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Brealey, Richard A., Myers, Stewart C. en Marcus Alan J. - Fundamentals of corporate finance (5 foto's)

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Afbeelding: Brealey, Richard A., Myers, Stewart C. en Marcus Alan J. - Fundamentals of corporate finance (5 foto's)
Schrijver: Brealey, Richard A., Myers, Stewart C. en Marcus Alan J.
Titel: Fundamentals of corporate finance (5 foto's)
ISBN: 9780071215589
Uitgever: Mc Graw Hill
Bijzonderheid: Redelijk. Softcover. 2004. 736 blz. Engelstalig. Kaft vertoont kastsporen, diverse blz lichte waterschade, op enkele blz worden zinnen omcirkeld en onderstreept.
Prijs: € 14,90
€ 7,25
Meer info Fundamentals of corporate finance, by richard a. Brealey, stewart c. Myers and alan j. Marcus, has been applauded for its modern approach and interesting examples. Professors praise the authors' well-organized and thoughtful writing style and their clear exposition of what many students consider difficult material. The authors accomplish this without sacrificing an up-to-date, technically correct treatment of core topic areas. Since this author team is known for their outstanding research, teaching efforts, and market-leading finance textbooks, it's no surprise that they have created an innovative and market-driven revision that is more student friendly than ever. Every chapter has been reviewed and revised to reflect the current environment in corporate finance.
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