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| Pagina : 1 ... 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 ... 123 |

Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Norwegian Civil Aircraft Si... HAGBY, Kay (comp.) Norwegian Civil Aircraft Since 1920 - an Illustrated Register Survey (meer info) Midland Counties Publications 1980. Original paperback. Slighlty duststained. Pictures on request. € 30.00
€ 3,95
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Handley Page Hampden  Heref... ROBERTS, Nicholas Handley Page Hampden Hereford: Crash Log (meer info) Midland Countries Publications 1980, 56 pp, soft cover stapled brochure, in very good condition, cover slightly worn and discolored... € 7.60
€ 3,95
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Malachite: Ural Gems (Two V... SEMYONOV, V.B. Malachite: Ural Gems (Two Volume Set) (meer info) Mid-Urals Publishing House 1987, 239 pp. 159 pp. 2 hardcover books in 1 slipcase. Books in fine condition, slipcase worn at ed... € 35.00
€ 3,95
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Waardeer de kus van het leven! KORTEWEG, Anton Waardeer de kus van het leven! Mikado Pers 2023, gevouwen blad in papieren omslag, oplage 99 exemplaren voor vrienden en bekenden, als nieuw € 10.00
€ 3,95
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Autobiografische schets HOPMAN, Frits Autobiografische schets Mikado Pers 1989, 17 pp., papieren omslag, genaaid, genummerd exemplaar van een oplage van 75 exemplaren, uitste... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Giorgio Morandi - een retro... BANDERA, Maria Cristina Giorgio Morandi - een retrospectieve Milaan/Brussel, Silvana Editoriale/Bozar Books 2013, gekartonneerd, 216 pp., als nieuw € 125.00
€ 3,95
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Umberto Giordano nell'Arte ... GALLI, Amintore Umberto Giordano nell'Arte e nella Vita - note biografiche ed estetiche Milano, Edoardo Sonzogno Editore 1915, paper wrappers with mounted photograph, 147 pp., wrappers with some foxing else fine, rare € 40.00
€ 3,95
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Il Luogo Teatrale a Firenze... TASSINARI, Luigi (pref.) Il Luogo Teatrale a Firenze | Brunelleschi Vasari Buontalenti Parigi (meer info) Milano, Electa 1975, boards with dustjacket, 172 pp., small stamp on title-page, slightly discoloured, else very go... € 35.00
€ 3,95
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Regum Pariumque Magnae Brit... IM-HOFF, Jacob Wilhelm Regum Pariumque Magnae Britanniae Historia Genealogica [...] Milano, Orsinedemarzo Facsimile after Nurnberg, J.A. Endter, 1690. Brown silk binding with gil lettering. 440 pp. Biblioth... € 125.00
€ 3,95
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Stemmario Bosisio MASPOLI, Carlo TRIVELLI, Francesco Palazzi Stemmario Bosisio Milano, 2002, cloth with translucent wrapper, 474 pp., excellent copy, heavy item € 125.00
€ 3,95
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Canti della Terra e del Mar... FAVARA, A. Canti della Terra e del Mare di Sicilia (per canto e pianoforte) - 4 volumes COMPLETE Milano, Ricordi n.d. [ca. 1950?], 4 volumes, original pictorial paper wrappers, 113; 88; 118; 51 pp., name stamp on ... € 100.00
€ 3,95
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Leidraad voor de toepassing... KRULS, H.J. (inl.) Leidraad voor de toepassing van het Besluit Herstel Rechtsverkeer en het Besluit Vijandelijk Vermogen Militair Commissariaat voor het Rechtsherstel [ca. 1945], 52 pp., papieren omslag, hoekje van omslag, pagina's verkleurd, verder zeer goed exempla... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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WEI, Yuan - Chinese Weapons WEI, Yuan Chinese Weapons (meer info) Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution 1991, Fine, Fine, Hardcover, 279 € 96.00
€ 3,95
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Ihr Kinderlein kommet, o ko... WEBER, Mili Ihr Kinderlein kommet, o kommet doch all...; ein Weihnachtsbuch mit 18 Bildern (meer info) Mili-Weber-Stiftung 1996. [20 pp.]. Original boards with cloth spine. Very nice picture book in excellent condition. Neu... € 35.00
€ 3,95
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The Acorn-Planter; a Califo... LONDON, Jack The Acorn-Planter; a California forest play (meer info) Mills Boon 1916. vi, 84, (6) pp. Original cloth with gilt lettering. Lettering very slightly faded on spine, el... € 195.00
€ 3,95
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Bänke in park und garten NICKL, Peter Bänke in park und garten Minerva 1998, 222 pp., paperback, lichte gebruikssporen maar verder een zeer net exemplaar € 9.50
€ 3,95
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COLLINS, Mabel - Dwalingen COLLINS, Mabel Dwalingen (meer info) Minerva 1927, 100 pp., gekartonneerd, gezien de ouderdom een net exemplaar. € 7.50
€ 3,95
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Waarheid en Leugen over het... BECKERING VINCKERS, J. Waarheid en Leugen over het Oera Linda Boek, herdruk van vier belangrijke brochures uit 1876 en 1877 Minerva, Amsterdam Zonder jaartal, 63,80,36,48 pp. Softcover. Goede staat. € 9.00
€ 3,95
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Le Japonisme: Galeries nati... TAKASHINA, S. LACAMBRE, G. MABUCHI, A. MATHIEU, C. Le Japonisme: Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, 17 mai-15 aou^t 1988 ; Muse?e national d'art occidental, Tokyo, 23 septembre-11 de?cembre 1988 (French Edition) (meer info) Ministe`re de la Culture et de la Communication Editions de la Re?union des muse?es nationaux 1988, 341pp, soft cover, catalog, in fine condition, spine and back minor damage. Pictures on reques... € 35.00
€ 3,95
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De Hooge Tatra (Vysoké Tatry) BELOHLAV, Jos De Hooge Tatra (Vysoké Tatry) (meer info) Ministerie van Spoorwegen 1935 (!), IIIe oplage, geniet, originele papieren omslag, omslag wat beschadigd, met 2 uitvouwbare k... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Zero Internationaal Antwerpen BUYCK, J.F. en VERSCHAEREN, H. (dir.) Zero Internationaal Antwerpen Ministerie van Nederlandse Cultuur/ Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten 1979, ongenummerde pagina's + 188 foto's, paperback, lichte gebruikssporen verder zeer net € 45.00
€ 3,95
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De Koniferen en algemeenhed... BAUDOUIN, Jean-Claude, STILMANT, Marie-Françoise NANNAN, André De Koniferen en algemeenheden betreffende de houtachtige gewassen (meer info) Ministerie van Openbare Werken/Dienst van het Groenplan 1987, 224 pp., paperback, zeer goed exemplaar € 75.00
€ 3,95
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 - Venezuela- Bruxelles 58 Venezuela- Bruxelles 58 (meer info) Ministerio de Fomento [1958], 64 pp., geniet, goed exemplaar € 11.25
€ 3,95
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Armorial du Pays de Luxembo... LOUTSCH, Jean-Claude Armorial du Pays de Luxembourg, contenant la description des armes des princes de la maison de Luxembourg [...] (meer info) Ministère des Arts et des Sciences / Imprimerie Saint-Paul, Luxembourg 1974, 870, (4) pp., silk-like cloth hardcover, as new € 295.00
€ 3,95
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Holland's Modern Renascence... Jitta, J. Holland's Modern Renascence: Facts, Figures and Proportions (meer info) Ministry of Labor, Commerce and Industry, The Hague 1930, 96pp, genaaid gebrocheerd, redelijke staat, rug beschadigd, prachtige afbeeldingen € 14.00
€ 3,95
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In de geest van Fluxus + gu... ANDERSON, Simon ARMSTRONG, Elizabeth HUYSSEN, Andreas e.a. In de geest van Fluxus + guide to the objects [in English] [2 volumes] Minneapolis, Walker Art Centre 1996, paperbacks, ca, 80 pp. + 80 pp., in fine condition € 40.00
€ 3,95
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 - Norge Natur og Turistliv Norge Natur og Turistliv (meer info) Mittet Co. 1910. [46 pp.] Original pictorial softcover. With compliments C. Houge (sardines?) on first free end... € 30.00
€ 3,95
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Norge - 90 billeder fra vor... . Norge - 90 billeder fra vort lands vakreste turisttrakter (meer info) Mittet Co. Kunstforlag [ca. 1910] Original lithographed paper wrappers with the midnight sun. Nice b/w photographs. Spine a... € 45.00
€ 3,95
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Vom Zarenadler zum Roten St... FOCK, Harald Vom Zarenadler zum Roten Stern: Die Geschichte der russischen/sowjetischen Marine Mittler, Herford 1985, 324pp,gebonden met stofomslag, in zeer goede staat, snede en schutbladen wat bruine vlekjes € 9.50
€ 3,95
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Znaky Cesko-Slovenskych Mest LOUDA, Jiri Znaky Cesko-Slovenskych Mest (meer info) Mlada Fronta 1975. Original boards. Nice and quite rare book with b/w and colour illustrations with weapons of th... € 30.00
€ 3,95
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Orientalisches Traumbuch [o... LYDIS, Mariette Orientalisches Traumbuch [original edition] (meer info) Müller Co. Verlag 1925. Skillfully rebound preserving the original frontwrapper and part of backstrip. Contents in fin... € 350.00
€ 3,95
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Leben und Gestaltung: I. Bi... OZENFANT, Amadee Leben und Gestaltung: I. Bilanz des 20. Jahrhunderts. II. Aufbau eines neuen Geistes (meer info) M¸ller I. Kiepenhauer 1931, 316 pp, paperback with dust jacket, good condition, the pages are a bit discolored, a few mark... € 22.40
€ 3,95
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's-Gravenhage van voorheen ... 's-Gravenhage van voorheen en thans in brieven (I-VII) M.M. Couvée 1879-1880, 137pp, netjes herbonden in linnen band met oorspronkelijke cover en de bon € 25.00
€ 3,95
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Geburtsstunde Buch darine e... PEGIUS, Martin Geburtsstunde Buch darine eines jetlichen Menschens Natur und Eigenschafft, sampt allerley zufählen, auß den gewissen Leuffen der Gestirn, nach rechter wahrhafftiger und grudtlicher ahrt der Gestirnkuns, mit geringer müh außgereitet, und derse... München, Asokthebu Otto Wilhelm Barth 1924 (?), modern brown cloth, Klassiker Astrologie Band 1 in 500 Exemplare (454), excellent copy € 125.00
€ 3,95
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Astrologie in 12 Lehrbriefe... MANSOR, A.L. Astrologie in 12 Lehrbriefen / Gemeinverständliche Anleitung zur Horoskop-Berechnung u. Deutung München, Bernhard Funck Verlag [1927], twelve letters (each ca. 24 pp.) in paper wrappers, together in cardboard slipcase, in good ... € 12.50
€ 3,95
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Geschichte der abendländisc... RUH, Kurt Geschichte der abendländischen Mystik Band IV | Die niederländische Mystik des 14. bis 16. Jahrhunderts München, C.H. Beck 1999, linnen met stofomslag, 340, (3) pp,, uitstekend exemplaar (zelfstandig deel) € 60.00
€ 3,95
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Lucio Fontana | La Fine di ... FRIEDEL, Helmut Lucio Fontana | La Fine di Dio/Nature/Cubo di Luce München, Lenbachhaus 1998, paperback met blauw transparant omslag, 47 pp., minimale sporen van gebruik € 9.50
€ 3,95
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Imagination Becomes Reality... ACKERMANN, Franz HEIJNE, Mathilde ter TAL, R a.o. Imagination Becomes Reality - Part I; Expanded Paint Tools München, Sammlung Goetz 2005, boards, 184 pp., text in German and English, excellent copy € 25.00
€ 3,95
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Imagination Becomes Reality... COOKE, Nigel DOIG, Peter RAEDECKER, Michael THORPE, David a.o. Imagination Becomes Reality - Part III; Taking Pictures München Sammlung Goetz 2006, original boards, 223 pp., text in German and English, excellent copy € 45.00
€ 3,95
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Johan Thorn-Prikker CREUTZ, Dr. Max Johan Thorn-Prikker München-Gladbach, Führer Verlag 1925, halfcloth, 32, (32) pp., very good copy € 9.50
€ 3,95
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Matthias Weischer Kunstwerk... WESSELER, Moritz STOSCHEK, Jeannette a.o. Matthias Weischer Kunstwerkstatt München/London/New York, Prestel 2011, original boards, 72 pp., as new € 75.00
€ 3,95
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Howard Hodgkin: Time and Place SMILES, Sam Howard Hodgkin: Time and Place (meer info) Modern Art Oxford 2010. Original cloth with dustjacket (!). Dustjacket with a tiny repaired tear. From the collection ... € 75.00
€ 3,95
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Alan Leo's Astrological Tex... LEO, Alan Alan Leo's Astrological Text Books / Astrology for All Series - 8 volumes (Original editions) (meer info) Modern Astrology Office / L.N. Fowler An excellent and original set of 8 books in the Astrology for All series with individual titles and ... € 450.00
€ 3,95
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Cahiers d'Art: No 5-10 1939 MABILLE, Pierre Cahiers d'Art: No 5-10 1939 (meer info) Moderne Imprimerie 1939, (4) 105-184 (2)16 pp, softcover magazine, in very good condition, book shows traces of age and... € 48.00
€ 3,95
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Die Spielhölle in Monte Car... METSCHER, [Heinrich] (Wanne i.W.) Die Spielhölle in Monte Carlo; Offener Brief an den Fürsten von Monaco (meer info) Modernes Verlagsbureau Curt Wigand 1910, Good, Soft cover, 1st Edition, 25 € 48.00
€ 3,95
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MORAES, Dom - A Family in Goa MORAES, Dom A Family in Goa (meer info) (Mohandas) Damodar Narcinva Naik 1976 Scarce and beautifully illustrated history of Goa in India. Published to celebrate the 60th bir... € 16.00
€ 3,95
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Light Construction RILEY, Terence Light Construction MoMa 1996, 164 pp., paperback, zeer net exemplaar € 10.00
€ 3,95
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The Banksias: Watercolours ... ROSSER, Celia The Banksias: Watercolours by Celia Rosser (meer info) Monash University 1993. Original paperback. Some traces of removed bookplate, else fine. Lovely full colour and full p... € 75.00
€ 3,95
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Le Cantique des Cantiques s... SUARÈS, Carlo Le Cantique des Cantiques selon la cabale (meer info) Mont-Blanc 1969. Original softcover in fine condition. Texte hébreu intégral lu et commenté d'après le code... € 25.00
€ 3,95
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Not Alone / Words Wanted (2... PIKE, Eunice V. Not Alone / Words Wanted (2 volumes) (meer info) Moody Press 1956/1958. 127+159 pp. Two titles in original cloth bot with dustjackets in very good condition (som... € 45.00
€ 3,95
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