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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Classification, relationshi... Calder, A.A., 1986.: Classification, relationships and distribution of the Crepodomeninae (Coleoptera: Elateridae). [Austral Jour. Zool., Suppl. Ser., 122.] Melbourne 1986. 8vo, 24.8cm. Pp. 220, 276 figs., distrib. maps and photos, refs., taxon. index. Orig. printed wrappe... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Clavis analytica in floram ... KOSTELETZKY, Vincenz Franz (1801-1887): Clavis analytica in floram Bohemiae phanerogamicam [...]. Praha: Sommer, 1824. 8vo. Pp. iii-viii,140,[2], index. Old marbled boards. Half-title wanting, good otherwise. - Pritzel ... € 45.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Clavis Riviniana.. Schlüsse... Huth, E., 1891.: Clavis Riviniana.. Schlüssel zu den Kupferwerken des A.Q. Rivinus. [Printed in:] Jahresbericht über die Oberschule (Realgymnasium) zu Frankfurt an der Oder [...]. Frankfurt a.O.: Trowitzsch, 1891. 4to. .Pp. 1-28. Wrappers. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Cleiocrinus. [Mem. Mus. Com... Springer, F., 1903.: Cleiocrinus. [Mem. Mus. Compar. Zool. Harvard Coll., 25(2).] Cambridge, Mass. Folio. Pp. [ii],93-112,[2], 21 figs. on 1 plate. Orig. wrappers, uncut. Title-page a bit browned, du... € 12.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Clemenswerth, Schloss im Em... HENNEBO, Dieter, u.a.: Clemenswerth, Schloss im Emsland. Sögel: Emsländischer Heimatbund, [o.J., um 1990?]. Oktav, 23.5cm. 273 S., zahlr. Fotos u.a. Abb. (meist farbig), Literaturnachw.Geb., illustr. Orig.-Pa... € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Climate and energy balance ... OHMURA, Atsumu.: Climate and energy balance of Arctic tundra. Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Spring and Summer 1969, 1970, and 1972. [Zürcher Geogr. Schriften, 3.] Zürich: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule 1981. 4to, 29.4cm. Pp. xx,448, 109 tabs. and 78 diagrs. in text, refs. Paperbound, orig. stiff wrs. Very g... € 45.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Climate and stratigraphy in... Kolstrup, E., 1980.: Climate and stratigraphy in Northwestern Europe between 30.000 b.p. and 13.000 b.p., with special reference to the Netherlands. [Meded. Rijks Geol. Dienst, 32-15.] Haarlem 1980. 4to. Pp. 181-253, 7 plates, 29 figs., 1 large fold. sheet of pollen diagrams, bibliogr. Orig. printe... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Climate change and coastal ... Groot, T.A.M. de, Orford, J.D. (editors), 1999.: Climate change and coastal evolution in Europe. Geol. en Mijnb., 77(3/4): pp. 205-369, several illus. in text (photos, diagrs., figs., tabs.), refs. 4to. Journal issue, orig.... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Coal, iron, and oil, or, Th... DADDOW, Samuel Harries BANNAN, Benjamin.: Coal, iron, and oil, or, The practical American miner. A plain and popular work on our mines and mineral resources, and a text-book or guide to their economical development. Pottsville, Pa.: Benjamin Bannan; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1866. Large 8vo. Pp. 808, wood-engraved figs., 1 large chromolithogr. fold. "map of the anthracitic coalfi... € 275.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Coaptations et formes corre... Kollmann, M., 1937.: Coaptations et formes correspondantes chez les crustacés décapodes. Ann. Fac. Sci. Marseillle, Sér. II, 10(3): pp. 119-210, 81 figs., 2 plates (1 fold.). Orig. wrappers. € 12.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Coastal dunes. Geomorpholog... Carter, R.W.G., Curtis, T.G.F., Sheehy-Skeffington, M.J. (editors).: Coastal dunes. Geomorphology, ecology and magagement for conservation. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, 1992. Large 8vo, 24.5cm. Pp. xii,533, several illus., refs., author index. Orig. laminated pictorial board... € 75.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Coccolith stratigraphy, Eas... Bukry, D., 1973.: Coccolith stratigraphy, Eastern Equatorial Pacific, Leg 16 Deep Sea Drilling Project. [Init. Rep. DSDP, 16(26).] Washington. 4to. Pp. 653-711, 91 microphotos on 5 pls., 4 figs., refs. Plain new wrs. € 18.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Coccolithen aus der Kreide ... Hoffmann, N., 1972.: Coccolithen aus der Kreide und dem Paläogen des nördlichen Mitteleuropas. (Beitrag zur Taxonomie und Biostratigraphie des fossilen Nannoplanktons.) [Geologie, Beih. 73.] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. 8vo. Pp. 121, 19 plates, 29 figs., bibliogr. Orig. wrappers. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Coccolithineen aus dem Palä... Locker, S., 1972.: Coccolithineen aus dem Paläogen Mitteleuropas. Paläont. Abh., Abt. B, 3(5): pp. 735-854, many microphotos on 17 pls., tabs., refs., index. 4to. Plain new wrs. € 19.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Coccoliths and discoasters ... Cohen, C.L.D., 1965.: Coccoliths and discoasters from Adriatic bottom sediments. Leid. Geol. Meded., 35: pp. 1-44, many microphotos on 25 plates, 2 sketch maps, 1 fold. table, refs. 4to. Plain new wrappers... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Coccoliths and related calc... Gartner, S., Jr., 1968.: Coccoliths and related calcareouns nannofossils from Upper Cretaceous deposits of Texas and Arkansas. Univ. Kansas Palent. Contr., Protista, 1.] Lawrence, Ks. 4to. Pp. 56, many microphotos on 28 pls., 5 figs., refs., index. Orig. wrs. € 14.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Cocolessi e Pissegoni. Gust... INGEGNERI, Vittorio, AMANTE, Leonardo.: Cocolessi e Pissegoni. Gust e desgusto in dialeto veneto rimà. Padova: Panda Edizioni, 1986. 4to, 28cm. Pp,. 70, 30 full-page drawings printed in black red. Orig. laminated pictorial boards, F... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Colectâna de escritos doutr... WELWITSCH, Friedrich Martin Josef (1806-1872).: Colectâna de escritos doutrinários, florísticos e fitogeográficos de Frederico Welwitsch, concernentes principalmente à flora de Angola. Compilação, revisão e notas de Ascencão Menconça. Lisboa: Agència Geral das Colónias, 1945. 8vo, 22.3cm. Pp. xxviii,441, 1 photogr. portr. plate, notes refs. Paperbound, orig. printed wrapper... € 80.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Coleoptera Jekeliana, adjec... Jekel, H., 1873.: Coleoptera Jekeliana, adjecta Eleutheratorum Bibliotheca. Enumration systématique Synonymique des Coléoptères eyropéens exotiques composant la collection de Henri Jekel. [...] Livraison I. Paris: Autographie Typomorphede l'Auteur. `8vo. Pp. 96. Orig. wrs. Printed by lithography from original manuscript. Only two further parts wer... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Coleoptera: Melolonthidae. ... Arrow, G.J., 1946/: Coleoptera: Melolonthidae. Collected by René Malaise. (Entomological results from the Swedish Expedition 1934 to Burma and British India.) [Ark. f. Zool., 38A(9).] Stockholm. Pp. 33, 21 photos on 2 pls., 1 sketch map. Plain new wrs. € 5.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Coleoptera. Pismiennictwo. ... Burakowski, B., Mroczkowski, M., Stefanska, J., 1971.: Coleoptera. Pismiennictwo. (Katalog fauny Polski, XIII, 1.) Warszawa. Large 8vo, 25cm. Pp. 183. Orig. wrs., uncut. - Bibliography of literature on Polish coleoptera compr... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Collected papers in avian p... Olson, S.L., editor, 1976.: Collected papers in avian paleontology honoring the 90th birthday of Alexander Wetmore. [Smithson. Contr. Paleobiol., 27.] Washington. 4to. Pp. xxvi,211, 1 portr., 91 photos, figs., and tabs., refs. Plain new wrappers. Fine. - Include... € 27.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Collected Scientific Papers... : Collected Scientific Papers. Meteorology. 1919-1949. Peking: Academia Sinica, 1954. 4to, 25.8cm. Pp. [6],x,[4],625, figs., tabs., refs. Orig. cloth gilt. € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Collecties. Jaarboek 1995 v... : Collecties. Jaarboek 1995 van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Vossiuspers AUP, 1995. Kl.-4to, 25.8cm. 208 blz., illustr. in tekst, tabellen. Ingen., orig. omslag met papieren transparan... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Collection Jean Berger. Liv... : Collection Jean Berger. Livres rares sur la chasse. Le vendredi 2 juillet à 10.30 heures à l'hôtel Métropole Palace [...]. Monte Carlo: Chriestie's Monaco, 1993. 4to, 26.6cm. Pp. 121, 73 illustr. (partly full-page, some in colour). Orig. stiff pict. wrappers. Fi... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Collection of 110 shorter p... AMPFERER, Otto (1875-1949).: Collection of 110 shorter papers (each up to ca. 20-30 pages) on Alpine geology, all original author's offprints, fron various German-language earth science journals, dating from 1918 to 1942. Unique and nearly complete collection of the author's shorter writings, total of ca. 2,000 pages, m... € 325.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Collection of 15 papers on ... BROWN, Wade H. (1878-1942) PEARCE, Louise (1885-1959).: Collection of 15 papers on experimental syphilis in the rabbit, original offprints from various scientific jounals, 1920-1921. Total of 230 pages, with numerous photos on 78 plates. In orig. wrappers or stapled, as issued. € 75.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Collections for an essay to... Barton, B.S., 1798 1804 (1900).: Collections for an essay towards a materia medica of the United States. [Bull. Loyd Libr., Reprod. Ser., 1.] Cincinnati. Large 8vo. Pp. [ii],10, viii,50,iv,xvi,54, vii, 1 portr. Orig. wrs. - Facsimile reprint (with a shor... € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Collezione Emitterologica d... Casale, A., 1981.: Collezione Emitterologica de Massimialno Spinola [1780-1857]. [Cataloghi Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, II.] Torino 1981. 8vo, 24.8cm. Pp. 120, 1 portrait, 3 plates (2 coloured), index. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers. ... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Collezione imenotterologica... Casolari, C., Casolari Moreno, R., 1980.: Collezione imenotterologica di Massimiliano Spinola. [Cat. Mus. Reg. Sci. Nat. Torino, 1.] Torino. 8vo. Pp. 165, 2 pls., bibl., indexes. Orig. wrs., uncut. € 18.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Colloque sur la Camargue. L... : Colloque sur la Camargue. L'originalité et les caractéristiques des milieux de Camargue; influences par le peuplement. (Extrait des Comptes rendus du Congrès des Sociétés savantes, tenu à Aix et à Marseille en 1958.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1958. 8vo. Pp. [iv],473-636, figs., refs. 8vo. Orig. printed wrappers. - "Séance du jeudi le 10 avrill 19... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Colloque sur la Paléoécolog... Oertli, H.J., editor, 1971.: Colloque sur la Paléoécologie des Ostracodes. / Colloquium on the Paleoecology of Ostracodes, Pau, 20-27/VII/1970. Pau: SNPA. 8vo. Pp. 953, numerous pls., figs. and other illus., refs., indexes. Hardbound. € 60.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Colloque sur la Stratigraph... Streel, M., Wagner, R.H., editors, 1970.: Colloque sur la Stratigraphie du Carbonifère. Comptes-rendus de la 8e Réunion de la Commission de Microflore du Paléozoïque (C.I.M.P.) et de l'Assemblée Générale de l'I.U.G.S. Subcommission on Carboniferous Stratigraphy (S.C.C.S.) tenues à... 13 au 20 avril 1969. Liège: Université. 8vo. Pp. 551, many photos (mostly of fossils) on 38 pls., 2 fold. maps, 8 fold. diagrs., several ill... € 50.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Colombian Zoological Survey... Fowler, H.W., 1945.: Colombian Zoological Survey. Part I. The fresh-water fishes obtained in 1945. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pahiladelphia, 97: pp. 93-135, 47 figs., refs. Large 8vo. Extract, plain new wrappers, uncut. € 8.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Color in electronic display... WIDDEL, Heino, POST, David L. (editors).: Color in electronic displays. [Defense Research Series, 3.] New York: Plenum Press, 1992. 8vo, 24.8cm. Pp. x,335, many figs., refs., indices. Hardbound, pict. lamin. boards. Fine, as new. € 40.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Comedy and form in the fict... HOFFMAN, Stanton De Voren.: Comedy and form in the fiction of Joseph Conrad. The Hague Paris: Mouton, 1969. 8vo, 20.8cm. Pp. 140, notes refs. Hardbound, orig. cloth in decor. dust-jacket. Very good. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Comentarios históricos y bo... Alvarez Lopez, 1947.: Comentarios históricos y botánicos con motivo de un "Glossario" hispano-musulmán de los siglos XI al XII. An. Jard. Bot. Madrid, 7 (1947): pp. 5-175, indices; xerox copy of front cover of journal volume in front. Plain new wrappers. Little... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Commemorazioni Spallanzani,... [ Spallanzani ]: Commemorazioni Spallanzani, 11-14 Aprile 1939-XVIII. Pavia 1939. 2 vols., 8vo, 24.3cm. Vol. 1: pp vi,97, 6 plates; vol. 2: pp. [94], portraits. Orig. printed wraoppe... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Commentaire de l'Atlas of C... MARGERIE, Emmanuel de: Commentaire de l'Atlas of Colorado (1877). [Extrait du Bulletin de la Section de Géographie, 1924.] Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1925. 8vo. Pp. iv,80, 3 portraits, 7 fold. maps, 8 other illus. in text and on plates. Orig. printed wrapp... € 22.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Commissione Grotte "Eugenio... : Commissione Grotte "Eugenio Boegan", Atti e Memoria. Volume VIII, 1968. Trieste: Società Alpina delle Giulie, 1969. 8vo. Pp. 177, several photos, maps, plans and figs., refs. Orig.printed wrappers. - Contains 12 pape... € 17.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Commissione Grotte "Eugenio... : Commissione Grotte "Eugenio Boegan", Atti e Memorie. Volume III, 1967. Trieste: Società Alpina delle Giulie, 1968. 8vo. Pp. 131, several photos, maps, plans and figs., rerfs. Orig. printed wrappers. - Contains 9 pap... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Communities of marine algae... Skottsberg, C., 1941.: Communities of marine algae in Subantarctic and Antarctic waters. [Kgl. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., Ser. 3, 19(4): Stockholm 4to. pp. 92, 5 photos (of biotoptes) on 3 pls., 7 figs., bibl. Orig. wrs., uncut. Spine mended. € 17.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Comparaison de l'Eocène inf... Hébert, E., 1873.: Comparaison de l'Eocène inférieur de la Belgique et de l'Angleterre avec celui du Bassin de paris. [Bibl. Ecole Haut. Edud., Sect. Sci. Nat., 8(3).] Paris: G. Masson. 8vo, 24.5cm. Pp. [ii],33, 3 sections in text, refs. Plain old wrs., uncut. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Comparative ecological stud... Adis, J., 1981.: Comparative ecological studies of the terrestrial arthropod fauna in Central Amazonian inundation forests. Amazioniana, 7(2): pp. 87-173, many tables, refs. Journal issue. orig. wrappers. Fine. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Comparative ecology of hyme... Vet, L.E.M., 1984.: Comparative ecology of hymenopterous parasitoids. Leiden. 8vo, 24cm. Pp. viii,218, figs., tabs., graphs, refs. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers. Fine. € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Comparative geomorphologica... Slotboom, R.Th., 1963.: Comparative geomorphological and palynological investigaitons of the pingos (viviers) in the Hautes Fagnes (Belgium) and the Mardellen in the Gutland (Luxemburg). Amsterdam. 8vo. Pp. x,41, 24 illustr. in text, 8 fold. sheets of tabs. and diagrs. in pocket, bibl. Orig. wrapp... € 12.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Comparative morphology and ... De Decker, P., 1978.: Comparative morphology and review of Mytilocryprinidid ostracods (family Cyprididae). [Austral. Jour. Zool. Suppl. Ser., 58.] East Melbourne, 1978. Large 8vo. Pp. 62, numerous drawings and microphotos in 35 full-page figs., refs. Orig. wrappers. € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Comparative postcranial ost... Peters, J., Brink, J.S., 1992.: Comparative postcranial osteomorphology and osteometry of Springbok, Antidorcas marsupialis (Zimmerman, 1780) and Grey Rhebok, Pelea capreolus (Forster, 1790) (Mammalia: Bovidae). Navors. Nas. Mus. Bloemfonteil, 8(4): pp. 161-207, many drawings in n19 figs., tables, refs. Large 8vo. Plain new wrappers. € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Comparative studies on cert... Hetherington, D.C., 1923.: Comparative studies on certain features of nematodes and their significance. [Illinois Biol. Stud., 8(2).] Urbana, Ill. Large 8vo. Pp. 63, 47 figs. on 4 plates. refs. Orig. wrs., uncut. € 12.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Comparative studies on furc... Miller, H.M., Jr., 1926.: Comparative studies on furcocercous cercariae. [Illinois Biol. Mon., 10(3).] Urbana, Ill. Large 8vo. Pp. 112 94 figs. on 8 plates, refs., taxon. index. New plain wrappers. € 17.50 Aquila Antiquariaat

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