Alle boeken van Staberet uit Stadskanaal


Staberet heeft in totaal 18 boeken

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Pagina : 1

Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Collected Papers of Charles... Peirce, Charles Sanders Collected Papers of Charles Sanders / Principles of Philosophy and Elements of Logic (meer info) HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS 962pp, Gebonden. Als nieuw. Vol. I en II in één band. Ch. Hartshorne and Paul Weis editors. € 125.00
€ 7,25
Computer Applications in Mu... Davis, Dela S. Computer Applications in Music. A Bibliography (meer info) A-R Editions Inc. Madison, Wisconsin 1988. pp.XVII,537. Hardcover with dust jacket. New. € 15.00
€ 7,25
Computer Applications in Mu... Davis, Deta S. Computer Applications in Music. A Bibliography. Supplement 1 (meer info) Oxford University Press 1993. pp.XVI,597. Hardcover with dust jacket € 15.00
€ 7,25
Computer Applications in Mu... Davis, Deta S. Computer Applications in Music. A Bibliography. Supplement 1. (meer info) Oxford University Press 1993. pp.XVI,597. Hardcover with dust jacket. New. € 17.50
€ 7,25
Computers and Musical Style Cope, David Computers and Musical Style (meer info) Oxford University Press 1991, pp.XV,246, hardcover with dust jacket. New. € 70.00
€ 4,50
Cybernetic Serendipity. The... Reichardt, Jasia (editor) Cybernetic Serendipity. The Computer and the arts (meer info) 1968, Frederick A. Praeger Publishers Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, 1969. Brand new. Hard cover with dust jacket. 31x24,5 cm. 101p. RAR... € 200.00
€ 7,25
Das Schriftbild der Neuen M... Karkoschka, Erhard Das Schriftbild der Neuen Musik (meer info) Hermann Moeck Verlag, Celle 1966 1966, 185 pag., gebonden, uitstekende toestand, Bijlagen: 3 Tabellen. 30 x 23 cm, veel afbeeldingen € 60.00
€ 7,25
Exaktwissenschaftliche Musi... Fucks, Wilhelm, Josef Lauter Exaktwissenschaftliche Musikanalyse (meer info) Westdeutscher Verlag, Köln und Opladen 1965. pp.59. Neu. Paperback € 35.00
€ 3,92
Hören und Verstehen. Theori... Rauhe, Hermann, Hans-Peter Reinecke und Wilfried Ribke Hören und Verstehen. Theorie und Praxis handlungsorientierten Musikunterrichts Kösel-Verlag München 1975. Paperback. Brand new. 247p. € 145.00
€ 4,50
Komposition im 20. Jahrhundert Gieseler, Walter Komposition im 20. Jahrhundert (meer info) Moeck Verlag, Celle 1975, 282 pagina's, gebonden, formaat 23 x 30 cm, als nieuw, met vele afbeeldingen. € 65.00
€ 7,25
Les Mathématiques et la Mus... Fokker, A.D. Les Mathématiques et la Musique. Trois Conférences pas Prof. Dr. A.A. Fokker (meer info) Martinus Nijhoff, 's-Gravenhage 1947. pp.32, Brochure. € 15.00
€ 3,92
Linguistics and Semiotics i... Monelle, Raymond Linguistics and Semiotics in Music (meer info) Harwood Academic Publishers 1992. Paperback. Perfect condition. Brand new. 349p. € 125.00
€ 4,50
Musiques formelles. Nouveau... Xenakis, Iannis Musiques formelles. Nouveau principes formels de composition musicale La Revue Musicale, Paris. Editions Richard-Masse 1963, double numéro spécial 253 et 254. First edtion. Very good, but pencil marks on a few pages, ... € 200.00 Staberet
Recherches Musicales. Théor... Fokker, A.D., Jan van Dijk, B.J.A. Pels Recherches Musicales. Théoriques et Pratiques (meer info) Martinus Nijhoff, Den Haag 1951. pp. 56.Softcover. Very good. Extrait du Tome X Archives de musée Teyler pp.133-184. € 20.00
€ 3,92
Recherches Musicales. Théor... Fokker, A.D., Jan van Dijk, B.J.A. Pels Recherches Musicales. Théoriques et Pratiques (meer info) Martinus Nijhoff, Den Haag 1951. pp. 56.Softcover. Perfect. Extrait du Tome X Archives de musée Teyler pp.133-184. € 25.00
€ 3,92
Rhythmic Structure of Music Cooper,Grosvenor and Leonard B. Meyer Rhythmic Structure of Music University of Chicago Press 1963. Good. ix,212p, paperback, paperbound € 90.00 Staberet
Writings on the General The... Morris, Charles Writings on the General Theory of Signs (meer info) Mouton, The Hague - Paris 1971. Hardcover with dust jacket. Very good, 486p. € 80.00
€ 4,50
Zeichen und Design. Semioti... Bense, Max Zeichen und Design. Semiotische Ästhetik Agis-Verlag Baden-Baden 1971. Internationale Reihe Kybernetik und Information, Band 5. Paper covered. Good 123p. € 150.00
€ 3,92

Pagina : 1