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Christopher Cerasi - Fandex Deluxe: Star Wars

De vraag gaat over de volgende titel:

Afbeelding: Christopher Cerasi - Fandex Deluxe: Star Wars
Schrijver: Christopher Cerasi
Titel: Fandex Deluxe: Star Wars
ISBN: 9780761152309
Uitgever: Workman Publishing
Bijzonderheid: 2008, paperback in case, good copy
Prijs: € 11,95
€ 4,20
Meer info Star Wars Fandex Deluxe is authorized by and written in collaboration with Lucasfilm. It includes 75 die-cut cards of characters, starships, droids, gadgets, and more. The text is packed with information. Get to know the other Jedi Knights, the difference between a clone trooper and a storm trooper, the architects of the Death Star, the secret of Darth Vaders paternal lineage, why there can be only two Sith Lords at any given time, and more.
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