Pagina : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 200 |
Afbeelding | Schrijver | Titel | Uitgever | Bijzonderheid | Prijs | Bestelling |
Huene, Friedrich von | 1. Über Erythrosuchus, Vertreter der neuen Reptil-Ordnung Pelycosima. 2. Beiträge zur Kenntnis und Beurteilung der Parasuchier. | 1911. Geologische und Paläontologische Abhandlungen NF Bd. X, Hft. 1; 60+57 pp., 60+36 fig., 11+8 p... | € 100.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Huene, Friedrich von | 1. Ein ganzes Tylosaurus-Skelett. 2. Ein primitiver Dinosaurier aus Elgin. 3. Neubeschreibung von Dasyceps Bucklandi. | 1910. Geologische und Paläontologische Abhandlungen NF Bd. VIII, Hft. 6; 46 pp., 18+2+14 fig., 2+1+... | € 36.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Küpper, H. | 1. Erläuterungen zur geologischen Karte Mattersburg-Deutschkreutz, 2. Zur Kenntnis des Alpenbruches zwischen dem sudlichen Wiener becken und dem Ostrand der Rechnitzer Schieferinsel. [without the map] | 1958. Geol. Bundesanst. Wien. 58+9 pp. 3 fig. 8+4 fold. plts. in pocket. Orig. covers, very good. | € 12.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Zuiderent, Ad (samenst.) | 1 februari 1953. Stormramp en watersnood nagewerkt in gedichten, verhalen en toneeltekst. | 1983. Kwadraat, Vianen / Fanoy, Middelburg. 155 pp. Orig. omslag, in zeer goede staat. | € 10.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Richter, Rud. et al. | 1. Geschichte und Aufgabe des Wetteldorfer Richtschnittes. 2. Anlage und Aufnahme des Wetteldorfer Richtschnittes. 3. Die Rhynchonelliden des Wetteldorfer Richtschnittes. | 1942. Reprint: Senckenbergiana 25; pp. 357-404, many figs, 1 folding-out, and incl. 1 plt. with brac... | € 7.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Jeannet, Alphonse | 1. Les charbons feuilletés de la vallée de la Linth entre les lacs de Zürich et de Walenstadt. 2. Les charbons feuilletés de la Suisse occidentale. | 1923. Reprint: Beitr. Geol. Schweiz, Geotechn. Ser. VIII. Lf.; pp. 106-403, 41 fig. 1 photoplt. h.t.... | € 15.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Pirlet, H. | 1. Movement épeirogéniques dévono-carbonifères dans la région de Visé; la carrière de "La Folie" à Bombay. 2. Nouvelle interprétation des carrières de Richelle: Le viséen de Visé. | 1967. Ann. Soc. Géol. Belg. 90; pp. B103117 B299-328, 3 fig., 1 photoplts. h.t. folding-out, 2 plt... | € 12.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Heim, Jean | (1) Recherches sur les relations entre la végétation actuelle et le spectre pollinique récent dans les Ardennes belges. // (2) Les relations entre les spectres polliniques récent et la végétation actuelle en Europe occidentale. | 1962-70. (1) Reprint: Bull. Soc. roy, Botan. Belg. 96; pp. 5-92, 37 fig. Orig. wrps., very good, and... | € 23.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Suzuki, K. | 1. Some non-marine shells from the Oligocene Isikari Series, Hokkaido, 2. Notes on the Tertiary non-marine mollusca from the Coal-Field of Uryu, Hokkaido, 3. The Palaeogene Corbiculids of noprthwestern Kyushyu. | 1941. Journ. Faculty of Science Imp. Univ. Tokyo (II) Vol. VI, part 1-362; pp. 1- 63, 6 fig., 8 plts... | € 12.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Suzuki, K. | 1. Some non-marine shells from the Oligocene Isikari Series, Hokkaido, 2. Notes on the Tertiary non-marine mollusca from the Coal-Field of Uryu, Hokkaido, 3. The Palaeogene Corbiculids of noprthwestern Kyushyu. | 1941. Journ. Faculty of Science Imp. Univ. Tokyo (II) Vol. VI, part 1-362; pp. 1- 63, 6 fig., 8 plts... | € 12.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
JONKER, H.G. | 1. The Hondsrug in the province of Groningen. 2. Upper Silurian boulders. First communication: Boulders of the age of the Eastern Baltic zone G. | 1905, Reprint Kon. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam: Proc. Meeting Jan. 8, 1905; 18 pp. Orig. wrps. | € 9.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
JONKER, H.G. | 1. The Hondsrug in the province of Groningen. 2. Upper Silurian boulders. Second communication: Boulders of the age of the Eastern Baltic zones H and I. | 1905, Reprint Kon. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam: Proc. Meeting April 22, 1905; 13 pp. No wrps. | € 6.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
10 jaar AWN afdeling 23. De vele dimensies van de archeologie in Kempen- Peelland. | 2007. Westerheem 56-4; pp. 177-333, veel fign. foto's in kleur. Compleet tijdschriftnummer (177-352... | € 11.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
WIGMAN, A.B., | 10. Steltlopers. | geen datum, ca. 1960. Heinz, Elst. 10+6 pp. 12 ingestoken gekl. platen van Rein Stuurman. Orig. ring... | € 20.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Kranenburg, F.J. et al. | 100 jaar trouwe dienst. Provinciale Waterstaat van Noord-Holland 1881-1981. | 1981. Meijer-Ideeboek, Amsterdam. 1`80 pp., numerous fig./phot. Orig. cloth, dustjacket, a few [page... | € 7.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Wiegel, E. (ed.) | 100 Jahre Geologischer Staatsdienst in Nordrhein-Westfalen 1873-1973. | 1973. Fortschr. Geol. Rheinl. u. Westf. 23; 306 pp., 34 fig., 11 plts. Orig. boards, libr. stamp on ... | € 18.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Franzen, Jens Lorenz (ed.) | 100 years of Pithecanthopus. The Homo erectus problem. | 1994. Cour. Forsch. Senckenb. 171; 361 pp., many fig./phot. Orig. wrps. with traces of use, bindings... | € 15.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Franzen, Jens Lorenz (ed.) | 100 Years of Pithecanthropus. The Homo Erectus Problem. | 1994. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Band 171; 361 pages, 151 figures, 33 tables, 4 plates,... | € 48.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Gonnissen, Louis | 10.000 jaar huisdieren. 2de druk. | 1996. Davidsfonds, Leuven. 277 pp., veel fign., deels in kleur. Paperback, in zeer goede staat. | € 10.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Shi Ning, A.A. Aldahan, Ye Haiping, G. Possnert, L.-K. Königsson | 10Be in continental sediments from North China: Probing into the last 5.4 Ma. | 1994. Quaternary Science Reviews 13; pp. 127-136, illustr. Orig. extract, very good, 4to. | € 4.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Posthumus, O., H.N. Dixon, and W.N. Edwards F.M. Wonnacott | 12. Inversicatenales (Botryopterideae et Zygopterideae.), 13. Muscineae., 14. Sapindaceae. | 1927-28. Junk, Berlin. Fossilium catalogus II Plantae Pars 12, 13 14; 56+116+84 pp. Contemp. hard... | € 24.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Mania, D. | 125 000 Jahre Klima- und Umweltentwicklung im mittleren Elbe-Saale-Gebiet. | 1999. Hercynia 32-1; pp. 1-97, 28 fig. In complete journal issue, orig,. wrps. with libr. ticket, co... | € 13.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Claude Hillaire-Marcel, Anne-Marie Aucour, Raymonde Bonnefille, Guy Riollet, Annie Vincens, David Williamson | 13C/Palynological evidence of differential residence times of organic carbon prior to its sedimentation in East African Rift Lakes and peat bogs. | 1989. Quaternary Science Reviews 8; pp. 207-212, illustr. Orig. extract, very good, 4to. | € 4.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
M.R. Kilian, B. van Geel, J. van der Plicht | 14C AMS wiggle matching of raised bog deposits and models of peat accumulation. | 2000. Quaternary Science Reviews 19; pp. 1011-1033, illustr. Orig. extract, very good, 4to. | € 6.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Boekschoten, G.J. e.a. | 150 Jaar Maastrichtien. | 2000. Natuurhist. Maandblad 89-2; pp. 21-40, veel fign. foto's, ook in kleur. Orig. omslag, in zeer... | € 5.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Boekschoten, G.J. e.a. | 150 Jaar Maastrichtien. | 2000. Natuurhist. Maandblad 89-2; pp. 21-40, veel fign. foto's, ook in kleur. Orig. omslag, in zeer... | € 5.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Boekschoten, G.J. e.a. | 150 Jaar Maastrichtien. | 2000. Natuurhist. Maandblad 89-2; pp. 21-40, veel fign. foto's, ook in kleur. Orig. omslag, in zeer... | € 6.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Goth, K. et al. (eds.) | 150 Jahre Palaeontographica. Geschichte der Palaeontographica. Portraits der Herausgeber. Gesamtverzeichnis 1846-1996. | 1997. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart. 124 pp., 2 fig., 5 plts. with portraits. Orig. wrps. very good, 4to. | € 10.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Côtez, Emmanuel et al. | 1802-2018: a 220-year history of the Muséum periodicals. | 2018. Geodiversitas 40; pp. 1-41, 11 fig./plts. in col. Orig. extract, stapled, very good, 4to. | € 7.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
BRONGERS, J.A. | 1833: Reuvens in Drenthe. Een bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de archeologie / a contribution to the history of archeology. | 1973, Unieboek, Bussum (ROB - Fibula). ca. 150 pp. 43 plts. 9 fold. plts. in pocket, text in Dutch a... | € 23.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Boletín del Instituto Geológico de España (3) II, (T. XLII). | 1921. Inst. Geol. Madrid. 416 pp., many fig./phot. 11 fold. plts. h.t. with maps sections, most col. Contemp. (orig. ?) half leather, libr. stamp on first endpaper only, very good. | € 20.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Langbein, J.B.M. E.G. Lekahena | 1979. Dienst Grondwaterverkenning TNO, Delft. West-Brabant, Kaartbladen 43 Oost en 44 West. | 1976. Dienst Grondwaterverkenning TNO, Delft. 13 pp. tekst éénzijdig, 16 gevouwen bijlagen/kaarte... | € 18.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
HABLY, L. ET AL. | 19th century palaeobotanical types and originals of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. | 2001. Budapest, Hung. Nat. Hist. Mus. 235 pp. 6 fig. 125 plts. Orig.illustr. wrps. 4to. | € 36.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Antunes, M.T. (ed.) | 1.o Colóquio de Estratigrafia e Paleogeografia do Meso-Cenozóico Português. | 1979. Univ. Lisboa, Ciências da Terra 5; pp. 1-214, many figs./phot. Colection of 13 papers in Fren... | € 10.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Antunes, M.T. (ed.) | 1.o Colóquio de Estratigrafia e Paleogeografia do Meso-cenozóico Português. | 1979. Univ. Lisboa, Ciências da Terra 5; 245 pp., many figs./phot. Colection of 10 papers in French... | € 23.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Heijden, Paul van der | 20 eeuwen Nijmegen. | 2005. BnM Uitg., Nijmegen. 96 pp., veel fign. foto's, meest in kleur. Orig. geïllustr. omslag, zee... | € 12.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
20 jaar AWN-afdeling 20. IJsseldelta-Vechtstreek. | 1993. Westerheem XLII-4; pp. 145-216, veel fign. foto'. Compleet tijdschriftnummer, in prima staat. | € 6.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Bignot, Gérard (coord.) | 22ème Colloque Européen de Micropaléontologie. Bassin de Paris, Champagne, Ile-de-France, Normandie, Maine, Livret-guide. | 1994. Revue de Micropaléontologie vol. 36 Supplément; 159 pp., many figs. Orig. wrps., very good, ... | € 10.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Karin Holmgren, Stein-Erik Lauritzen, Göran Possnert | 230Th/234U and 14C dating of a late Pleistocene stalagmite in Lobatse II Cave, Botswana. | 1994. Quaternary Science Reviews 13; pp. 111-119, illustr. Orig. extract, very good, 4to. | € 4.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Geologische kaart van Nederland 1:50 000. | 28-II Almelo. [ gebied: Ootmarsum-Albergen-Langeveen]. | 1930. Rijks Geologische Dienst. Fold. col. map, mounted on cloth, very good. | € 18.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Geologische kaart van Nederland 1:50 000. | 28-IV Almelo. [ gebied: Oldenzaal-Delden-Almelo]. | 1930. Rijks Geologische Dienst. Fold. col. map, mounted on cloth, very good. | € 18.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
BULL. CENT. RECH. EXPLOR.-PROD. ELF AQUITAINE | 2e Symposium International sur les Algues Fossiles. | 1979. Bull. Cent. Rech. Explor.-Prod. Elf Aquitaine 3-2; pp. 385-885, numerous figs./plts. Collectio... | € 34.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Reumer, J.W.F. J. de Vos | 2nd International Mammoth Conference. Official conference papers, Volume of extracts, Excursion guide. | 1999. Natuurmuseum, Rotterdam. 122 pp. (excursion: pp.77-122), many figs./phot. Orig. ringbinder, ve... | € 12.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
30 jaar AWN-afdeling 17. Zuid-Veluwe - Oost-Gelderland. | 2004. Westerheem 53-6; pp. 229-266, veel fign. foto's in kleur. Compleet tijdschriftnummer (pp. 229... | € 6.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
30 jaar AWN-afdeling Rijnstreek. | 2005. Westerheem 54-6; pp. 273-326, veel fign. foto's in kleur. Compleet tijdschriftnummer (pp. 273... | € 7.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Lopes Cardozo, Gideon | 3-D geophysical imaging and tectonic modelling of the active tectonics of the Upper Rhine Graben region. | 2004. Diss. Vrije Univ. Amsterdam. 163 pp., numerous figs. (many col.). Orig. wrps., very good. | € 18.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Lopes Cardozo, Gideon | 3-D geophysical imaging and tectonic modelling of the active tectonics of the Upper Rhine Graben region. | 2004. Diss. Vrije Univ. Amsterdam. 163 pp., numerous figs. (many col.). Orig. wrps., very good. | € 18.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Kostic, Boris, Andreas Becht Thomas Aigner | 3-D sedimentary architecture of a Quaternary gravel delta (SW-Germany): Implications for hydrostratigraphy. | 2005. Sedimentary Geology 181; pp. 147-171, illustr. Orig. extract, stapled. | € 7.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Groshong, Richard H. | 3-D structural geology. A practical guide to surface and subsurface map interpretation. | 2002, 2nd corrected print. Springer, Berlin. 324 pp., 366 fig. Orig. illustr. boards, name stamp on ... | € 28.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Storer, John E. (ed.) | 3rd International Mammoth Conference, 2003: Program and abstracts. | 2003. Yukon Occas. Papers in Earth Sci. No. 5; 155 pp., figs. Orig. wrps., very good, sm4to. | € 6.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |