Alle boeken van Aquila Antiquariaat uit Lochem


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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
The Jain Cosmology. English... CAILLAT, Collette, RUMAR, Ravi.: The Jain Cosmology. English rendering R. Norman. New York: Harmony Books / Crown Publishers, 1981. Large 4to, 30.7cm. Pp. 197,[3], 108 colour plates, bibliogr., index of names and words. Hardbound, o... € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Etudes de géologie du Détro... CAILLEUX, André.: Etudes de géologie du Détroit de McMurdo (Antarctique). [Com. Natl. Franç. Rech. Antarct., 1.] [Paris] 1962. 4to. Pp. vi,41, 1 fold. sketch map, 28 photos in text, bibl., index. Orig. wrappers. - Loosely inser... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Publication of the "Tertiar... Cainozoic Research. Volumes 1 2.: Publication of the "Tertiary Research Group" and the "Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie" Leiden, 2002-2003. 4to. Vol. 1: pp. 138, illus., refs.; vol. 2: pp. 174, illus., refs. Orig. wrs. Fine. € 90.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The marine fauna of New Zea... Cairns, S.D., 1991.: The marine fauna of New Zealand: Stylasteridae (Cnidaria: Hydroidea). [New Zealand Oceanogr. Inst. Mem., 98.] Wellington 1991. 4to, 28cm. Pp. 99, very numerous photos on 77 plates, 2 sketch maps, 6 tables (1 fold.), refs., inde... € 40.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
El Jardin Botanico del Inst... CAÑIZARES, Felipe García.: El Jardin Botanico del Instituto de Segundo Easenanza de La Habana. La Habana: "El Siglo XX", 1918. Large 8vo. Pp. 169,[3], 5 fold. plans, many photos, indices. Orig. printed wrappers. Spine neatly me... € 40.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Classification, relationshi... Calder, A.A., 1986.: Classification, relationships and distribution of the Crepodomeninae (Coleoptera: Elateridae). [Austral Jour. Zool., Suppl. Ser., 122.] Melbourne 1986. 8vo, 24.8cm. Pp. 220, 276 figs., distrib. maps and photos, refs., taxon. index. Orig. printed wrappe... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Scientific Europe. Research... CALDER, Nigel (Head Editor): Scientific Europe. Research and technology in 20 countries. [Maastricht:] Foundation Scientific Europe, 1990. Folio, 30cm. Pp. 508, very numerous illustr. throughout (mostly coloured), subject index. Orig. rexi... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Reseña de las rocas de la i... Calderón, S., 1875.: Reseña de las rocas de la isla volcanica Gran Canaria. An. Soc. Españ. Hist. Nat., 4(2): pp. 375-407, 6 figs. Extract, plain new wrs. € 12.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
The Jajmani system: an inve... CALDWELL, Bruce.: The Jajmani system: an investigation. [Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology.] Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation, 1991. 8vo, 23.8cm. Pp. xii,128, bibliogr. Hardbound, orig. cloth with lamin. dust-jacket. Very good. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Intraspecific transfer of i... Caldwell, M.C., & Caldwell D.K., 1966.: Intraspecific transfer of information via the pulsed sound in captive cetaceans. [Offprint from:] Les systèmes sonars animaux. Biologie et bionique. Frascati, septembre 1966. [No pl.] 1966. 8vo, 24cm. Pp. 879-936, 36 photos, refs. Paperbound orig. printed wrappers. Fine, € 7.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Beiträge zur Geologie der P... Calker, F.J.P. van, 1908.: Beiträge zur Geologie der Provinz Groningen. Grundbohrungen. Mitt. Miner.-Geol. Inst. Reichs-Univ. Groningen, 1(2): pp. 31-203, 6 fold. pls. of (mostly columnar) sections, 1 fold. plan, 1 fold. map, many tabs. in tex... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
La cima Uzza (Adamello sur-... Callegari, E., 1963.: La cima Uzza (Adamello sur-orientale). Parte II. Studio petrogra-fico e petrogenetico della massa femica. [Mem. Ist. Geol. Miner. Univ. Padova, 24(3).] Padova. Folio, 31.6cm. Pp. 127,[11], 20 microphotos on 5 pls., 30 tabs. and 4 photos in text, notes refs., ... € 28.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Gli stagni della provincia ... Calligaris, R., 1985.: Gli stagni della provincia di Trieste - Atlante. (Ricerche sugli stagni e le ghiacciaie del Carso triestino (Provincia di Trieste).) [Atti Mus. Civ. St. Nat. Trieste, 36, Suppl.] Trieste. 4to. Pp. 128, many sketch maps and plans thruoughout, index. Orig. stiff wrs. € 19.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
95 Millioni anni fa. Il per... Calligaris, R., 1993.: 95 Millioni anni fa. Il periodo Cretacico attraverso i fossili di Comeno ed altri reperti del Carso. Trieste: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, 1993. 8vo. Pp. 24, 12 photos. Orig. stiff wrappers. - Booklet accompanying an expiosition. € 4.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
La fauna quaternaria di Ven... Caloi, L., Palombo, M.R., 1979.: La fauna quaternaria di Venosa: Bovidi. Boll. Serv. Geol. Italia, 100: pp. 101-140, 1 fold. plate, 6 figs., bibliogr. Plain new wrappers. € 7.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Cranio di Megaceros gigante... Caloi, L., 1972.: Cranio di Megaceros giganteus (Blum.) nel Museo del Servizio FGeologico d'Italia. Boll. Serv. Geol. Italia, 93: pp. 195-221, 4 photos on 2 plates, 1 fold. map, tabs., bibliogr. Plain new wrappers. € 6.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Resti di mammiferi del Plei... Caloio, L., Palombo, M.R., 1979.: Resti di mammiferi del Pleistocene Medio di Malagrotta (Roma). Boll. Serv. Geol. Italia, 100: pp. 141-188, 17 figs. and composite photos, bibliogr. Plain new wrappers. € 7.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Molecular paleontology. Calvin, M., 1968.: Molecular paleontology. *Trans. Leics. Lit. Philos. Soc., 62: pp. [ii],45-69, 9 photos on 2 pls., 28 figs. and diagrs. Offprint, orig. wrs. € 6.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Acacia seedings, Part III. Cambage, R.H., 1917.: Acacia seedings, Part III. Jour. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales, 51: pp. 389-409, 5 photogr. plates, 3 figs. Extract, plain new wrappers. € 5.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Geochemistry of pyrrhotite ... Cambel, B., Jarovský, J., 1969.: Geochemistry of pyrrhotite of various genetic types. Bratislava: Geological Institute of Komenský University. 8vo. Pp. 333, 89 figs. and 31 tabs. in text, bibl. Orig. cloth. € 18.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
On new and rare British spi... Cambridge, O.P., 1873.: On new and rare British spiders (being a second supplement to "British spiders new to science"). Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 27: pp. 523-555, many figs. on 1 lithogr. pl. 4to. Plain new wrs. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Les Pyrénées. Développement... Camena d'Almeida, P., 1893 (1969).: Les Pyrénées. Développement de la connaissance géographique de la chaîne. Thèse présentée à la Faculté des lettres de Paris. Paris 1893; facsimile reprint Amsterdam: Meridian Publishing, 1969. 8vo, 22.2cm. Pp. vi,328, refs. Hardbound, orig. cloth. Fine, like new. € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Richerche intorno alle renn... Camerano, L., 1901.: Richerche intorno alle renne delle Isole Spitzberghe. Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino, Ser. II, 51: pp. [ii],159-240, 4 plates, tables. 4to. Plain new wrappers, uncut. € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
De Raphael à Corot. Trésors... CAMESASCA, Ettore.: De Raphael à Corot. Trésors du Musée d'Art de Sao Paulo. Martigny: Fondation Pierre Gianadda, 1988. Square 8vo, 23.8cm. Pp. 214,[10], numerous colour illustr. throughout (some full-page), bibliogr. Pa... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Middeleeuwse minnekunst. On... CAMILLE, Michael: Middeleeuwse minnekunst. Onderwerpen en voorwerpen van begeerte. Keulen: Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft, 2008. 4to, 27.8cm. 176 blz., 150 illus. (meest in kleur), register. Geb., orig. kart. band in geïll. stof... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Bibliography of fossil vert... Camp, C.L., Allison, H.J., 1961.: Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1949-1953. [Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem., 84.] New York 1961. 8vo. Pp.x xxviii,532, indices. Orig. cloth. Fine. € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Bibliography of fossil vert... Camp, C.L., Vanderhoof, V.L., 1940 (1973).: Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1928-1933. [Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem., 27.] New York, facsimile reprint Amsterdam: A. Asher. Large 8vo. Pp. viii,503, index. Orig. cloth. € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Bibliography of fossil vert... Camp, C.L., Vanderhoof, V.L., 1940 (1973).: Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1928-1933. [Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem., 27.] New York 1940; facsimile reprint Amsterdam: A. Asher, 1973. 8vo. Pp. viii,503, indices. Orig. cloth. Fine. € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Bibliography of fossil vert... Camp, C.L., Allison, H.J., Nichols, R.H., 1964.: Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1954-1958. [Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem., 92.] New York 1964. 8vo. Pp. xxviii,647, indices. Orig. cloth. Fine. € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Bibliography of fossil vert... Camp, C.L., et al., 1968.: Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1959-1963. [Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem., 117.] New York 1968. 8vo. Pp. xliv,644, indices. Orig. cloth. Fine. € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Bibliography of fossil vert... Camp, C.L., Taylor, D.W., Welles, S.P., 1942 (1973).: Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1934-1938. [Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem., 42.] New York, facsimile reprint Amsterdam: A. Asher. Large 8vo. Pp. vi,663, indices. Orig. cloth. Fine. € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Australian Permian Terebrat... Campbell, K.S.W., 1965.: Australian Permian Terebratuloids. [Bull. Bur. Miner. Res. Geol. Geoph., 68.] Camberra. Small 4to. Pp. vi,114, 419 photos on 17 plates, 2 fold. sections, 44 figs.,r refs. Orig. wrappers. € 22.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
New species on the Permian ... Campbell, K.S.W., 1961.: New species on the Permian spiriferoids Ingelarella and Notospirifer from Queensland and their stratigraphic implications. Palaeonrogr., Abt. A, 117:: pp. 159-192, many photos on 6 plates, 13 figs., 3 tabs., refs. 4to. Plain new wrappers. € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Geologic section along the ... Campbell, M.R., Mendenhall, W.C., 1896.: Geologic section along the New and the Kanawah Rivers in West Virginia. Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv., 17(2): pp. [ii],473-511, 1 fold. section in pocket, 1 fold. panorama, 10 photogr. pls. 4to. Plain new wrs. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Dritter und vierter Anhang ... CAMPBELL, Ulrich.: Dritter und vierter Anhang zu Ulrich Campbells Topographie von Graubünden. Herausgegeben von Traugott Schiess. Beilage zum Jahresbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubündens, Neue Folge, Band XLII-XLV. Chur: Jos. Casanova, 1900. Oktav, 20.8cm. 107 S. numeriert I-CVII. Broschiert in neuem Papierumschlag. Sehr gut. € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Lineamenti geologici della ... Campisi, B., 1959.: Lineamenti geologici della regione di Sant'Agata di Militello, Floresta e zone contermini (Sicilia settentrionale). Boll. Serv. Geol. Italia, 80: pp. 565-610, 5 photogr. plates, 1 fold. plate of sections, 1 large fold. geol. map. Plain new wrappe... € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Microfossili e stratigrafia... Campisi, B., 1968.: Microfossili e stratigrafia del Miocene inferiore e medio dei Sicani sud-occidentali. Atti Accad. Gioebnia Sci,. Nat. Catania, Ser. VI, 20: pp. 223-323, 23 plates of photos, 1 fold. map, 5 figs., refs. 4to. Offprint, orig. printed wrappers.... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Das Kiesvorkommen von Kallw... Canaval, R., 1895.: Das Kiesvorkommen von Kallwang in Obersteier und der darauf bestandene Bergbau. Separat-Abdruck aus den Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark, Jahrgang 1894. Graz. 8vo, 23.5cm. Pp. 109. 2 sections and 1 map on 1 fold. plate, tabs., refs. Orig. printed wrs., uncut.... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Notice sur le Jardin Botani... CANDOLLE,, Alphonse de.: Notice sur le Jardin Botanique de Genève. Genève: Ch. Gruaz, 1845. 8vo. Pp. 27. Orig. printed wrappers, unopened. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Het Martyrium. [Nederlandse... CANETTI, Elias.: Het Martyrium. [Nederlandse vertaling Jacques Hamelink. Zevende druk.] [Bibliotheek van de Twintigste Eeuw.] Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Aeropagus / Polak en Van egnnep, 2001. 8vo, 21.5cm. 644,[4] blz. Geb., geïllustr. kart. band in transparant stofomslag met belettering in ... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Evolution of pipoid fogs: i... Cannatella, D.C., Trueb, L., 1988.: Evolution of pipoid fogs: intergeneric relationships of the aquatic frog family Pipidae (Anura). Zool. Jour. Linn. Soc., 94(1): pp. 1-38, 13 figs., refs. Plain new wrappers. Fine. € 7.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Catalogue des Lépidoptères ... Cantener, L.P., 1833.: Catalogue des Lépidoptères du Var. Paris: Roret, Levrault. 8vo. Pp. 28,[2]. Old plain wrs. - Hagen I, p. 113. Also published in "Silbermann's Revue d'Entomolog... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Van schoenen en schoenmaker... CANTER CREMERS-VAN DER DOES, Eline.: Van schoenen en schoenmakers. Met tekeningen van de schrijfster. Amsterdam: De Spieghel; Antwerpen: Het Kompas, 1940. Kl. 4to, 24.8cm. 159 blz., 74 fotoplaten, talr. tekeningen in tekst, bibliogr. (4 blz.) los inliggen... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The bryozoan fauna of the V... Canu, F., Bassler, R.S., 1933.: The bryozoan fauna of the Vincentown Limesand. [U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 165.] Washington. 8vo. Pp. vi,108, 21 plates, index. Orig. wrappers. - Paleogene, New Jersey. € 17.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Lispe Latr. del Mediterrane... Canzoneri, S., Meneghini, D., 1966.: Lispe Latr. del Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente raccolte da A. Giordano Soika. Boll. Mus. Civ. St. Nat. Venezia, 16: pp. 109-148, 23 figs. Plain new wrs. € 8.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Borne, historie en volksver... CAPELLEVEEN, F.J. van (e.a., redactie).: Borne, historie en volksverhalen. Borne: Vriendenkring van het Bussemakershuis, 1987. 8vo, 22.8cm. 96 blz., versch. foto's, tekeningen en kaartjes in tekst. Ingen., orig. geïllustr. oms... € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Recherches sur la tératolog... Cappe de Baillon, P., 1927.: Recherches sur la tératologie des insectes. Préface de E.-L. Bouvier. [Encycl. Entom., VIII.] Paris: P. Lechevalier. 8vo. Pp. 291,[19], 53 figs. and photos on 9 pls. (1 col.), 85 figs. in text, bibl. Orig. printed wrs... € 40.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Essai sur la constitution g... Cappelle, H. van.: Essai sur la constitution géologique de la Guyane hollandaise (District occidental). Suivi d'une étude pétrographique par E.H.W. Beekman. Baarn: Hollandia; Paris: Ch. Béranger, 1907. Large 8vo, 24cm. Pp. viii,179, few figs., 1 large fold. map with some geological colouring along riv... € 50.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Het karakter van de Ned.-In... Cappelle, H. van, Jr., 1885.: Het karakter van de Ned.-Indische Tertiaire fauna. Sneek: J.F. van Druten, 1885. 8vo. Pp. viii,198,[8], tabs., bibliogr. Plain new wrappers, orig. printed front cover mounted,, uncu... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Haarle's hang naar eigenhei... CAPPERS, Wim.: Haarle's hang naar eigenheid. Sporen in het zand ten westen van de Sallandse Heuvelrug. Haarle: Stichting Marke Haarle, 1997. 8vo, 20.5cm. 240 blz., talr. foto's in tekst, noten, bibliogr. Geb., geïllustr. kart. band. Rug iet... € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat

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