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Daikichi Amano - Human Nature

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Afbeelding: Daikichi Amano - Human Nature
Schrijver: Daikichi Amano
Titel: Human Nature
ISBN: 9783940907097
Uitgever: Bongout
Bijzonderheid: 2010, 132pp, Gebonden
Prijs: € 325,00
Meer info 30,5 x 23 cm

In his photographs, Daikichi Amano (b.1973 in Japan), enfant terrible of Hokusai, does not shun even the most impossible types of embraces. Amano pursues this photographic enquiry into the bizarre realms of erotic imagination with an obsessive and perfectionist eye for detail, inspired by the Dutch still-lives painters as well as Japanese mythology and the great Ukiyo-E woodcut masters of the Edo period and in particular the erotic Shunga prints.
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