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Ruedemann, R. - The Utica and Lorraine formations of New York.

Titel: The Utica and Lorraine formations of New York. Part I. Stratigraphy, Part 2. Systematic paleontology, No. 1. Plants, sponges, corals, graptolites, crinoids, worms, bryozoans, brachiopods, No. 2. Mollusks, Crustaceans and Eurypterids. [in 3 vols.].
Bijzonderheden: 1925-26. New York State Museum Bulletin No. 258, 262 & 272; 175+171+227 pp., 10+64+26 fig., 7+13+28 plts. Orig. wrps., two volumes with libr. stamp, contents very good.
Prijs: € 80,00 (Excl. verzendkosten)

Lingua Terrae Books


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