Alle boeken van Dema uit Amsterdam


Dema heeft in totaal 1834 boeken

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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
10 jaar Boeddhistische Omroep Fischer, Ulli en Hansje Galesloot 10 jaar Boeddhistische Omroep (meer info) Boeddhistische Omroep Stichting: Hilversum, 2010 95p. Als nieuw. € 6.50
€ 5,05
100 jaar onderwijs in Venlo... 100 jaar onderwijs in Venlo en Blerick Goltziusmuseum en Stadsarchief Venlo: Venlo, 1976 36p. Beelden uit 100 jaar lager onderwijs in Venlo en Blerick. Lichte gebruikssporen op de cover verder a... € 18.50
€ 5,15
1000 Worte Spanish Eyseren, Gertrud van 1000 Worte Spanish (meer info) Deutschen verlag: Berlijn, 1939 Published in loose booklets, paper yellowed, some wrinkling but further in a good condition. first 4... € 3.00
€ 5,15
10,000 Dreams and their Tra... 10,000 Dreams and their Traditional Meanings (meer info) Foulsham: London, 1995 617p. With ex libris on the fly page, sins of use on the cover along the edges, a folded corner in the bac... € 4.00
€ 7,45
19 stories by Graham Greene Greene, Graham 19 stories by Graham Greene Bantam Books: New York, 1960 212p. 19 short stories by the author and masterteller Graham Geene. The book has been used the spine is pa... € 3.50
€ 5,15
1979 Thru the lens. Photogr... 1979 Thru the lens. Photographic adventures (meer info) Thru the lens tours: Hollywood, 1978 85p. Light traces of use but further as new Postage International email € 5.00
€ 5,05
 - 1989 Periodicals of the USSR 1989 Periodicals of the USSR (meer info) Mezhdunarodnaya kniga: Moscow, 1989 This book was send around to distributors, bookshops, libraries and other parties world wide. Includ... € 6.00
€ 5,15
 - 20 Amerikaansche Jazz-songs 20 Amerikaansche Jazz-songs (meer info) J. Th. Blokker: Hilversum, 9p. De teksten van 20 Amerikaanse jazz liederen met naast de Engelse tekst een Nederlandse vertaling. He... € 9.50
€ 2,55
2000 revues d'Asie Pelissier., Roger , Danielle Le Man 2000 revues d'Asie (meer info) Bibliotheque Nationale: Paris, 1964 Cover partly browned, red stripes on one side (of the pages), further in a good state. Postage Inter... € 12.00
€ 5,05
teNeues - 2010 Diderot teNeues 2010 Diderot (meer info) teNeues: Kempen, 2010 Harde kaft, magneetsluiting, nieuw € 9.00
€ 5,05
 - 25 years of Rokpa 25 years of Rokpa Rokpa: Zurich, 2005 Brochure on theTibetan charity Rokpa and its activities and achievments. As good as new. With a loo... € 6.50
€ 5,15
33 Augenblicke des Glucks Schulze, Ingo 33 Augenblicke des Glucks (meer info) Berlin Verlag: Berlin, 1995 269p. Hardcover with dustjacket. Dustjacket has light traces of use further as new € 6.50
€ 5,05
40+ literaire radioportretten Hazeu, Wim en Cor Holst 40+ literaire radioportretten CCPNB: Amsterdam, 1969 126p. Boekenweekgeschenk 1969. Interviews met Lolle Nauta, Jan Wolkers, Hugo Claus, Hugo Raes, Ward Ruysli... € 4.00
€ 5,15
A carnival of modern humor Wodehouse, P.G.; Scott Meredith A carnival of modern humor Delacorte press: New York, 1967 240p. Hardcover with dustjacket, light traces of use on the dustjacket, further as good as new. A bundle ... € 12.50
€ 5,05
A developmental study of th... Koppel, Jan M. H. van de A developmental study of the Biaka pygmies Swets en Zeitlinger: Lisse, 1983 173p. A psychological study of the Biaka and Bagandu of the Central African Republic. A few small stains o... € 30.50
€ 5,05
A Guide to Kenya and Northe... Horrobin, David F. A Guide to Kenya and Northern Tanzania East African Publishing House: Nairobi, 1971 304p. Hardcover with book jacket. Colour pictures by D.F and F.W. Horrobin. With black and white illustrat... € 10.00
€ 7,45
A history of the Abaluyia o... Were, Gideon S. A history of the Abaluyia of Western Kenya c. 1500-1930 East African publishing house: Nairobi, 1967 206p. With three maps. Light signs of use on the edges of the cover further as good as new. Postage Intern... € 24.50
€ 4,55
a larger rationalism Story, Francis a larger rationalism Buddhist Publication Society: Kandy, 1972 27p. Bodhi leaves B 29. Name on front cover, fold in back cover right corner down. Postage International ... € 6.50
€ 2,55
A legacy of spies Le Carré, John A legacy of spies Viking: New York, 2017 264p. Hardcover with dustjacket. It has an ex libris and written 0 on the top edge of the book. The dust j... € 10.00
€ 7,45
A new concise grammar Quist, R.A.J. A new concise grammar (meer info) Instituut Schoevers: Den Haag, 1976 159p. Kaft geplastificeerd, naam op binnekaft en met spaarzame potloodaantekeningen, verder in goede staat... € 6.50
€ 5,05
A new European music Neunzig, Hans A. A new European music Inter nationes: Bonn, 1985 103p. On Heinrich Schutz, George Handel and Johann Bach with illustrations. Cover is a bit yellowed, furth... € 6.50
€ 5,15
A notice of the ancient rui... Jackson, W. H. A notice of the ancient ruins in Arizona and Utah lying about the Rio San Juan Bulletin of the Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories: Washington, 1876 20p. Description and study of the ancient Indian remains along the San Juan. Offprint. With map and drawi... € 120.00
€ 5,15
A passage to India Forster, E.M. A passage to India Penguin: Harmondsworth, 1976 316p. First published in 1924. Light signs of use on the edges of the cover and the spine. A former fold o... € 3.50
€ 4,55
A pilot project of residual... Metselaar, D. A pilot project of residual insecticide spraying in the Netherlands New Guinea, contribution to the knowledge of holo-endemic malaria v.h. Kemink en zoon : Utrecht, 1957 128p. Proefschrift met losse pagina met stellingen. Ietwat verkleuring van de kaft. Stempel van F.C. Kamma... € 24.50
€ 4,55
A practice in Malay convers... Sulaiman Bin Ahmed, Inche A practice in Malay conversation S.B.A. publishing: Singapore, 1954 128p. First edition. Some small writing on the back cover, paper browned but good. Postage International e... € 6.75
€ 5,15
 - A price above rubies A price above rubies (meer info) Miramax Lichte gebruikssporen op hoes verder in goede staat. .Postage Internationaal email € 5.00
€ 5,15
A selection of Egyptian sho... El Sharouny, Yusuf A selection of Egyptian short stories (meer info) Prism publications: Giza, 1982 First print. Soft cover, some light traces of use on spine and edges of the cover, some foxing on do... € 12.00
€ 5,05
A stab in my heart Donkor, Willie A stab in my heart Facts and fiction agency: Accra, 1977 72p. With drawings as illustrations. Ghanaian fiction story. Postage International email € 25.00
€ 3,55
A thracian treasure Dimitrov, Bojida A thracian treasure (meer info) Borina: Sofia, 1992 16p. Light traces of use on the cover but further as new. Postage International email € 12.50
€ 3,55
A treasury of modern Asian ... Clifford, William and Daniel L Milton A treasury of modern Asian stories (meer info) New American Library of World literature: New York, 1961 237p. Light traces of use on cover but as good as new. Postage International email € 5.00
€ 5,15
Aan de oever van de woestijn Cross, Nigel en Rhiannon Barker Aan de oever van de woestijn Jan Mets Novib: Amsterdam, 1993 286p. Vertelling uit de Sahel, een verzameling van persoonlijke mondelinge getuigenissen over de veranderi... € 6.50
€ 5,05
Aan het einde van de middag Vredenbregt, Jacob Aan het einde van de middag Nijgh van Ditmar: , 1984 176p. 2de herziene druk. Roman over de koffie- en rubberplantages na de onafhankelijkheid van Indonesië. ... € 5.00
€ 4,55
ABC guide to drumming book 2 Ulano, Sam ABC guide to drumming book 2 (meer info) Lane publishing company: New York, 1963 32p. Light traces of use, spine and top discolored, small stripes on back cover further as new. € 6.25
€ 5,15
Abelam Die magische Welt de... Abelam Die magische Welt der Abelam. Kunst and Kult in Papua-Neuguinea Forum der Völker. Völkerkundemuseum der Franziskaner: Werl, 1989 55p. Catalog of the exhibition on the art of the Abelam with many colour pictures, maps and a few black a... € 18.50
€ 4,55
Abessijnse Kronieken Isegawa, Mozes Abessijnse Kronieken (meer info) De Bezige Bij: Amsterdam, 1998 623p. Het boek heeft een vlek aan de onderkant vanaf pagina 518. Het is een vlek die de tekst niet bereikt... € 5.00
€ 7,75
Abriss der Burgenkunde Piper, Otto Abriss der Burgenkunde Sammlung Goschen: Berlin, 1914 124p. Third print, hard cover. A bit stained on the cover, inside as new with drawn illustrations. Postage... € 12.50
€ 5,15
Abstraktion und geschichte ... Kamper, Dietmar Abstraktion und geschichte rekonstruktionen des zivilisationsprozesses Carl Hanser: Munchen, 1975 239p. In the Reihe Hanser n. 187 Bundel of articles on the history of the civilisation process by Karin Ri... € 5.50
€ 5,15
Academische leken missie ac... Willemsen, J.Th. Academische leken missie actie 1947-1967 (meer info) Katholiek Documentatie Centrum: Nijmegen, 1990 303p. No 6 in de serie KDC Scripta. Zo goed als nieuw. Verzending Internationaal email € 15.50
€ 5,05
Acari Review of the acari h... Oudemans, A.C. Acari Review of the acari hitherto found in New Guinea; descrption of the species; historical, biological and pathological notes about the New Guinea and other harvest-mites - Nova Guinea V page 101-162 E.J,.Brill: Leiden, 1905 61p. With 4 plates with black and white figures. In carton cover with spine of brown tape. With some dama... € 60.50
€ 5,05
 - Acht Bajes Verhalen Acht Bajes Verhalen Uniepress radioboek 115908: , 1986 Audio boek op 2 cassettes 2uur in een speciale box. Uitgegeven in samenwerking met de ANWB en de AVR... € 12.50
€ 5,15
 - Acta Musicologica 2-2000 Acta Musicologica 2-2000 (meer info) International Musicological Society: Bärenreiter, 2000 119p. Articles in Italian, English and German by Andrea Chegal on Abrama Basevi, by Antonio Baldassare on ... € 5.00
€ 5,15
Acta Musicologica vol. 70 f... Acta Musicologica vol. 70 fasc. 1 (meer info) International Musicological Society: Basel, 1998 107p. With articles by Manfred Füllsack on the Russian composer Vladimir Rebikov, Jascha Nemtsov and Beat... € 6.50
€ 5,15
Acta Musicologica vol. 70 f... Acta Musicologica vol. 70 fasc. 2 (meer info) International Musicological Society: Basel, 1998 123p. With articles by Willem Erauw on Canon formation, Hellmut Federhofer on the aesthetic of new music o... € 6.50
€ 5,15
Adaptation Brain and Behavi... Pribram, K. H. Adaptation Brain and Behaviour 4 (meer info) Penguin books: Harmondsworth, 1969 523p. Traces of use on cover and spine, paper browned. With articles of Freud (aphasia and project for a s... € 3.50
€ 5,15
Adelijn, bruin Maagdelijn Veurman, B.W.E Adelijn, bruin Maagdelijn (meer info) West Friesland: Hoorn, 1966 176p. Liederen, dansen en spelen met tekst en melodie uit de volksmond opgetekend, verzameld en beschreven... € 7.75
€ 5,15
African rural-urban migration Caldwell, J.C. African rural-urban migration (meer info) C. Hurst and company: London, 1969 257p. Books has light traces of use especially the cover and the first pages further in a good state. Post... € 6.50
€ 5,05
Afrika in spiegelbeeld Binsbergen, Wim van, en Martin Doornbos Afrika in spiegelbeeld In de knipscheer: , 1987 252p. Een bonte verzameling teksten ontstaan uit beroepsmatige en persoonlijke ontmoetingen met het Afrika... € 6.50
€ 5,15
Afscheid van Matjora Raspoetin, Valentin Afscheid van Matjora (meer info) De arbeiderspers: Amsterdam , 1985 279p. Grote ABC 521. Gebruikssporen met name aan de onderkant van de rug, lichte gebruikssporen langs de r... € 5.50
€ 7,45
Isdatzo Datiszo - Again Isdatzo Datiszo Again (meer info) eigen beheer: Eigen beheer uitgave, gestencild, geniet en rug versterkt met kleefband, deels niet open gesneden. A... € 18.00
€ 3,55
Kamma, F.C. - Ajaib di Mata Kita Kamma, F.C. Ajaib di Mata Kita PT BPK Gunung Mulia: Jakarta, 1993 609p. Translation of Dit wonderlijk werk 1 and 2 in Bahasa by Th. van den End. Gekopieerd. Postage Intern... € 12.50
€ 7,45

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