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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Novissima et accuratissima ... Wit, Frederick de Novissima et accuratissima XVII Provinciarum (meer info) Map 50x56 cm, 1680, center fold (misfolding) as issued, old colouring, unobtrusive blind stamp in pl... € 690.00
Novissima Comitatus Zutphan... Visscher, N Novissima Comitatus Zutphaniae totiusque fluminis Isulae descriptio (meer info) Map 52x62 cm, ~1700 by P. Schenk jr. Center fold as issued, old outline colouring, recent frame. € 480.00
Negroland and Guinea with t... Moll, Herman Negroland and Guinea with the European Settlements, Explaining what belongs to England, Holland, Denmark, etc (meer info) London 1728 Map, dated in cartouche 1728, 20x27,5 cm on sheet 22x32 cm. No fold, coloured, verso blank. Scarce. € 170.00
Carte du Kamtchatka Prevost d'Exiles / Bellin, Jacques Nicolas Carte du Kamtchatka (meer info) Paris 1746-1761 Map -drawn and engraved by J. Laurent- 1757, 51x29 cm on sheet 56x35 cm. Folds as issued, later colo... € 230.00
Carte des Monts Altaisk et ... Pallas, Peter Simon Carte des Monts Altaisk et des Deserts salins qui avoisinent Published in “Voyages de M. P. S. Pallas en differentes provinces de l'empire de Russie, et dans l'Asie septentrionale” Paris 1788-1793. Map, engraver Tardieu, 29x44,5 cm on sheet 36x50 cm. Folds as issued, light offsetting, little damp ... € 150.00
Carte de la Partie de la Me... Bougainville, Hyacinthe-Yves-Philippe-Potentien, baron de Carte de la Partie de la Mer de la Chine / Carte de la Partie Septentrionale de l'Atoll Suadiva ( Iles Maldives ) / Carte d'une Partie des Iles Kangelang, Longue, Urck et Lombock (meer info) Paris 1837 Map no. 47, thick paper ~60x49 cm on sheet ~65x52 cm. Center fold as issued, uncoloured, verso blank... € 80.00
Carte d'une partie des Anambas Bougainville, Hyacinthe-Yves-Philippe-Potentien, baron de Carte d'une partie des Anambas (meer info) Paris 1837 Map no. 48, thick paper ~60x49 cm on sheet ~65x52 cm. Center fold as issued, uncoloured, verso blank... € 80.00
Plan du Port Clermont-Tonne... Bougainville, Hyacinthe-Yves-Philippe-Potentien, baron de Plan du Port Clermont-Tonnerre Située à la partie Nord-Est des Iles Anambas Levé en 1825 (meer info) Paris 1837 Map no. 49, thick paper ~51x45 cm on sheet ~65x52 cm. Center fold as issued, uncoloured, verso blank... € 80.00
Bertius, Petrus - Anjou (Aniou) Bertius, Petrus Anjou (Aniou) ~ 1610 map on sheet 11x14 cm, no folds, uncouloured, verso Dutch text. Some soiling. € 40.00
Isles de la Sonde vers l'or... Mallet, Manesson Isles de la Sonde vers l'orient (kleine Soenda eilanden) 1686 map on sheet 21x13 cm. No fold, coloured, verso blank. € 100.00
Isle des Etats ou Staten Ey... Mallet, Manesson Isle des Etats ou Staten Eyland / Isle Maurice 1680 map on sheet 21x13 cm. No fold, coloured, verso blank. € 100.00
Nouvelle Zemble (Behouden H... Mallet, Manesson Nouvelle Zemble (Behouden Huys!) 1683 map on sheet 21x13 cm. No fold, uncoloured, verso blank. € 100.00
Detroit de Waigats Mallet, Manesson Detroit de Waigats 1683 map on sheet 21x13 cm. No fold, coloured, verso blank. € 100.00
Laurie  Whittle - North Pole Laurie Whittle North Pole (meer info) 1810 map on sheet 33x26 cm, no fold, original hand colouring, very good condition. Scarce. € 230.00
Laurie  Whittle - South Pole Laurie Whittle South Pole (meer info) 1810 map on sheet 33x26 cm, no fold, original hand colouring, very good condition. Scarce. € 230.00
The eastern hemisphere or o... Laurie Whittle The eastern hemisphere or old world (meer info) 1820 Map on sheet 38x30,5 cm, no fold, original hand colouring, verso blank. 1820. Scarce. € 160.00
Plan des Iles Kuriles et de... La Perouse, Jean François de Galaup Plan des Iles Kuriles et des terres peu connues situees a la suite de ces Iles d'apres au manuscrit conserve dans les Archives d'Ochotsk qui a ete communique a M. Lesseps, en 1788 From the Atlas Du Voyage De La Pérouse nr. 69. Paris, L'Imprimerie de la Republique 1797 Map on thick paper, ~70x50 cm on sheet ~78x55 cm. Folds as issued, old colouring, verso blank. (Wate... € 140.00
Plan de la Baie de Ternai  ... La Perouse, Jean François de Galaup Plan de la Baie de Ternai “Située sur la Cote de Tartarie par 45°13'00" de Latitude Nord et par 135°09'00" de Longitude Orientale. Cette Baie fut decouverte le 22. Juin 1787, par les Fregates Francaises la Boussole et l'Astrolabe.” From the Atlas Du Voyage De La Pérouse nr. 69. Paris, L'Imprimerie de la Republique 1797 Map on thick paper ~49x33 cm on sheet ~56x41 cm. No fold as issued, uncoloured, verso blank. € 90.00
Plan de la Baie d'Estaing  ... La Perouse, Jean François de Galaup Plan de la Baie d'Estaing “Situee a la cote de l'ouest de Tchoka par 48°59'38" de Latitude Nord, et par 14°00'42" de Longitude Orientale, Prise du Mouillage de l'Astrolabe. Cette Baie fut decouverte le 20 juillet 1787 par les Fregates Francaises From the Atlas Du Voyage De La Pérouse nr. 69. Paris, L'Imprimerie de la Republique 1797 Map on thick paper ~49x33 cm on sheet ~56x41 cm. No fold as issued, uncoloured, verso blank. € 90.00
Carte des Découvertes faite... Cook, Captain James Carte des Découvertes faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur la Vaisseau de Roi, La Resolution, Commandé par le Capitaine Cook en 1774 (meer info) published in Paris 1785 by La Harpe and drawn by Benard Map on thick paper ~36x48 cm on sheet ~40x54 cm. Folds as issued, old colouring, verso blank. Nice c... € 190.00
Route-atlas van de Rotterda... Jongh, G.J.J. Route-atlas van de Rotterdamsche Lloyd Mouton Co, Den Haag, 1925, second edition Oblong 4to, 32 pages with 25 lithographed maps of the route Rotterdam-Tantjoeng Priok Indonesia. Ins... € 50.00
Begin ende Voortgang Vande ... Commelin, I. Begin ende Voortgang Vande Vereenigde Neederlandtsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie (meer info) Amsterdam, Facsimile Uitgaven Nederland 1969 4 volumes Oblong 4to, in original wooden display! € 390.00
Naaukeurige versameling der... Pieter van der Aa (editor) Naaukeurige versameling der gedenk-waardigste zee en land-reysen na Oost en West-Indiën (meer info) Leyden, Pieter van der Aa 1706/1707 Octavo edition, Volume 11, parts 39/43 (1524/1526) € 550.00
Naaukeurige versameling der... Pieter van der Aa (editor) Naaukeurige versameling der gedenk-waardigste zee en land-reysen na Oost en West-Indiën (meer info) Leyden, Pieter van der Aa 1706/1707 Octavo edition, Volume 8 complete, parts 31/32, 1518/1519 € 1100.00
Les delices de la Hollande Parival, Jean de Les delices de la Hollande (meer info) Pierre Leffen, Leyden, 1651, first edition Only 8,5x14,5 cm, original paper boards with barbs (Italian binding), uncut in very good condition. € 580.00
De wereldbol. De jongste ze... Rietstap, J.B. De wereldbol. De jongste zee- en landreizen (meer info) Groningen Arnhem, P. Noordhoff/ J. Voltelen, n.d. (~1865-1870), 7 volumes Original blind stamped cloth boards, repaired. 14 coloured lithographs. € 390.00
альбом военно-грузинская до... (Ermakov, Dimitri) альбом военно-грузинская дорога (Album Georgian Military Road) (meer info) (St. Petersburg), и́здаhie Александpови́уа (publisher M. A. Aleksandrov) ~1905 Photo album. Oblong 8vo 24x18 cm, publisher’s Jugendstil decorated cloth. 26 leaves with photo eng... € 380.00
Leven en streven van L.R. K... Boissevain, Charles Leven en streven van L.R. Koolemans Beynen (meer info) Haarlem, H.D. Tjeenk Willink, 1880 first edition presentation copy € 120.00
An Account of the Expeditio... Filippi, Filippo de An Account of the Expedition of H.R.H. Prince Luigi Amedeo of Savoy (meer info) Archibald Constable and Co. Ltd, 1908 Prince Amadeo’s compliment slip with signature tipped-in. Loosely inserted is an interesting lette... € 990.00
Le "Français" au Pole Sud. ... Charcot, Jean Le "Français" au Pole Sud. Journal de l’Expedition Antarctique Français 1903-1905 (meer info) Paris Flammarion 1906, first edition Publisher's half calf with the original wrappers bound in, marbled endpapers. Very good clean copy. € 750.00
Reizen door verscheiden gew... Shaw, T. Reizen door verscheiden gewesten van Barbarye en de Levant (meer info) Amsterdam J. Loveringh, 1771-1774, first Dutch edition, 2 volumes Rare and apparently first edition by Loveringh, not to be confused with de more common Schoonhoven e... € 1400.00
The Heroine of the White Nile Wells, William The Heroine of the White Nile (meer info) Hunt & Eaton, New York 1871, first edition rare bio Alexandrine Tinne! € 500.00
Le Voyage du Capitaine Scot... (Ponting, Herbert) Le Voyage du Capitaine Scott au Pôle Sud / De reis van kapitein Scott naar de Zuidpool (meer info) Brussel, Vanden Bergh's Ltd (Unilever) ca. 1930 Rare collecting picture album. Oblong folio, wrappers with traces of use. Complete with 20 leaves wi... € 450.00
Map of Nova Zembla Veer, Gerrit de Map of Nova Zembla (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 200.00
Collision between the ships... Veer, Gerrit de Collision between the ships of Barentsz and Van Linschoten (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 120.00
Map Arrival of the 7 ships ... Veer, Gerrit de Map Arrival of the 7 ships at Nova zembla and Waygat (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 200.00
Samoyedic people Veer, Gerrit de Samoyedic people (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 80.00
Shooting a polar bear Veer, Gerrit de Shooting a polar bear (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 120.00
Two ships and a celestial p... Veer, Gerrit de Two ships and a celestial phenomenon (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 100.00
Two ships and a celestial p... Veer, Gerrit de Two ships and a celestial phenomenon (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 100.00
Two ships and a celestial p... Veer, Gerrit de Two ships and a celestial phenomenon (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 100.00
Fight with a polar bear Veer, Gerrit de Fight with a polar bear (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 120.00
Ship of Barentsz near Orang... Veer, Gerrit de Ship of Barentsz near Orange islands (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 140.00
Ship getting stuck in ice Veer, Gerrit de Ship getting stuck in ice (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 120.00
Ship stuck in ice Veer, Gerrit de Ship stuck in ice (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 120.00
Crew fighting with a polar ... Veer, Gerrit de Crew fighting with a polar bear (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 140.00
Behouden huys: building act... Veer, Gerrit de Behouden huys: building activity (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 120.00
Behouden huys: interior Veer, Gerrit de Behouden huys: interior (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 190.00
Attacked by polar bears nea... Veer, Gerrit de Attacked by polar bears near Behouden huys (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 70.00
Checking fox traps near Beh... Veer, Gerrit de Checking fox traps near Behouden huys (meer info) Venice, (G. B. Ciotti für) G. Porro u. Co 1599 first Italian edition (second imprint) Rare iconic engraving 1599 from the Italian edition of "Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagie... € 130.00

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