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Hinton, Chris, Hite, John - Fascist Italy
De vraag gaat over de volgende titel:
Afbeelding: | |
Schrijver: | Hinton, Chris, Hite, John |
Titel: | Fascist Italy |
ISBN: | 9780719573415 |
Uitgever: | Hodder Education |
Bijzonderheid: | Nieuw exemplaar 2019, softcover, 274pp, afb. in zw-w, 27.5x22cm |
Prijs: | € 12,50 |
Meer info | This title is a comprehensive core text covering the rise and fall of Mussolini and the Fascist Party in Italy from 1900 to 1945. Major themes include: - How Mussolini rose to power and how he secured his regime - How successful Mussolini was in creating a nation of fascists - The impact of Mussolini's foreign policy. |
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