Alle boeken van El Monte uit Wageningen


El Monte heeft in totaal 31 boeken

Logo El Monte We are starting up.... More books coming! Political theory, Latin American studies, social movements, anthropology, and more.

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Pagina : 1

Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
A nova sociedade brasileira Sorj, Bernardo A nova sociedade brasileira Jorge Zahar Editor Gebruikt/Used € 3.00
€ 3,70
El Monte
Aymara, los hijos del sol Sierra, Malú Aymara, los hijos del sol Editorial Sudamericana Gebruikt/Used € 3.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Capitalismo, socialismo y c... Petras, James Capitalismo, socialismo y crisis mundial Editorial Revolución Gebruikt/Used € 5.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Capitalism's World Disorder... Barnes, Jack Capitalism's World Disorder / Working-Class Politics at the Millennium (meer info) Pathfinder Pr 1999, 501pp, paperback € 8.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Contradictions of the welfa... Offe, Claus Contradictions of the welfare state (meer info) Hutchinson Education 1987 (orig. 1984), 310pp. € 7.50
€ 3,85
El Monte
Cultural Identity and Globa... Friedman, Jonathan Cultural Identity and Global Process (meer info) SAGE Publications Ltd 1994, 288pp, paperback € 10.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Derechos indígenas y conser... IWGIA Derechos indígenas y conservación de la naturaleza: asuntos relativos a la gestión (meer info) IWGIA Gebruikt/Used € 3.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Empire and Emancipation / P... Nederveen Pieterse, Jan Empire and Emancipation / Power and Liberation on a World Scale (meer info) Pluto Press 1990, 420pp, paperback € 8.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Fin de Siecle Social Theory... Alexander, Jeffrey Fin de Siecle Social Theory / Relativism, Reduction and the Problem of Reason (meer info) Verso Books 1995, 240pp, paperback € 8.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Geschiedenis van de Arabisc... Risler, Lacques Geschiedenis van de Arabische cultuur (meer info) Aula, Spectrum 1966 € 5.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Globality  Multiple Moderni... Roniger, Luis, Waisman, Carlos H Globality Multiple Modernities / Comparative North American Latin American Perspectives (meer info) Sussex Academic Press 2002, 325pp, Gebonden € 8.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Globalization / Capitalism ... Sklair, Leslie (Reader in Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science) Globalization / Capitalism and its Alternatives (meer info) Oxford University Press 2002, 390pp, paperback € 8.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Indigenous Peoples, Environ... Büchi, S et al Indigenous Peoples, Environment and Development (meer info) International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs 1995, 359pp, paperback € 3.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
La ruta de la gobernabilidad CORDES La ruta de la gobernabilidad (meer info) CORDES, Ecuador Gebruikt/Used € 2.00
€ 3,70
El Monte
Los movimientos sociales en... Massal, Julie, Marcelo Bonilla (eds) Los movimientos sociales en la democracias andinas (meer info) FLACSO Ecuador Gebruikt/Used € 2.00
€ 3,70
El Monte
Models of political systems Davies, Morton, Vaughan Lewis Models of political systems (meer info) Macmillan, 1971 1971, 182 pp. € 3.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Polemicization: the contige... Arditi, Benjamin, Jeremy Valentine Polemicization: the contigency of the commonplace (meer info) New York Unievrsity Press 1999, 157pp € 3.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Political Theory / Traditio... Vincent, Andrew (University of Wales College of Cardiff) Political Theory / Tradition and Diversity (meer info) Cambridge University Press 1997, 288pp, paperback € 5.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Pre-capitalist economic for... Marx, Karl Pre-capitalist economic formations (meer info) International Publishers, New York 10e druk, 1984 (orig. 1964), 153 pp. € 5.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Procesos de decentralizació... Carrión, Fernando (ed) Procesos de decentralización en la Comunidad Andino (meer info) FLACSO Gebruikt/Used € 3.00
€ 3,70
El Monte
Smith, M: Transnationalism ... Smith, Michael Peter Smith, M: Transnationalism from Below / Comparative Urban and Community Research (meer info) Routledge 1998, 322pp, paperback € 7.50
€ 3,85
El Monte
States in the Global Econom... Weiss, Linda (University of Sydney) States in the Global Economy / Bringing Domestic Institutions Back In (meer info) Cambridge University Press 2003, 380pp, paperback € 5.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
The Barbarian Temperament /... Mestrovic, Stjepan G. The Barbarian Temperament / Toward a Postmodern Critical Theory (meer info) Routledge 1993, 326pp., paperback € 8.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
The Bauman Reader Beilharz, Peter The Bauman Reader (meer info) Blackwell publishers 2001, 365pp, paperback € 10.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
The geography of african af... Fordham, Paul The geography of african affairs (meer info) Pelican books, Penguin 1972, third edition € 3.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
The Globalization Decade / ... Panitch, Leoleys et al(eds) The Globalization Decade / A Critical Reader (meer info) Merlin Pr 2004, 325pp, paperback € 5.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
The making of great men: ma... Godelier, Maurice The making of great men: male domination and power among the New Guinea Baruya (meer info) Cambridge University Press 1986, 255pp [ISBN 052131212 4] € 5.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
The state and political theory Carmoy, Martin The state and political theory (meer info) Princeton University Press 1984, 282pp. € 3.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Urban social movements: the... Lowe, Stuart Urban social movements: the city after Castells (meer info) Macmillan Education 1986, 211 pp € 5.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Whose world is it anyway? C... Foster, John W. Whose world is it anyway? Civil society, the United Nations and the multilateral future (meer info) United Nations Association in Canada 1999, 560pp, paperback € 5.00
€ 3,85
El Monte
Worlds in Collision / Terro... Booth, Ken, Dunne, T. Worlds in Collision / Terror and the Future of Global Order (meer info) Palgrave Macmillan 2002, 376pp, paperback € 12.00
€ 3,85
El Monte

Pagina : 1