Alle boeken van DeBoekenBoom uit Amsterdam


DeBoekenBoom heeft in totaal 7143 boeken

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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
The Wars of Gods and Men / ... Sitchin, Zecharia The Wars of Gods and Men / The Third Book of the Earth Chronicles Avon Books 1985, 377pp. Paperback, sterk vergeeld, wat slijtage € 9.00
€ 3,50
The War of the End of the W... Vargas Llosa, Mario The War of the End of the World (meer info) Faber Faber 1985, 568pp. Hardcover, a few small stains, small damage to the dust jacket € 10.00
€ 3,50
The War Against Sleep / The... Wilson, Colin The War Against Sleep / The Philosophy of Gurdjieff The Aquarian Press 1980, 95pp. Paperback, scheve rug, vlekje onderzijde, iets vergeeld, redelijk € 15.00
€ 3,50
The Volcano Lover / A Romance Sontag, Susan The Volcano Lover / A Romance Farrar, Straus, Giroux 1992, 419pp. Hardcover, some wear to the edges of the dust jacket, good € 14.00
€ 3,50
The Voice That Calls You Ho... Raynor, Andrea The Voice That Calls You Home / Inspiration for Life's Journeys Atria Books 2009, 278pp. Hardcover with dust jacket, slight yellowing, good € 20.00
€ 3,50
The Voice of Jacob / On the... Brisman, Leslie The Voice of Jacob / On the Composition of Genesis Indiana University Press 1990, 122pp. Very good hardcover, small damage to the back of the dust jacket € 22.00
€ 3,50
The Voice / Life at the Vil... Frankfort, Ellen The Voice / Life at the Village Voice Morrow 1976, 271pp. Hardcover, mild yellowing, some wear to the dust jacket, good € 10.00
€ 3,50
Heine, H. G. - The vital sense. Heine, H. G. The vital sense. Cassel. London. 1960. 1st edition 1960, 296pp. Blue linen hardcover with dust jacket, foxing (small stains) to top of the pageblock, o... € 42.50
€ 3,50
The Visible Hand - The Mana... Chandler, Jr., Alfred D. The Visible Hand - The Managerial Revolution in American Business Harvard University Press 1977, 608pp. Hardcover with dust jacket, very good € 29.00
€ 3,50
The Virgin Suicides Eugenides, Jeffrey The Virgin Suicides Bloomsbury 1993, first British edition, first printing, 249pp. Hardcover, zwart linnen, met stofomslag, leeslin... € 85.00
€ 3,50
The Virgin Blue Chevalier, Tracy The Virgin Blue Harper Collins UK 2002, 312pp. Paperback, goed € 5.00
€ 3,50
The Vigil of a Nation Yutang, Lin The Vigil of a Nation John Day Company 1945, second impression, 262pp. Hardcover, some photo pages, small damage to the first pages, dust j... € 12.00
€ 3,50
The View from the Ground Gellhorn, Martha The View from the Ground Atlantic Monthly Press 1988, 419pp, Paperback, some yellowing of pages, some wear € 3.49
€ 3,50
The Victorian Novel / Moder... Watt, Ian The Victorian Novel / Modern Essays in Criticism Oxford University Press 1971, 485pp. Paperback, rug gekreukt, slijtage en verkleuring van de kaft € 18.50
€ 3,50
The Victim and His Criminal... Schafer, Stephen The Victim and His Criminal / A Study in Functional Responsibility Random House 1968, 176pp. Paperback, yellowing of pages € 12.50
€ 3,50
The Uses of Slime Mould / E... Mosley, Nicholas The Uses of Slime Mould / Essays of Four Decades DALKEY ARCHIVE PR 2004, 222pp, Paperback coffee stain to the edge, acceptable € 6.00
€ 3,50
The Uses of Literature / Es... Calvino, Italo The Uses of Literature / Essays Harvest - Harcourt Brace Company 1987, 348pp. Paperback, good € 16.50
€ 3,50
The Uses of Drama / Acting ... Hodgson, John The Uses of Drama / Acting as a Social and Educational Froce Methuen Co. 1984, 223pp. Paperback, some yellowing, good € 5.00
€ 3,50
The Use of Lateral Thinking Bono, Edward de The Use of Lateral Thinking Jonathan Cape. London. 1970 1970, 156pp. Hardcover with dust jacket, good € 6.50
€ 3,50
The Urban Condition / space... Meyer, Dirk de / Versluys, Kristiaan e.a. The Urban Condition / space, community, and self in the contemporary metropolis 010, Uitgeverij 1999, 448pp. Hardcover, zeer goed € 15.00
€ 3,50
The Upanishads  Part II / S... Müller, F. Max - editor, translator The Upanishads Part II / Sacred Books of the East Series Volume 15 = Vol XV (meer info) Motilal Banarsidass 1975, 350pp. Hardcover without dust jacket, some glue remains to the endpapers, good € 20.00
€ 3,50
The Upanishads  Part I /  C... Müller, F. Max - editor, translator The Upanishads Part I / Chandogya Upanishad. Talavakara (Kena) Upanishad. Aitareya Upanishad. Kausitaki Upanishad. Vajasaneyi (Isa) Upanishad.Sacred Books of the East Series Volume 1 = Vol. I (meer info) Motilal Banarsidass 1975, 320pp. Hardcover without dust jacket, glue remains to the endpapers, some yellowing, otherwise... € 20.00
€ 3,50
The Unusual Child Roucek, Joseph - editor The Unusual Child Philosophical Library 1962, 293pp. Good hardcover, some damage to dust jacket € 12.50
€ 3,50
The Unsolved Mystery Louis ... Francq, H.G. The Unsolved Mystery Louis XVII E.J. Brill 1970, 240pp. Linnen hardcover, vlekjes op de randen en en op de stofomslag € 5.00
€ 3,50
The Unknown Gulag / The Los... Viola, Lynne The Unknown Gulag / The Lost World of Stalin's Special Settlements Oxford University Press 2007, 278pp. Hardcover with dust jacket, very good € 19.00
€ 3,50
The Universal History of Nu... Ifrah, Georges The Universal History of Numbers - 3 volume set in slipcase Harvill 2000, ca. 1500pp. (total) 3 Paperbacks, like new, corner of the slipcase bumped € 28.00
€ 3,50
The Unheavenly City / The N... Banfield, Edward C. The Unheavenly City / The Nature And Future of Our Urban Crisis Little, Brown and Company 1970, 308pp. Paperback, kaft licht beschadigd, wat slijtage en verkleuring van de randen, redelijk € 21.00
€ 3,50
The Unfinished Legacy / A B... Kishlansky, M. / P. Geary / P. O'Brien The Unfinished Legacy / A Brief History of Western Civilization HarperCollins 1993, 946pp. Paperback, good € 7.50
€ 3,50
The Unfathomable / 108 Enco... Babaji / Edited by Gertraud Reichel The Unfathomable / 108 Encounters G. Reichel 1988, 2nd. ed. 158pp. Paperback, damage to the top of the spine, some wear to cover, othewise good € 21.00
€ 3,50
The Underground Stream / Es... Payne-Towler, Christine The Underground Stream / Esoteric Tarot Revealed Noreah Press 1999, 155pp. 28x22cm, paperback, hier en daar aanstrepingen met pen, enkele kleine vlekjes, verder g... € 37.50
€ 3,50
The Undercover Economist Harford, Tim The Undercover Economist Abacus 2007, 278pp, paperback, some yellowing, good € 4.00
€ 3,50
Ishiguro, Kazuo - The Unconsoled Ishiguro, Kazuo The Unconsoled Faber Faber 2013, 535pp, paperback, some wear to the dust jacket, good € 9.00
€ 3,50
The Unbearable Lightness of... Kundera, Milan The Unbearable Lightness of Being Faber Faber 1984, first U.K. ed. second reprint, 314pp. Hardcover with dust jacket, good € 70.00
€ 3,50
The Unauthorized X-Files Ch... Hatfield, James Burt, George "Doc" The Unauthorized X-Files Challenge / Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Tv's Most Incredible Show Kensington Books 1996, 305pp. Paperback, some wear, good € 14.00
€ 3,50
The Two Worlds of Marcel Pr... March, Harold The Two Worlds of Marcel Proust Barnes Company 1961, 276pp. Paperback, wear to cover, some yellowing, acceptable € 7.50
€ 3,50
The two hands of God. The m... Watts, Alan W. The two hands of God. The myths of polarity Collier Books - Macmillan 1963, 239pp. Paperback, randen gerepareerd met plakband, slijtage, vergeling € 6.50
€ 3,50
The Twilight Of Atheism / T... McGrath, Alister The Twilight Of Atheism / The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World Rider Co 2004 306pp. Hardcover, with damaged dust jacket, title page removed, slight yellowing of pages € 7.50
€ 3,50
Suetonius - The Twelve Caesars Suetonius The Twelve Caesars Penguin 1979, revised ed. 201pp. Paperback, kaft gekreukt, deuken achterzijde, slijtage randen, wat vergelin... € 5.00
€ 3,50
The Tutankhamun Prophecies Cotterell, Maurice The Tutankhamun Prophecies Headline 1999, 356pp. Paperback, some yellowing of pages, some wear to the corners, good € 4.50
€ 3,50
The Turning Point / Science... Capra, Fritjof The Turning Point / Science, Society, and the Rising Culture Bantam Books 1983, 464pp, Paperback, some yellowing of pages, some wear € 6.50
€ 3,50
Winton, Tim - The Turning Winton, Tim The Turning Picador 2005, 317pp. Paperback, some yellowing € 5.00
€ 3,50
Pavord, Anna - The Tulip Pavord, Anna The Tulip Bloomsbury 2004, 440pp. Grote paperback, 25x19x3cm, vele kleurenillustraties, lichte kreuk in de voorplat, goed € 17.50
€ 3,50
The True Story of the Novel Doody, Margaret Anne The True Story of the Novel Rutgers University Press 1997, 580pp. Paperback, hier en daar potloodaantekeningen/onderstrepingen, vouw in de rug, randen wa... € 14.00
€ 3,50
The Trouble with Aid / Why ... Glennie, Jonathan The Trouble with Aid / Why Less Could Mean More for Africa Zed Books 2008, 175pp. Paperback, deukje rand van de kaft, goed € 15.00
€ 3,50
The Triple Thinkers / Twelv... Wilson, Edmund The Triple Thinkers / Twelve Essays on Literary Subjects Oxford University Press 1948, 270pp. Hardcover with damaged dust jacket € 12.00
€ 3,50
The Triple Gem / An Introdu... Roscoe, Gerald The Triple Gem / An Introduction to Thervada Buddhism Silkworm Books 1994, 186pp. Paperback, some wear to cover, good € 4.50
€ 3,50
The Tripartite Nature of Ma... Heard, Rev J.B. The Tripartite Nature of Man, Spirit, Soul, and Body, Applied to Illustrate and Explain the Doctrines of Original Sin, the New Birth, the Disembodied State, and the Spiritual Body T. T. Clark Edinburg 1868, 363pp. Hardcover, cloth, gold lettering to spine, some damage to edges and corners, some foxin... € 42.50
€ 3,50
The Tretyakov Gallery, Mosc... Volodarsky, Vsevolod The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Painting Aurora Art Publishers 1989, 135 pp. Paperback, goed € 4.00
€ 3,50
The Tree of Enlightenment /... Santina, Peter Della The Tree of Enlightenment / An Introduction To the Major Traditions of Buddhism Chico Dharma Study Foundation 1997, 353pp. Paperback, damage to the edges and the corners, a few small stains, acceptable € 12.00
€ 3,50
The Treatment of Families i... Langsley, Donad G. Kaplan, David M. The Treatment of Families in Crisis Grune Stratton 1968, 184pp. Hardcover without dust jacket, some discoloration, good € 20.00
€ 3,50

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