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TWAALFJARIG BESTAND, VOOR EN TEGEN. Contemporaine verzamelbundel. | (1:) BAUDIUS, Dominicus. Van 't Bestant des Nederlantschen Oorlogs drie boecken. Vertaelt door P.Iacobi Austro-Sylvium. | Amsterdam, Dirck Pietersz, 1616. 4to. | 19x14,5 cm.). [xxiv],240 pp. Met titelvignet en 4 uitslaande platen. + (2:) HONDIUS, Henricus. De 3... | € 1650.00 |
Brinkman |
BRAVO, G.A. J.TRUPKE. | 100.000 Jahre Leder.Eine Monographie. | Basel, Birkhäuser, 1970. 391 Ss. M.137 Abb. Geb., mit SU. | € 18.00 |
Brinkman |
GODFREY, J. | 1204: the unholy crusade. W.16 pl. 6 maps. | Oxf.1980. xi,184 pp. Orbd. | € 22.00 |
Brinkman |
CATTENBURCH, A.L.van. | 1304. Intogt der Hollanders binnen Zierikzee,onder jonker Willem,grave van Oostervant. Geschiedkundige aanteekeningen ter opheldering van de maskerade,te houden door de leden van het Leidsche studenten-corps in junij 1865. M.3 gekleurde herald... | Leiden 1865. | vi),111 pp. Orig.linnen met goudopdruk (rug iets gesleten) | € 35.00 |
Brinkman |
SENECA. | 17 Letters. Ed.w. transl. comm. by C.D.N. Costa. | Warminster, Aris Phillips, 1988. 233,[10] pp. Pbk. | € 15.00 |
Brinkman |
SCHLEGEL, F. | 1794-1802: seine prosaische Jugendschriften. Hrsg.v.J.Minor. | Wien 1882. 2 Bde. Ohlw. xiii,363,xiii,431 Ss. | € 80.00 |
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KOOIMAN, E. | 18 Contes français tirés du recueil intitulé Le Tombel de Chartrose, éd.av.variantes et intr. | A'dam 1975. lxxvi,311 p. thèse | € 22.00 |
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COOPMAN, Th. V.A. DELA MONTAGNE. | 1830-1880: Onze dichters. Een halve eeuw Vlaamsche poezie. Naar tijdsorde gerangschikt, met biographische en bibliographische aanteekeningen, eene bloemlezing en eene inleiding. Met 10 portretten in koperets. | Antwerpen, L.dela Montagne, 1880. 4to. xx,314,[4] pp. Latere bibl.band. | titel met lelijk plakband vastgezet, portretten iets weervl.) - gedrukt in rood en zwart; dit is nr.... | € 40.00 |
Brinkman |
LOPEZ, L. | 1858. Estadistica general de la Republica de El Salvador. | San Salvador, Ministerio de Educación, 1974 | 3.ed). 198 pp. Wrappers (lower corner sl.bumped) | € 28.00 |
Brinkman |
INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH, | 1900-1950. (Historical trends). By various authors. W.2 pl. 112 fig. | Kuala Lumpur 1951. Sm-4to. xiv,389 p. orcl. | St.Inst.Med.Res.no.25) | € 22.00 |
Brinkman |
LAMBERT, Line. | 1920 of de hapering der dagen. | Antwerpen, Soethoudt, 1983. 95 pp. Ing. | Nr.232 van 500 genummerde exx.; brief van Line Lambert aan A.A.Keersmaekers en doorslag van brief va... | € 20.00 |
Brinkman |
EAST-INDIES COMMERCE DEPT. | 1930 Handbook of the Netherlands East-Indies. | Batavia, | 1930). 4to. xvi,424 pp. With 3 tipped-in plates (portraits), 2 fold.map and num.ills. Half cloth. (... | € 28.00 |
Brinkman |
PROCEEDINGS of the XIXth Intern.Congress of Onomastic Sciences, | 1996. | Aberdeen 1998. 3 vol. xviii,356-vi,402-vi,405 p. | € 50.00 |
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(LE SESNE d'ETEMARE, J.-B.) | 1.-(Quatrième) Mémoire sur les propositions renfermées dans la constitution Unigenitus, qui regardent la nature de l'ancienne et de la nouvelle alliance. | S.l. 1718,1714-1715. 4 tomes en 1 vol. in-12. | 2),94.136.135,(8).92 p. half-calf. (first Mémoire in 2nd edition; a fifth to ninth Mémoire followe... | € 60.00 |
Brinkman |
VERHANDLUNGEN des | 20.Intern.Kongresses für Geschichte der Medizin. Hrsg.v.H.Goerke H.Müller-Dietz. M.zahlr.Abb. | Hildesheim 1968. xlix,914 S. Olw | € 70.00 |
Brinkman |
POLLUX. REVILLOUT, C.,A.BOUCHERIE F.WIESELER. | 3 small articles on Pollux. | 1870-79. Hcalf. 4to. Tog. 77 pp. | in french latin) | € 20.00 |
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CONGRESS 1976: | 30th Intern.Congress of Human Sciences: South Asia. Ed.by G.de la Lama. W.59 ills. | Mexico 1982. 3 vols. Ocl. ix,322,ix,530,viii,207 pp. | € 45.00 |
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BEST, J.G.P. N.M.W.de VRIES (ed.) | (4th Int.Congress of Thracology:) Thracians and Mycenaeans. W.num.ills. | Leiden 1989. 306 pp. | Frankf.F.11) | € 28.00 |
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BOSCOOP, C. | 50 psalmen Davids, met vier partijen. Naar de uitgave van 1568 in partituur gebracht en op nieuw uitgegeven (met inl.) door M. Seiffert. | Amsterdam 1899. 4to. [vi],184 pp. Ingenaaid. | Ver.Noord-Ned.Muziekgesch.22; (grote) scheur achterzijde omslag gerepareerd met plakband) | € 45.00 |
Brinkman |
JANSENISTICA 1667-1826. | 56 small (mostly anti-jansenist) publications, almost all from the Low Countries; 56 (meest anti-jansenistische) pamfletten, bijna alle uit de Nederlanden. (20 uit de 17e eeuw, 34 van 1700-1752 en 2 uit de 19e eeuw) | Tesamen in 5 latere hlinnen banden. | bibl.st.) - ca. 13 met gefingeerde of anonieme uitgevers. | € 800.00 |
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BOOR-van der PUTTEN, I.M.E. | 75 Jaar geneeskunde van gezelschapsdieren in Nederland,1911-1986. M.talr.ills. | Utrecht 1986. xiii,262 p. geb | € 14.00 |
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LLOYD, J.A. | A Baruya-Tok Pisin-English dictionary. | Canberra 1992. 4to. x,685 pp. bound | Pacific Ling.C/82; Papua New Guinea) | € 45.00 |
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GOINES, D.L. | A basic formal hand. | Berkeley, 1979 | 3rd ed, 2nd printing). Folio. [45] pp. text within lavish borders. With fold. leaf: ruled practice p... | € 70.00 |
Brinkman |
DEBSKI, T. | A battlefield of ideas. Nazi concentration camps and their Polish prisoners. | Ne York, Columbia UP, 2001. [xii],285 pp. Cloth w.dustj. | one or two pencil lines) | € 28.00 |
Brinkman |
ASHER, G.M. | A bibliographical and historical essay on the Dutch books and pamphlets relating to New-Netherland, and to the Dutch West-India Company and to its possessions in Brazil, Angola, etc. As also on the maps, charts, etc. of New-Netherland. | Amsterdam, N.Israel, 1966 | repr.ed.1867). lii,234,[3],22,[23] pp. With folding map. Cloth. | € 20.00 |
Brinkman |
BRUCKNER, J. | A bibliographical catalogue of seventeenth-century German books published in Holland. W.17 plates. | The Hague, Mouton, 1971. xxxviii,552 pp. Cloth w.dj. | Angl.Germ.13; lists 623 nrs.; dustj.sl.used) | € 45.00 |
Brinkman |
RUSSELL, B.] BLACKWELL, K. H.RUJA. | A bibliography of Bertrand Russell. (1.Separate publications 1896-1990; 2.Serial publications 1890-1990; 3.Indexes.) W.portraits and 16 plates. | London, Routledge, 1994. 3 vol. lvi,611-xiv,575-xi,305 pp. Orig.cloth w.celluloid dustjackets in slipcase. | Collected Papers (vol.14); ticket on spines, a few libr.stamps, a very good library copy) - heavy se... | € 150.00 |
Brinkman |
BRUCE, A. | A bibliography of British military history. From the Roman invasions to the Restoration, 1660. | München, Saur, 1981. x,350 pp. bound | lists 3280 numbers) | € 18.00 |
Brinkman |
TREMAINE, M. | A bibliography of Canadian imprints,1751-1800. | Toronto 1999 | reprint ed.1952). xxx,705 p. orcl. | € 80.00 |
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CHAUCER. BAIRD, L.Y. | A bibliography of Chaucer, 1964-1973. | Boston 1977. xxiv,287 p. orcl | € 24.00 |
Brinkman |
HOMERUS. PACKARD, D.W. T.MEYERS. | A bibliography of homeric scholarship (1930-70). | Malibu, Undena, 1974. vi,183 pp. Sewn. | € 15.00 |
Brinkman |
PLAUTUS. HUGHES, J.D. | A bibliography of scholarship on Plautus. | Amsterdam, Hakkert, 1975. ix,154 pp. Sewn. | wrappers a bit faded) | € 15.00 |
Brinkman |
KEYNES, G. | A bibliography of Sir William Petty and of 'Observations on the Bills of Mortality' by John Graunt. W.portraits facs. | Oxford, Clarendon, 1971. 4to. xiii,103 pp. Orig.cloth w.dj. | € 30.00 |
Brinkman |
WENCKSTERN, F.v. | A bibliography of the Japanese Empire 1477-1906. | Leiden /Tokyo 1895-1907. 2 vols. Ocl. xvi,338,68,xvi,486,28,23 pp. To which is added: NACHOD, O., H.PRAESENT W.HAENISCH. Bibliographie von Japan,1906-1937. Stuttgart 1970. 6 Bde. Olw. xvi,832,xv,410,xvi,351,xii,452,xii,569 Ss. | Nachdr.Ausg.1928-40) | € 600.00 |
Brinkman |
WENCKSTERN, F.v. | A bibliography of the japanese empire, being a classified list of all books, essays and maps in european langauges relating to Dai Nihon (1859-1893). To which is added a reprint of L.Pagès: Bibliographie japonaise depuis le XVe siècle jusqu'à ... | Stgt.1970. xiv,338.iv,68 pp. Ocl. | Bibl.vol.I, repr.ed.Leiden 1895, vol.II (bibl.1894-1906) repr.ed.Tokyo 1907) | € 45.00 |
Brinkman |
LAVOISIER] DUVEEN, D.I. H.S.KLICKSTEIN. | A bibliography of the works of Antoine Laurant Lavoisier,1743-1794. W.suppl.by D.I.Duveen. W.49 pl. | London .1954-65. 2 vols. L-8vo. xxiii,493,xv,177 pp. Cloth w.sl.foxed dj. | € 200.00 |
Brinkman |
TRASK, D.F. et al. (ed.) | A bibliography of United States-Latin American relations since 1810. | Lincoln 1968. 4to. xxxi,441 p. orig.cloth. | library copy, sticker removed from spine) | € 20.00 |
Brinkman |
YEATS. CROSS, K.G.W. R.T.DUNLOP. | A bibliography of Yeats criticism 1887-1965. | London 1971. xxvi,341 p. orcl w.dj. | € 28.00 |
Brinkman |
CATULLUS. HARRAUER, H. | A bibliography to Catullus. | Hildesheim, Gerstenberg, 1979. xii,206 pp. Cloth. | Bibl.Aug.Poetry.3) | € 18.00 |
Brinkman |
TIBULLUS. HARRAUER, H. | A bibliography to the Corpus Tibullianum. | Hildesheim, Gerstenberg, 1971. [vi],90 pp. Cloth. | Bibliogr.Augustan Poetry I) | € 15.00 |
Brinkman |
SCHULTE NORDHOLT, J.W. R.P.SWIERENGA.(Ed.) | A bilateral centennial. A history of Dutch-American relations, 1782-1982. M.ills. | A'dam 1982. viii,279 p. | € 15.00 |
Brinkman |
BLAKE. BENTLEY, G.E. M.K.NURMI. | A Blake bibliography. Annotated Lists of Works, Studies and Blakeana. | Minneapolis 1964. xix,393 p. orcl w.dj. | € 24.00 |
Brinkman |
STERNE. ZWANEVELD, A.M. | A bookseller's hobby-horse and the rhetoric of translation: Anthony Ernst Munnikhuisen and Bernardus Brunius, and the first Dutch edition of Tristram Shandy (1776-1779). | A'dam 1996. xii,248 pp. Pbk. | diss.) | € 15.00 |
Brinkman |
GARDNER, R. M.A.GREENE. | A brief description of Middle French syntax. | Chapel Hill 1958. xii,153 pp. Wrappers. | Univ.North Carol./Stud.in Romance lang. lit.29) | € 9.00 |
Brinkman |
O'CONNOR, S.J. (ed.) | A calendar of the cartularies of John Pyel and Adam Fraunceys. | London 1993. ix,477 pp. Bound | Camden 5th Ser.,vol.2) | € 20.00 |
Brinkman |
STOUT, J.P. (ed.) | A calendar of the letters of Willa Cather. | Lincoln 2002. xix,334 p. orcl. | € 30.00 |
Brinkman |
SMITH, D.M. | A calendar of the Register of Robert Waldby, archbishop of York, 1397. W.1 pl. | York 1974. [5].vii,73 pp. | Borthwick Inst.) | € 10.00 |
Brinkman |
HAINES, R.M. (ed.) | A calendar of the register of Wolstan de Bransford, bishop of Worcester, 1339-49. | Lond.1966. Ocl. liii,637 pp. | Hist.Ms.Comm.JP9,library-marks) | € 22.00 |
Brinkman |
THESIGER, , Wilfred. | A camel journey to Tibesti. (Tchad) | extr. The Geographical Journal, 1939, p.433-446. With map in the text and 4 plates. New wrappers with clasp. | € 28.00 |
Brinkman |
WELLCOME CATALOGUE. | A catalogue of Printed Books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library. Vol.I: Books printed before 1641. Vol.II: Books printed from 1641 to 1850 (A-E). Revised edition with handwritten amendments from the library's copies, of the ed.1962-1966. | New York 1996. 2 volumes. 4to. xv,407-xi,540 p. Cloth - One of the most important medical bibliographies currently in use.This is an exemplary catalogue,still in progress.We offer a reprint of the vol.I-II from the Wellcome Library own working cop... | € 170.00 |
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