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Baldwin, Ann - Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists / Experimental Techniques for Composition, Layering, Texture, Imagery, and Encaustic

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Afbeelding: Baldwin, Ann - Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists / Experimental Techniques for Composition, Layering, Texture, Imagery, and Encaustic
Schrijver: Baldwin, Ann
Titel: Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists / Experimental Techniques for Composition, Layering, Texture, Imagery, and Encaustic
ISBN: 9781592534562
Uitgever: Quarry Books/ Quayside Publising Group
Bijzonderheid: 2009, 144pp
Prijs: € 8,05
€ 7,70
Meer info Hard coverboek met spiraal. A workshop-style book, oriented to the wide community of crafters and artists including those interested in paint, surface design, mixed media, and collage, which explores a wide variety of innovative and experimental paint techniques. Chapters cover composition, abstraction, texture, layering, using found objects, encaustic, integrating text, and adding digital imagery. 24/29 cm/
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Boekenbalkon uit Aerdenhout


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