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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Antique portrait print, VOC... Jacob Houbraken (1698-1780), after Pieter van Gunst (1658/59-1732)[?] Antique portrait print, VOC I Amsterdam mayor Jan Trip, published ca. 1720, 1 p. (meer info) Bust portrait of Jan Trip Berkenrode (1664-1732) in an oval held by allegorical figures. Turned to t... € 121.00
€ 6,00
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Antique portrait print VOC ... Jacob Houbraken (1698-1780), after Pieter van Gunst (1658/59-1732)[?] Antique portrait print VOC I Dutch mayor Jan Trip, published ca. 1720, 1 p. (meer info) Bust portrait of Jan Trip Berkenrode (1664-1732) in an oval held by allegorical figures. Turned to t... € 121.00
€ 6,00
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[Antique portrait print, VO... Pieter van Gunst (1658/59-1732), after Jacob Lindenbergh (1675-1727) [Antique portrait print, VOC] Jan Trip, published 1715-1721, 1 p. (meer info) Bust portrait of Jan Trip Berkenrode (1664-1732) in an oval within architectural frame inhabited by ... € 121.00
€ 6,00
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[Antique Portrait Print/por... Houbraken, Jacobus (1698-1780) and Pothoven, Hendrik (1725-1807) after Honthorst, Gerard van (1592-1656) [Antique Portrait Print/portret, etching and engraving]: AMALIA Countess van Solms/Gravin Amalia van Solms, published 1753. (meer info) Beautiful portrait of Amalia van Solms (1602-1675) in an oval. On the bottom some elements represent... € 363.00
€ 6,00
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[Antique Postcard Enkhuizen... [Setelik, Jaroslav.] [Antique Postcard Enkhuizen] Antieke ansichtkaart naar aquarel van J. Setelik van Enkhuizen, 10 x 15 cm. (meer info) Original antique postcard of Enkhuizen with boats  and gate of Enkhuizen. Auteursrecht A.N.V.V. Den... € 4.84
€ 6,00
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Antique print - Portrait of... Bloteling, Abraham (1640-1690) after unknown artist Antique print - Portrait of Michiel de Ruyter (1607 - 1676) - A. Bloteling - reprint on 20th century paper, 1 p. (meer info) Bust portrait of Michiel de Ruyter in an oval. Around the oval frame cannons and other items. On ped... € 36.30
€ 6,00
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Antique print | The mousetr... Cornelis Visscher (II) (1629-1658) Antique print | The mousetrap (de muizenval), published ca. 1650, 1 p. (meer info) By the light of a candle a boy and a girl look at a mouse trapped in a small cage.From the collectio... € 968.00
€ 6,00
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[Antique Print, 1663] Portr... Sichem, Christoffel van I (1546-1624) [Antique Print, 1663] Portrait of Ferdinand Alvarez of Toledo, duke of Alva - C. Van Sichem, published 1663 latest, 1 p. (meer info) Portrait of Ferdinand Alvarez of Toledo, duke of Alva, standing holding a stick in his hand. The oth... € 151.25
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, 1774] DE DE... Witte, Jacob Eduard de (1738-1809), Vinkeles, Reinier (1741-1816), Vinkeles, Hermanus (1745-1804) [Antique print, 1774] DE DEUREN. [Afbeeldingen van den Schouwburg te Amsterdam, series title], published 1774, 1 p. (meer info) Designs for the door of the new Theater of Amsterdam. Signed on the bottom left:'J. E. de Witte, inv... € 181.50
€ 6,00
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[Antique print, 1774] DOORS... Witte, Jacob Eduard de (1738-1809), Vinkeles, Reinier (1741-1816), Vinkeles, Hermanus (1745-1804) [Antique print, 1774] DOORSNEEDE VAN HET GEBOUW INDE LENGTE. [Afbeeldingen van den Schouwburg te Amsterdam, series title], published 1774, 1 p. (meer info) Design of the Amsterdam Theater: section in the length that allows a see through on the stage and on... € 181.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, 1774] Op de... Meer, Noach van der (1741-1822) [Antique print, 1774] Op den brand van den Schouwburg te Amsterdam; den Elfden May, published 1774, 1 p. (meer info) Plate with the allegorical representation of the fire of the Amsterdam theater on 11th May 1772, rec... € 84.70
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, 1774] TROMM... Witte, Jacob Eduard de (1738-1809), Vinkeles, Reinier (1741-1816), Vinkeles, Hermanus (1745-1804) [Antique print, 1774] TROMMEL INDEN VOORGEVEL. [Afbeeldingen van den Schouwburg te Amsterdam, series title], published 1774, 1 p. (meer info) Design of the Amsterdam Theater: sculpture design for the fronton of the theater. Signed on the bott... € 181.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, 1862, Veili... Maurand, Charles (1824-1904) after Daumier, Honoré (1808-1879) [Antique print, 1862, Veiling, auction in Paris] Les amateurs de tableaux à l'hôtel Bouillon, 1 p. (meer info) A group of men gathered around a painting held by another man against his own chest, while an auctio... € 102.85
€ 6,00
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Antique print album, etchin... Gerrit Groenewegen (1754-1826) Antique print album, etching | Vercheyde Soorten van HOLLANDSE Vaartuigen Geteekenten Gesneeden door G. Groenewegen 2de Boekje / Pluiseurs Sortes de BATIMENS HOLLANDOISE dessiné et gravé par G. Groenewegen. 2de Cahier 1787, 12 pp. (meer info) Set B of ships by Gerrit Groenewegen.Twelve plates with their original binding, last plate loose. Al... € 907.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print; antieke pre... Jan Caspar Philips (1680/1700-1775), after Cornelis Pronk (1691-1759) [Antique print; antieke prent, ets en gravure] Afbeelding van de vergaderplaats van de Heeren Staaten van Holland en Westfriesland; te zien uit het westen van tusschen de gestoeltens der staats sekretarissen, welker standplaatsen door de lette... (meer info) Etching and engraving by Jan Caspar Philips after Cornelis Pronk, published by Isaak Tirion in Amste... € 36.30
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Antique print, aquatint | K... Antique print, aquatint | Korte Spaarne (view in Haarlem), published 1816, 1 p. (meer info) View on the Korte Spaarne in Haarlem.Plate used in Robert Hill's: 'span class="fn"span dir="ltr"Sket... € 36.30
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, aquatint an... Anonymous, after Pieter Claus Jr (1778-1864) [Antique print, aquatint and etching, oude prent bij Amsterdam] Den Doorbraak achter Durgerdam, published 1825. (meer info) View of the flooded land as a result of the dike breach at Durgerdam on February 4, 1825. On the rig... € 151.25
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, aquatint] H... [Antique print, aquatint] HONNI SOIT QUI MAL Y VOIT, published ca. 1795. (meer info) Allegorical print from the period of the French Revolution.The title below: "HONNI SOIT QUI MAL Y VO... € 145.20
€ 6,00
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[Antique print, aquatint] L... Jean François Janinet (1752-1814) after Adriaen van Ostade (1610-1685) [Antique print, aquatint] Le Nouvéliste (The Newsmonger), published 1778/79. (meer info) A beautiful colored aquatint after an original drawing by Adriaen van Ostade showing a group of pea... € 387.20
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, aquatint] S... Cornelis Brouwer (1731/35-1803) [Antique print, aquatint] Ships at Hoorn (Schepen bij Hoorn), published ca. 1741-1803. (meer info) Print after a design by Willem van de Velde, printed on two plates. From a set of print-drawings wit... € 726.00
€ 6,00
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[Antique print, beautifully... [Antique print, beautifully colored lithograph, The Hague] Gezigt of het standbeeld van Z.M. Willem II op het buitenhof/ Vue à la statue de S.M. Guillume II au Buitenhof (Standbeeld van Koning Willem II), published 19th century, 1 p. (meer info) View on the Buitenhof in The Hague, at the statue of King Willem II. Designed by Edouard Francois Ge... € 96.80
€ 6,00
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Antique Print before 1718 -... Mulder, Joseph (1659/60-1718) Antique Print before 1718 - The mausoleum of Michiel de Ruyter (1607-1676) in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam - J. Mulder, published before 1718, 1 p. (meer info) The mausoleum of Michiel de Ruyter in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam behind a low fence. Inscription b... € 48.40
€ 6,00
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[Antique print, bouwplaat, ... [Antique print, bouwplaat, printed paper model] Cuirasse' d'Escadre, published ante 1887. (meer info) From the set of "Grande Constructions" two sheets for the construction of a French dreadnought from ... € 96.80
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, ca 1774] BE... Witte, Jacob Eduard de (1738-1809), Vinkeles, Reinier (1741-1816), Vinkeles, Hermanus (1745-1804) [Antique print, ca 1774] BEELDWERK TUSSCHEN DE COLOMMEN. [Afbeeldingen van den Schouwburg te Amsterdam, series title], published ca 1774, 1 p. (meer info) Design of the Amsterdam Theater: design of two sculptures and two medaillons for the spaces between ... € 181.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print; carthograph... Frans Hogenberg (1535-1590) [Antique print; carthography, oude prent Enkhuizen] Enckhusa, published ca. 1581-1616. (meer info) Antique map - bird's-eye view of Enkhuizen by Braun and Hogenberg, with key to locations.From: emCiv... € 302.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Antique print, cartography ... Antique print, cartography | Map of Copenhagen (Kopenhagen plattegrond), published 1826, 1 p. (meer info) Map of the city of Copenhagen. Public buildings marked in black. With numbered place register on the... € 181.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
Antique print, cartography ... Adriaan Anthonisz (1527–​1607) Antique print, cartography | Wieringer Waert [Wieringerwaard], published ca. 1741-1744. (meer info) Map of the lots of the Wieringerwaard, as raffled on 12 July 1611.On the top left the coat of arms o... € 907.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, cartography... Lodovico Guicciardini (1521-1589) [Antique print, cartography] Arras, published ca. 1610. (meer info) City map of Arras in northern France.This print originates from an edition of  ‘Lodovico Guicciar... € 90.75
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, cartography... [Antique print, cartography] Colton's City of Baltimore, published ca. 1856. (meer info) Detailed and colored map of Baltimore in Maryland, USA by Colton (New York). Numbered on the bottom ... € 121.00
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, cartography... Isaak Tirion (1705-1765) [Antique print, cartography] De Reede en Haven (harbour) van Vera Cruz (Mexico), published 1765. (meer info) Map of the region surrounding Veracruz, central region of Mexico overlooking the Mexican gulf.This m... € 90.75
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, cartography... Isaak Tirion (1705-1765) [Antique print, cartography] De Stad en Haven (harbour) van PORTO-BELLO (Panama), published 1765. (meer info) Map of the region surrounding Portobelo, on the northern part of the isthmus of Panama.This map is i... € 90.75
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, cartography... Isaak Tirion (1705-1765) [Antique print, cartography] De Stad, reede, haven en rivier van CHAGRES ... (Panama), published 1765. (meer info) Map of the region surrounding Chagres, Panama. The map depicts the town of Chagres, Fort St. Lorenzo... € 108.90
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, cartography... Isaak Tirion (1705-1765) [Antique print, cartography] De Stad Vera Cruz (Mexico), published 1765. (meer info) Map of the city of Veracruz, in Mexico. Landmarks are labeled and named on the bottom left.This map ... € 90.75
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, cartography... Hendrick Hondius (1573-1650) [Antique print, cartography, etching and engraving] CAERTE VAN WATERLAND, oude kaart van Waterland, published ca. 1631-1682. (meer info) Map of the so-called Waterland region: at bottom is Amsterdam and at the top is Monnikedam.On the bo... € 96.80
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, cartography... Lodovico Guicciardini (1521-1589) [Antique print, cartography] Gravelines (Grevelingen), published ca. 1610. (meer info) City map of Gravelines, Gravelingen in Northern France.This print originates from an edition of  �... € 90.75
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, cartography... Pieter van der Keere (1571-1646) [Antique print, cartography, hand colored etching and engraving] DE WORMER, published ca. 1631-1682. (meer info) Map of the polder de Wormer, or Wijdewormer, with plot division.On the bottom left a scale stick: 'R... € 60.50
€ 6,00
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[Antique print, cartography... Gerard Valck (1651-1726) and Leonard Valck (1675-1746) [Antique print, cartography, handcolored engraving] Maps of Northern and Eastern Germany, published ca. 1702. (meer info) Colored maps of the Northern and Eastern Germany.Appeared in Valk and Schenk's Atlantis sylloge comp... € 544.50
€ 6,00
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[Antique print, cartography... Pieter Schenk (1660-1713) [Antique print, cartography, handcolored engraving] Maps of Western Germany, published ca. 1702. (meer info) Colored maps of Western Germany (West-Duitsland), namely the region of the Rhine.Bar scales given in... € 423.50
€ 6,00
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[Antique print, cartography... Gerard Valck (1651-1726) [Antique print, cartography, handcolored engraving] Map of Lorraine, published ca. 1706. (meer info) Colored map of the North East region of France called Lorraine, with the main cities of Nancy and Me... € 544.50
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print, cartography... Hendrik de Leth (1703-1766) [Antique print, cartography, handcolored etching] Nieuwe Caart van Kennemerland, published 1742. (meer info) Map of the region Kennemerland; on the bottom right is Haarlem, on the left is Castricum.Map from th... € 181.50
€ 6,00
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[Antique print, cartography... Isaak Tirion (1705-1765) [Antique print, cartography] Map of Mexico and the Spanish West Indies, published 1765. (meer info) Map of Mexico and New Granada in the Spanish West Indies.This map is included in Tirion's: "Hedendaa... € 181.50
€ 6,00
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[Antique print, cartography... Lodovico Guicciardini (1521-1589) [Antique print, cartography] Mechelen, published ca. 1610. (meer info) City map of Mechelen (Malines) in Belgium.This print originates from an edition of  ‘Lodovico Gui... € 90.75
€ 6,00
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[Antique print, cartography... Lodovico Guicciardini (1521-1589) [Antique print, cartography] Mons/Bergen, published ca. 1610. (meer info) City map of Mons in Belgium.This print originates from an edition of  ‘Lodovico Guicciardini, Des... € 90.75
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print; cartography... [Antique print; cartography, oude prent Monneckendam] Grondtekening der Stad MONNIKENDAM, published 1743. (meer info) Map of Monnikendam, published by Isaak Trion in 1743. On the top left the legenda with the explanati... € 60.50 Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print; cartography... Marcus Zuerius van Boxhorn (1612-1653) [Antique print; cartography, oude prent Monnikendam] MONNEKEDAM, published 1632. (meer info) Map of Monnikendam. On the top left the coat of arms of the city; on the top right the title: 'MONNE... € 72.60
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print; cartography... [Antique print; cartography, oude prent Monnikendam] MONNEKEDAM, published 1652. (meer info) Map of Monnikendam. On the top left the coat of arms of the city; on the top right the title: 'MONNE... € 145.20
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print; cartography... [Antique print; cartography, oude prent Monnikendam] MONNEKEDAM, published 1649. (meer info) Map of Monnikendam. On the top left the coat of arms of the city; on the top right the title: 'MONNE... € 96.80
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print; cartography... Caspar Merian (1627-1686) [Antique print; cartography, oude prent Monnikendam] MONNECKEDAM, published 1659. (meer info) Map of Monnikendam. On the top left the coat of arms of the city; the title: 'MONNECKEDAM' and the l... € 145.20
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print; cartography... [Antique print; cartography, oude prent Muiden] MUYDEN, published 1652. (meer info) Map of Muiden. On the top left the coat of arms of the city; on the top right the title: 'MUYDEN' an... € 145.20
€ 6,00
Button Arine van der Steur
[Antique print; cartography... [Antique print; cartography, oude prent Naarden] NAERDEN, published 1673. (meer info) Map of Naarden. Titled at center: 'NAERDEN' numbered on the top right '72'.This plate was used in Ga... € 145.20
€ 6,00
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