY, Guy L'Emozione del Colore (meer info) Selezione d'Immagini 1981. [70 pp.]. Original cloth. Original cloth with mounted illustration. Nicely mounted photographs... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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The Little World Horse and Bamboo The Little World (meer info) Horse and Bamboo Theatre [12 pp.] Rare booklet of this theatre with woodcuts of Brueghel. Included layed in leaf telling that... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Angelo Branduardi canzoni BRANDUARDI, Angelo COMOLLI, Giampiero Angelo Branduardi canzoni (meer info) Lato Side 1979. Original paperback. Wrappers (spine) a bit discoloured but a fine copy. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Die Taufe Jesu nach den Syn... LENTZEN-DEIS, Fritzleo Die Taufe Jesu nach den Synoptikern; Literarkritische und gattungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen (meer info) Verlag Josef Knecht 1970. viii, 324 pp. Original paperback. Spine a bit creased a bit discoloured but still a very good ... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Richtige Berufswahl - das B... VELDEGG, Freifrau Irene von Richtige Berufswahl - das Berufs-Horoskop als Weg zur Erkenntnis ser Berufs-Eignungen und - Aussichten (meer info) Johannesbaum Verlag [1930]. 30, (2) pp. Original paper wrappers. A bit discoloured but fine. Bücher der "Weissen Fahne"... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Mysterien von Sonne und See... KRITZINGER, Dr. H.H. Mysterien von Sonne und Seele - psychische Studien zur Klärung der Okkulten Probleme (meer info) Verlag Universitas Buch u. Kunst 1922. (4), 200 pp. Original halcloth. Slightly discoloured and soiled. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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More Pineapple Lace: Fine L... More Pineapple Lace: Fine Lace Crochet (meer info) Ondorisha Publications 1992. Original paperback. Minimal traces of use, a very good copy. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Das grosse Buch der Nativit... WULFF, Wilhelm Das grosse Buch der Nativitätslehre (Brihat Jataka) des Varaha Mihira (meer info) Ataïr Verlag 1925. 200, (12) pp. Original cloth. First free endpaper frayed, else fine. Contains folding table. ... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Biella GUALTHERONI, Milly (Red.) Biella (meer info) Edizioni Condé Nast 1990. n.p. Original paperback. Somewhat discoloured. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Die Eule-Orgel der Konstant... BAMBAUER, Martin (Schriftleitung) Die Eule-Orgel der Konstantin-Basilika Trier (meer info) Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Trier 2015. 2. Aufl. Original paperback in as new condition. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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The Pharmaceutical History ... OKAZAKI, Kanzo The Pharmaceutical History of Japan (meer info) The Naito Foundation 1979. (6), 86 pp. Original softcover with dustjacket. Fine copy. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Astrologische Laienprognose Koppenstätter, Ed. Astrologische Laienprognose (meer info) Verlag Ed. Koppenstätter 1926. Original paper wrappers. A bit discoloured but a very good copy. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Operator's Handbook compris... Anon. Operator's Handbook comprisng Series 71, Two-Cycle, Two-Cylinder, Diesel Engine and Industrial, Marine and Generator Units (meer info) General Motors Corporation 1948. 74, 18, 14, 17 pp. Original paper wrappers, stapled. Including fold-out page. In fine conditio... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Manuel élémentaire d'astrol... RAMAN, B.V. Manuel élémentaire d'astrologie hindoue (meer info) Chacornac 1940.viii, 139 pp. Original paper wrappers. Spine slightly damaged, a bit discoloured, still a very ... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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La Domification ou Construc... SELVA, H. La Domification ou Construction du Thème Céleste en Astrologie (meer info) Vigot Frères 1917. Original paper wrappers. A bit discoloured but a fine copy. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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