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Millspaugh, Charles F. - AMERICAN MEDICINAL PLANTS - An illustrated and descriptive guide to plants indigenous to and naturalized in the United States which are used in medicine

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Afbeelding: Millspaugh, Charles F. - AMERICAN MEDICINAL PLANTS - An illustrated and descriptive guide to plants indigenous to and naturalized in the United States which are used in medicine
Schrijver: Millspaugh, Charles F.
Titel: AMERICAN MEDICINAL PLANTS - An illustrated and descriptive guide to plants indigenous to and naturalized in the United States which are used in medicine
Uitgever: Dover (1974)
Bijzonderheid: 806 pp., dikke paperback, goed, maar vouw in voorkaft
Prijs: € 9,00
Meer info One-volume unabridged republication of the work as published by John C. Yorston & Company, in two volumes in 1892, under the title Medical Plants
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